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 11A 台灣建州運動......具有代表性的論述與文章,供鄉親參考。
       01 老共、老K與老中把開羅公報當聖經
       02 Cheng Fu Sheng v. Rogers一案佐證...「中華民國對台灣沒有擁有主權…」
       04 華府的「一中政策」(「我們美國的一個中國政策」)的內涵
       05 什麼是「美國定義下的台海現狀」?美國如何維持「‧‧‧動態式的台海現狀」?
       06 ‧‧‧指出...「台灣」是被「(美國與)台灣關係法」所擬制與創設的自治實體...

       07 英國政府關於「開羅公報不具法律拘束力」的權威解釋

 11B 張貼若干其他類項的文章,...「台灣建州老祖」---19世紀的美國海軍准將白理(Commodore Matthew C. Perry)。
       01 拜訪Commodore Matthew C. Perry (美國海軍准將白理)在紐約故居
       02 美國海軍准將白理傳記中與福爾摩沙有關的部分
       03 在長山老先生在美國政府某單位擔任公職時 ,美國國務院官員發出的兩封信
       04 "The People on Taiwan" 與"The People of Taiwan"不同嗎? ‧‧‧
       05 台灣關係法(TRA)的「台灣機構」(Taiwan Instrumentality, TI)指的是什麼?
       06 [古事今看] George Washington的法眼可以一眼看透政治神棍Aaron Burr
       07 台灣人的「喬治亞教訓」

       08 19550504英國外交次相就「福爾摩沙與澎湖群島」的國際法律地位所做的解釋與聲明



11A 台灣建州運動從創立那一年(1994)起,就開始發表一些理論、聲明與說帖,也陸續地、不斷地就各種議題、時事發表論述、政策與評論。二十年來,我們已經發表了為數甚多的文章與論述,特別是在網際網路及政論平臺興起之後。我們現在挑選一些比較具有代表性的論述與文章,放在「重要論述欄」,供鄉親參考。


有興趣閱讀更多論述與文章的鄉親與朋友,可以使用網路的搜索引擎(如google搜索引擎),鍵入「台灣建州運動」、「周威霖」、"Formosa Statehood Movement"、"David C. Chou",就會跑出很多有關的訊息。早期有很多訊息被放在「外獨網的庫存」中,近幾年的訊息則在「台灣建州運動漢文與英文臉書網頁」中被保留得比較完整,歡迎大家前往訪問與閱讀。



老共、老K與老中過去一直提「開羅公報」(Cairo Communique),今後顯然會想到就提



[提示: 對台灣懷有領土野心的老共、老K與老中向來都把「開羅公報」當聖經,他們總是說,「從『開羅公報』出現那天起,台灣就已經屬於中國了」,這真是一派胡言,有的更誇張,甚至說,「從中國對日宣戰之日起,台灣就已經屬於中國了」。當然,還有更誇張的與大言不慚的說法,那就是「台灣自古就屬於中國」,換句話說,從盤古開天、中國人的遠祖還在茹毛飲血時,就已經知道台灣的存在且已經視台灣為其領土了。老共、老K與老中的國際法學者都不斷宣稱「台灣屬於中國」,而其依據是「開羅公報」。他們胡言亂語,看起來,言之成理,但其實都似是而非。而在台灣這一頭,起來反駁或反制的人士中有些人的論辯也不怎麼高明,實在遺憾,雖然他們用心良苦,勇氣可嘉。本文的發表旨在彌補他們的論述的缺失。]















國民黨中國與在台中國人為了建立他們統治台灣的正當性與合法性他們炮製了一個「老三段論」,他們這樣瞎掰: 「中國八年抗戰,打敗了日本,光復了台灣」。


但國民黨中國與在台中國人的「老三段論」悖離史實,所以建州運動提出了一個符合史實的「新三段論」,我們說: 「日本攻擊美國的領地夏威夷,美國對日宣戰,打敗了日本,解放了包括台灣與澎湖在內所有日本統治或佔領的領土」。


























台裔的美國亞洲安全事務專家簡淑賢女士在她為美國「國會研究處」撰寫的一份報告(Shirley A. Kan & Wayne M. Morrison: U.S.-Taiwan Relationship: Overview of Policy, 9/11/2013增修版)中這麼寫:


"Previously called Formosa, Taiwan never has been ruled by the CPC or as a part of the PRC, and until 1945, had never been ruled by the ROC. In Taiwan after World War II, October 25, 1945, or “Retrocession Day,” marked the ROC’s claim of “recovering” Formosa from Japan."




答案是: 她質疑甚至否定中國人與在台中國人的史觀與認知,中國人與在台中國人一向大言不慚地使用「光復」(recovering)與「光復節」(Retrocession Day)這兩個詞,但簡淑賢在這兩個詞上頭加上引號,以表示她的不認同與不以為然,簡淑賢的訊息當然會產生影響。







從「開羅公報」(Cairo Communique,即所謂的「開羅宣言」(Cairo Declaration))出現開始,國民黨中國就開始宣稱「台灣與澎湖已經歸還」,中國國民黨中國宣稱「開羅公報具有法律拘束力」。













「台灣關係法」立法記錄中參院的報告明白指出: "The [Carter] Administration has stated that it recognizes the People’s Republic of China (PRC) as the sole legal government of China. It has also acknowledged the Chinese position that Taiwan is a part of China, but the United States has not itself agreed to this position. The bill submitted by the Administration takes no position on the status of Taiwan under international law, but does regard Taiwan as a country for purposes of U.S. domestic laws. The bill assumes that any benefits to be conferred on Taiwan by statute may be conferred without regard to Taiwan’s international legal identity. The legal scholars consulted by the Committee [on Foreign Relations] agreed with this view. Most of these scholars thought it would be unwise to try to define Taiwan’s international status."


在另外一處,參院的報告就台灣法律地位未定一事說得更清楚: "China, defeated by Japan in the Sino-Japanese War of 1895, relinquished sovereignty over Taiwan to Japan. Japan formally relinquished its sovereignty over Taiwan in connection with the United States-Japan Peace Treaty of 1951, but the treaty did not specify to whom sovereignty was relinquished. Thus the sovereignty status of Taiwan was left unclear. 所以,我們台灣人與台美人可以很有把握及很有信心地大聲說: 所謂「所謂台灣地位未定論扯太遠」的馬氏謬論才是真的扯太遠,你馬英九算老幾,你敢面對美國參議院的報告嗎?



我們在前面說: 美英兩國政府在「開羅公報」中所做的戰時政治性承諾沒有法律拘束力,「開羅公報」已被「聯合國憲章」所取代,台灣主權的歸屬必須依據「聯合國憲章」的原則來解決,「開羅公報」中關於台灣的安排應以「舊金山和約」為準,是條約而非聲明才能對領土進行處分。




"The Cairo Declaration -----like other wartime declarations such as those of Yalta and Potsdam, was in the opinion of the United States Government subject to any final peace settlement where all relevant factors should be considered. ------- Also the United States believes that declarations such as that issued at Cairo must necessarily be considered in the light of the United Nations Charter, the obligations of which prevail over any other international agreement." (U.S. government aide memoire on the Cairo Declaration, in Documents on International Affairs, 1949-1950, pp. 622-23)


"[The Cairo Declaration] contained merely a statement of common purpose." (by Winston Churchill, 536 Parl. Deb., H.C. (5th ser.) 901 (1955), p. 635 n. 133)


"The future of Formosa was referred to in the Cairo Declaration ------- In due course a solution [to the Formosa problem] must be found, in accord with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations. (Conference for the Conclusion and Signature of the Treaty of Peace with Japan: Record of Proceedings (Dept. of State Pub. 4392, 1951, at 93))



David C. Chou

Founder, Formosa Statehood Movement

(an organization devoted in current stage to making Taiwan a territorial commonwealth of the United States)




如果您會上網,並會使用搜索引擎,您一定可以找到「開羅公報」原件的microfilm,因此您就有機會看到該檔長得什麼樣子,也可以 知道它的內容。


我們從往該檔可以得知: 那個文件叫Communique,不叫Declaration,也不叫Press Release。若曾稱該文件為Press Release (新聞公報),顯然是誤解或以訛傳訛。建州派過去有一陣子也跟著許多台派人士使用「開羅新聞公報」這個稱謂,這是從俗從眾,但其實這個稱謂是不妥的,我們現在要勇敢且正式地把這個錯誤糾正過來。


我們之所以能勇敢地糾正錯誤,是受到台美人鄭英松博士的鼓勵與啟發,身為獨派的鄭博士於11/16/2013 在「大洛杉磯地區台灣會館」舉辦一場演講,講題是「被誤解的開羅公報」。鄭教授做學問十分紮實,講的內容十分精闢,我獲益良多,在他講完後,我被他邀請說幾句話時,對他讚不絕口,無法做任何批評。


鄭博士除了指出在台灣有人把Cairo Communique誤稱為Cairo Press Release之外,又指出有人認為「當時幾個開羅會議的當事人沒有在該檔簽字,所以該檔根本不存在而且無效」的說法其實是無關緊要的、瑣碎的(trivial)。




我在台灣時,沒有對沈建德的說法提出批評或表示不贊同,是基於政治考量: (1)建州派決定要與獨派的朋友合作,共推「台灣領地方案」,因此沒有必要在一些無關緊要的枝節問題或小議題上節外生枝,沈建德的說法已被許多台派接受(台派要否定Cairo Communique,所以接受沈的說法,他們認為沈的說法可以技術性擊倒Cairo Communique或從根本否定它),建州派若挑戰沈的說法,恐怕會傷很多台派的感情,導致他們情緒性反彈,不願與建州派合作,基於此項考慮,我們決定ignore沈的說法,不去動它,(2)我在台灣時,所謂的”TCG”那個「謊言小王國」還沒倒,建州派因此還不宜去碰觸沈先生的statement,以免讓自己兩面受敵且無謂地得罪那些接受與相信沈的說法的可愛鄉親們(有必要指出,沈先生及接受與相信沈的說法的可愛鄉親們的動機是純正的)。




我選擇在鄭教授請我發言時說,我說「開羅公報沒有被當事人簽署因而無效」這種說法是irrelevant and inefficient arguments,因為Potsdam Proclamation表示”The terms of the Cairo Declaration shall be carried out”,換句話說,即使Cairo Communique沒有被當事人簽名,也屬無關緊要,既然Potsdam Proclamation說”The terms of the Cairo Declaration shall be carried out”,那麼沈的說法顯係無效的論辯。


我又繼續說: 我們台灣人最高明的arguments是: (1)借用英國與美國政府事後否定「Cairo Communique有法律拘束力」的statement,特別是Winston Churchill首相的發言,這種argument最有效,(2)借用英國與美國政府事後的發言,那些發言指出,Cairo Communique與PotsdamProclamation都已被「聯合國憲章」吸收或取代,今後要解決台灣問題,必須依照「聯合國憲章」的原則來解決。






我在網路上抓下一個有關Cairo Communique的資料,請大家參考。鄉親們如果有興趣,自己也可使用搜索引擎,鍵入”Cairo Communique”,就會跑出一堆條目,其中有的會提供以microfilm複製與保留下來的Cairo Communique檔。


Actual Title of Source: [Cairo Communique]

Date: December 1, 1943

Document Number: Records of the Department of State Relating to World War II, 1939-1945 "740.0011 EUROPEAN WAR 1939/32623"

<SDW-1, Roll No. 179>

Repository (reproduction): National Diet Library

Repository U.S. National Archives & Records Administration (RG59)

Note: Microfilm

我們現在把Cairo Communique的全文張貼出來:


Department of State


December 3, 1943

Division of Communications and Records







The following communique is for automatic release at 7:30 P.M., E.W.T., on Wednesday, December 1, 1943.

Extraordinary precautions must be taken to hold this communication absolutely confidential and secret until the hour set for automatic release.

No intimation can be given its contents nor shall its contents be the subject of speculation or discussion on the part of anybody receiving it, prior to the hour of release.

Radio commentators and news broadcasters are particularly cautioned not to make the communication the subject of speculation before the hour of release for publication.


Secretary to the President

President Roosevelt, Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek and Prime Minister Churchill, together with their respective military and diplomatic advisers, have completed a conference in North Africa.

The following general statement was issued:

"The several military missions have agreed upon future military operations against Japan. The Three Great Allies expressed their resolve to bring unrelenting pressure against their brutal enemies by sea, land, and air. This pressure is already rising.

"The Three Great Allies are fighting this war to restrain and punish the aggression of Japan. They covet no gain for themselves and have no thought of territorial expansion. It is their purpose that Japan shall be stripped of all the islands in the Pacific which she has seized or occupied since the beginning of the first World War in 1914, and that all the territories Japan has stolen from the Chinese, such as Manchuria, Formosa, and The Pescadores, shall be restored to the Republic of China. Japan will also be expelled from all other territories which she has taken by violence and greed. The aforesaid three great powers, mindful of the enslavement of the people of Korea, are determined that in due course Korea shall become free and independent.

"With these objects in view the three Allies, in harmony with those of the United Nations at war with Japan, will continue to persevere in the serious and prolonged operations necessary to procure the unconditional surrender of Japan."


這個文件的確說: “It is their purpose that Japan----------, and that all the territories Japan has stolen from the Chinese, such as Manchuria, Formosa, and The Pescadores, shall be restored to the Republic of China.” 再加上7/26/1945的Potsdam Declaration 又說: “We-the President of the United States, the President of the National Government of the Republic of China, and the Prime Minister of Great Britain, representing the hundreds of millions of our countrymen, have conferred and agree that Japan shall be given an opportunity to end this war. ---------8. The terms of the Cairo Declaration shall be carried out and Japanese sovereignty shall be limited to the islands of Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku and such minor islands as we determine. “ 所以,一些台灣鄉親去否定Cairo Communique的存在是a fool's errand,雖然他們的動機與做法我們必須加以尊重與理解。


不過,老共、老K與老中別高興,因為不管Cairo Communique準備將來怎麼處理台灣,以後事態的演變卻讓整個局面對他們做了極為不利的翻轉,最值得一提的是,中國加入韓戰,從美國的盟國變成敵國,這是情勢變遷,美國有權不再履行過去的承諾,更何況現在中國還要與美國爭霸,要把美國勢力逐出亞太,要否定美國一手打造的「舊金山和約系統」與戰後美國所建立的Pax Americana (大美和平,自由國際秩序),所以美國更不可能把台灣交給中國,或不顧「聯合國憲章」所載的「人民自決原則」,而讓出臺灣或犧牲台灣人民的利益與福祉。






京華時報: 「[中國]外交部發言人連發3問駁安倍: 開羅宣言散算不算數?」



京華時報訊 (記者商西)“《開羅宣言》和《波茨坦公告》還算不算數?世界反法西斯戰爭勝利的成果以及二戰後的國際秩序還要不要堅持?聯合國憲章的宗旨和原則還要不要遵守?”外交部發言人秦剛昨天就釣魚島問題對日連發三問。






“ 我也注意到,日方好像要特別強調國際法準則,那麼我們想問問,在釣魚島問題上,《開羅宣言》和《波茨坦公告》還算不算數?世界反法西斯戰爭勝利的成果以及二戰後的國際秩序還要不要堅持?聯合國憲章的宗旨和原則還要不要遵守? ” 秦剛表示,希望其他有關各方都能夠與中方共同努力,維護本地區的和平與穩定。


日本首相安倍晉三 17 日和老撾總理舉行會談後接受記者採訪時表示,為使亞洲的海洋自由開放、和平安定,東盟是日本重要的夥伴。有分析指出,安倍上任一年內遍訪東盟十國,意在加強與東盟的合作,對抗中國在該地區的影響力,也有意在南海問題上聯手東盟,共同牽制中國的海上活動。


此外,日本經濟協會代表團昨日抵達北京開啟訪華之旅。代表團由豐田汽車名譽董事長張富士夫擔任團長,由大型企業高層等 1 00 多人組成,是近兩年來日本首次派出超過百人的大型訪華團。

( 原標題:外交部發言人連發三問駁安倍 )









中國時報 ,徐宗懋 2013年11月21日



















































一九四三年十二月﹐中美英三國政府發表的《開羅宣言》規定﹐日本應將所竊取於中國的包括東北﹑台灣﹑澎湖列島等在內的土﹐ 歸還中國。


一九四五年﹐中美英三國共同簽署﹑後來又有蘇聯參加的《波茨坦公告》規定﹕ “開羅宣言之條件必將實施。”






一九四九年十月一日﹐中華人民共和國中央人民政府 宣告成立﹐取代中華民國政府成為全中國的唯一合法政府和在國際上的唯一合法代表﹐中華民國從此結束了它的歷史地位。




一個中國原則的產生和基本涵義。------------盡管一九五○年一月五日美國總統杜魯門發表聲明﹐表示美國及其他盟國承認一九四五年以來的四年中國對台灣島行使主權﹐但是同年六月朝鮮戰爭爆發後﹐美國政府為了孤立﹑遏制中國﹐不僅派軍隊侵佔台灣﹐而且拋出“台灣地位未定”等謬論﹐以後又逐步在國際社會策動“ 雙重承認”﹐企圖製造“兩個中國”。------------一九七二年九月﹐中日兩國簽署聯合聲明﹐宣佈建立外交關系﹐日本承認中華人民共和國政府是中國的唯一合法政府﹐充分理解和尊重中國政府關於台灣是中華人民共和國領土不可分割的一部分的立場﹐並且堅持遵循《波茨坦公告》第八條規定的立場。一九七八年十二月﹐中美發表建交公報﹐美國“承認中華人民共和國政府是中國的唯一合法政府”﹔“承認中國的立場﹐即只有一個中國﹐台灣是中國的一部分”。------------






(1)北京、老共與中國人從韓戰開始,就企圖以戰爭的方式來挑戰美國的領導權或主導權,在以SFPT System為基石的戰後世界秩序出現後,老共就不承認「舊金山和約」,要推翻這個系統所構築的「大美和平」(Pax Americana),現在他們要求美國兌現「Cairo Communique的承諾」的發言的頻率不斷增加,調子也不斷拉高 ,讓許多台灣人、美國人及東亞各國人民聽起來很刺耳,因而不能不提高警惕。






台灣的歸屬或前途極可能要等到中國對美國的領導權、SFPT System或Pax Americana的挑戰失敗之後才能解決,但在這之前,台灣人除了自立自強、要擁有基本的武裝力量之外,也要確保台灣、美國、日本的準同盟關係,並進一步尋求「加入美國」的機會,否則台灣極可能亡於中國之手。



David C. Chou

Founder, The Formosa Statehood Movement

(an organization devoted in current stage to making Taiwan a territorial commonwealth of the United States)

11A-02以Cheng Fu Sheng v. Rogers一案來佐證「台灣建州運動」一項命題與基本認知: 「中華民國對台灣沒有擁有主權,僅擁有施政權」



[提示: 我們今天發表這篇文章,部分的目的是要釐清「台灣建州運動」與在「台灣關係法」中已不被承認、但至今實際仍存在於台灣且實際還在台灣運作的「中華民國」、「中華民國政府」之間的關係,而其主要的目的是要正告任何政黨所組建的「在台灣的治理當局」[包括它的司法與行政機關,特別是情報機構、特工機構、員警機構、檢察機構、法院系統、調查機構--------等等): 即便你是透過大選、擁有民意基礎的政黨所組建的政府,你對台灣與澎湖也僅有施政權或治權,而沒有主權,因而不得以任何方式或途徑,對介入台灣前途的解決的「台灣建州運動」的主張、提案、組織、行動、領導層、工作者與支持者加以禁止、阻撓、騷擾、分化、滲透、威脅、恐嚇、破壞或迫害。倘若有上述情事發生,我們一定會將此等情事反映到華府,以便讓華府來協助追究加害者及其上司的罪責,絕不縱容與寬貸。]





為了啟動連署行動,我們必須從事許多前置作業或配套工作,包括建立各種電子平臺與網絡,為了建立好各種電子平臺與網絡,我們就必須把過去所建立與撰寫的核心理論與論述重新檢視與整理一遍,若有修正或增補的必要,則必須趁現在加以修正或增補,必要時,還必須撰述新文,以便讓那些核心理論與論述更加完備或完整。我們今天發表「以Cheng Fu Sheng v. Rogers一案來佐證『台灣建州運動』一項命題與基本認知: 『中華民國對台灣沒有擁有主權,僅擁有施政權』」一文,即是這項努力或工作的項目之一。







//杜魯門政府鑒於共黨勢力猖獗、蔣介石有反共的決心、蔣介石比較可能對台灣加以有效的控制、美國共和黨內及軍方有支持蔣的強大呼聲,也為 了建立及鞏固美國西太平洋第一島鏈的防衛線,只好放下對威權顢頇的蔣介石夫婦以及對貪腐的國民黨的不滿,最後放棄了「排除蔣介石對台灣的控制」的選項,牽就國際政治現實與顧及美國的國家利益,開始對流亡於台灣的蔣介石統治集團加以扶持,對蔣介石所控制的台灣開始進行援助,特別是在軍事與經濟兩方面,杜魯門政府透過種種實際的作為,無形中給予蔣介石在台灣重建的「中華民國政府」對台澎的施政權,雖然它沒有給予蔣在台灣重建的「中華民國」對台澎的主權。//




//美國政府於此時開始採取國際政治與國際法切割、施政權與主權議題分開處理的方式,來處理台灣問題,以便兼顧國際政治 現實、美國的國家利益與國際法,換言之,美國政府在擱置窒礙難決的台灣主權歸屬問題之同時,為了照顧美國的國家利益及台灣人民的利益,美國政府拒絕在法律上接受「中華民國政府」對台澎的主權主張,但又在事實上給予「中華民國政府」對台灣的施政權,此即「委任統治權」,這種兼顧國際政治與國際法律、兼顧現實與法理、兼顧利益與理想的處理方式,在艾森豪政府時代完全確立。//


//1970年,在第91屆美國國會第二會期,在參議院外交委員會美國安全協議和對外承諾小組委員會所舉辦的一項聽證中的證詞,最能說明及指明美國所持的「台灣法律地位未定」的立場以及美國給予統治台灣的「中華民國政府」對台灣的施政權:「由於台澎沒有被任何現存的國際處分所包含,因此台澎主權是一項有待未來國際解決 的未決問題,.............美國承認中華民國做為對台澎的合法佔領國,並對台澎行使管轄權」(原文是: "As Taiwan and the Pescadores are not covered by any existing international disposition, sovereignty over the area is an unsettled question subject to future international resolution.......... The United States recognized the Government of the Republic of China as legitimately occupying and exercising jurisdiction over Taiwan and the Pescadores.")。//




//把「主權」與「施政權」分開處理,才能正確掌握及解釋美國的對台政策、美國在台灣事務上的實踐、與複雜萬端的台海國際政治現象。「台灣建州運動」首先將此加以指出與闡明,並成為構築「台灣建州運動」 的理論體系的一個重要環節。(「台灣建州運動」不完全建築在這個理論或論述上,我們認為,不管台灣的法律地位是什麼,台灣均可向美國國會提出「加入美國」之申請。)//



我們今天準備引用在1950年代美國聯邦法院系統的一個案件來佐證「台灣建州運動」的一項命題與基本認知: 「中華民國對台灣沒有擁有主權,僅擁有施政權」。


這個案子是Cheng Fu Sheng v. Rogers, 177 F. Supp. 281 (D.D.C. 1959),它由U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia (華盛頓哥倫比亞特區聯邦地區法院)審理,法院在October 6, 1959下達判決。由於被告(美國司法部長)敗訴,所以向華盛頓哥倫比亞特區聯邦上訴法院提起上訴,案名為Rogers v. Cheng Fu Sheng, 280 F. 2d 663 (D.C. Cir. 1960),這個法院推翻了地區法院的判決。


這個案子的事實不重要,所以我們不擬敘述或交代。我們認為這個案子重要的部分是: 華盛頓哥倫比亞特區聯邦地區法院對福爾摩沙的法律地位[Formosa是否為China或Republic of China的一部分]的觀點或看法[即是法院對該案的issue的看法]。引用法院的判決主文中的文字是這樣的:


"Since the plaintiffs are natives and citizens of China, their deportation may properly be effected to China. The question then arises whether Formosa is part of China."


為了要解決「Formosa是否為China或Republic of China的一部分」的問題,法院接著說: 這個問題是政治問題,法院必須根據美國政府的行政與立法部門的決定來進行裁決,也就是說,在這個問題上,法院必須遵循總統與國務院國務卿的說法。("It is fundamental that such questions as whether a foreign country or a foreign government should be formally recognized; whether a particular nation has sovereignty over a specified area; and what are the boundaries of a foreign country, are problems that are not to be solved by the courts, but are political matters that are to be decided by the executive and legislative departments of the Government. On such topics the President and the Secretary of State speak for the United States, and the courts are obligated to follow their pronouncements.")



法院採用了兩個國務院的檔其中一個檔指出: "Since September 1945 the United States and the other Allied Powers have accepted the exercise of Chinese authority over the island."[自1945年9月(註: 應是十月)以來,美國與其他盟國已接受中國在台灣行使施政權。]




法院所採用的一個檔則指出: Since September 1945 the United States and the other Allied Powers have accepted the exercise of Chinese authority over the island. In article 2 of the Japanese Peace Treaty, which entered into force April 28, 1952, Japan renounced all `right, title and claim' to Formosa. Neither this agreement nor any other agreement thereafter has purported to transfer the sovereignty of Formosa to China." [自1945年9月(註: 應是十月)以來,美國與其他盟國已接受中國在福爾摩沙行使施政權。「舊金山和約」與其後的任何其他條約都不曾表明福爾摩沙的主權已被轉移給中國。]





"From the foregoing official pronouncements of the Department of State, it appears that -------; that the Government of the Republic of China exercises authority over the island; the sovereignty of Formosa has not been transferred to China; and that Formosa is not a part of China as a country, at least not as yet, and not until and unless appropriate treaties are hereafter entered into. Formosa may be said to be a territory or an area occupied and administered by the Government of the Republic of China, but is not officially recognized as being a part of the Republic of China. Expressions of the State Department are drawn with care and circumspection to refrain from such recognition." [這一段的要旨是:





[註: 美國哥倫比亞特區聯邦巡迴上訴法院在判決主文中寫下這一段文字,係根據做為呈堂證供的美國國務院所釋出或發表的官方檔,不是憑空杜撰的。]



從Cheng Fu Sheng v. Rogers (District of Columbia Circuit Court, 177 F. Supp. 281 (D.D.C., 1959))一案,我們可以看到美國聯邦法院明確地描述了美國國務院對福爾摩沙與「中華民國」的立場與觀點---「中華民國對台灣沒有擁有主權,僅擁有施政權」。這雖是1959年間的事,但美國國務院這個立場至今基本上並沒有改變。我們也可以從這個案子的判決主文看出,「台灣與澎湖的主權在美國政府的政治監護之中」一文的論證與論述是正確的。



David C. Chou

Founder,Formosa Statehood Movement

(an organization calling for incorporation of Taiwan into the American Union as a territorial commonwealth, leading to statehood)



Cheng Fu Sheng v. Rogers, 177 F. Supp. 281 (D.D.C. 1959)

[CHENG FU SHENG and Lin Fu Mei兩名中國人控美國司法部長William P. Rogers案]

U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia - 177 F. Supp. 281 (D.D.C. 1959)

October 6, 1959

177 F. Supp. 281 (1959)

CHENG FU SHENG and Lin Fu Mei, Plaintiffs,


William P. ROGERS, Attorney General of the United States, Defendant.

No. 2580-59.

United States District Court District of Columbia.

October 6, 1959.

Jack Wasserman and David Carliner, Washington, D. C., for plaintiffs.

Oliver Gasch, U. S. Atty., and Ellen Lee Park, Asst. U. S. Atty., Washington, D. C., for defendant.

HOLTZOFF, District Judge.

The principal question presented for decision in this case is whether an alien who is deportable to China may be deported to Formosa. This is an action against the Attorney General for a declaratory judgment, which would adjudicate that the plaintiffs, who are natives and citizens of China and whose deportation has been ordered, may not be deported to Formosa. The matter comes before this Court on cross-motions for summary judgment. There are no material *282 issues of fact and only questions of law are involved.

The plaintiffs are natives and citizens of China, who entered the United States in 1952 to receive military training with the United States Air Force. They completed their studies but failed to depart from this country. Deportation proceedings were thereupon brought against them by the Immigration and Naturalization Service of the Department of Justice, and eventuated in warrants directing the deportation of the plaintiffs "pursuant to law". It has been stipulated that the Government intends to execute the warrants by deporting them to Formosa, in view of the fact that deportation to the mainland of China is impossible due to its occupation by the Communist regime. The plaintiffs thereupon instituted this action against the Attorney General for a declaratory judgment adjudicating that their deportation to Formosa would be contrary to law.

The places to which an alien may be deported are expressly and specifically defined by statute. The provisions now in effect are contained in the Act of June 27, 1952, and are found in Section 1253 of Title 8 of the U.S.Code Annotated. This enactment enumerates eight possibilities as places of deportation. Each possibility, however, is expressly stated to be a country. Among them is the country from which the alien last entered the United States; the country in which is located the foreign port at which he embarked for the United States; the country in which he was born; the country in which his place of birth is situated when deportation is ordered; any country in which he resided prior to entering the country from which he entered the United States; or the country which had sovereignty over his birthplace at the time of his birth. It should be emphasized, however, that in each instance the place to which deportation may be ordered is a country and not a particular location. In this respect the 1952 statute is radically different from the earlier law, which permitted deportation to be had to a particular port, such as the foreign port at which the alien embarked for the United States. Thus, Section 20 of the Act of February 5, 1917,[1] expressly provided that the deportation of aliens "be to the country whence they came or to the foreign port[2] at which such aliens embarked for the United States; * *." Were this provision in existence in the present statute, there would be no doubt whatever that the deportation of the plaintiffs to Formosa would be valid. For some reason which does not seem to appear in the legislative history, this provision was not included in the 1952 Act, and thereby was repealed by implication. No doubt the Congress must have had some good reason for abrogating the power of the Government to deport an alien to a specified port and requiring deportation only to a designated country.

Since the plaintiffs are natives and citizens of China, their deportation may properly be effected to China. The question then arises whether Formosa is part of China. If it is, they may lawfully be deported to Formosa.

It is fundamental that such questions as whether a foreign country or a foreign government should be formally recognized; whether a particular nation has sovereignty over a specified area; and what are the boundaries of a foreign country, are problems that are not to be solved by the courts, but are political matters that are to be decided by the executive and legislative departments of the Government. On such topics the President and the Secretary of State speak for the United States, and the courts are obligated to follow their pronouncements.

Thus, in the leading case of Jones v. United States, 137 U.S. 202, 212, 11 S. Ct. 80, 83, 34 L. Ed. 691, Mr. Justice Gray wrote as follows:

"Who is the sovereign, de jure or de facto, of a territory, is not a judicial, but a political, question, the determination of which by the legislative *283 and executive departments of any government conclusively binds the judges, as well as all other officers, citizens, and subjects of that government. This principle has always been upheld by this court, and has been affirmed under a great variety of circumstances."

The following authorities among the legion that might be cited are to the same effect: Foster v. Neilson, 2 Pet. 253, 307, 309, 7 L. Ed. 415; Williams v. Suffolk Ins. Co., 13 Pet. 415, 420, 10 L. Ed. 226; Oetjen v. Central Leather Co., 246 U.S. 297, 302, 38 S. Ct. 309, 62 L. Ed. 726; National Union Fire Ins. Co. v. Republic of China, 4 Cir., 254 F.2d 177; Latvian State Cargo & Passenger SS Line v. Clark, D.C., 80 F. Supp. 683; Oppenheim, International Law, 7th Ed. Sec. 3511A; I Hackworth, Digest of International Law, 165.

It is necessary, therefore, to ascertain and be guided by the attitude of the Department of State on the question whether Formosa is to be regarded as a part of China.

The attitude of the State Department is stated in a formal communication from Ely Maurer, Assistant Legal Adviser for Far Eastern Affairs of the Department of State, dated June 2, 1959, and addressed to Mr. Robert J. Asman, an Assistant United States Attorney. This statement was submitted by Government counsel as representing the views of the political department of the Government on this subject. Pertinent portions of this statement read as follows:


"In response to your telephone inquiry of this date, you are informed that the United States recognizes the Government of the Republic of China as the legal Government of China. The provisional capital of the Republic of China has been at Taipei, Taiwan (Formosa), since December 1949.

"In 1895, under terms of the Treaty of Shimonoseki, China was compelled to cede Formosa to Japan. In the Cairo Conference, the United States, United Kingdom and China declared it was their `purpose' that Manchuria, Formosa and the Pescadores `shall be restored to the Republic of China.' Thereafter in August 1945 in the Potsdam Conference of the United States, United Kingdom and China declared `that the terms of the Cairo Declaration shall be carried out.' This Potsdam Declaration was subsequently adhered to by the U.S.S.R. On September 2, 1945 the Japanese Government, in the instrument, of surrender, accepted the provisions of the Declaration. The Supreme Allied Commander for the Allied Powers then issued Directive No. 1 under which the Japanese Imperial Headquarters issued General Order No. 1 requiring Japanese commanders in Formosa to surrender to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek of the Republic of China. Since September 1945 the United States and the other Allied Powers have accepted the exercise of Chinese authority over the island. In Article 2 of the Japanese Peace Treaty, which entered into force April 28, 1952, Japan renounced all `right, title and claim' to Formosa."

A Department of State Bulletin, Vol. XXXIX, No. 1017, dated December 22, 1958, which constitutes an official expression of the foreign policy of the United States, contains the following discussion of the problem in which we are interested (pp. 1005 and 1009):


"Since the middle of the 17th century and up to 1895 Formosa was a part of the Chinese Empire. In 1895 under the Treaty of Shimonoseki China ceded Formosa to Japan. In the Cairo conference in November 1943 the United States, United Kingdom, and China declared it was their `purpose' that Manchuria, Formosa, and the Pescadores `shall be restored to the Republic of China'. Thereafter in August 1945 in the Potsdam conference the United States, United Kingdom, and China declared that `the terms of the Cairo Declaration *284 shall be carried out.' This Potsdam declaration was subsequently adhered to by the U.S.S.R. On September 2, 1945, the Japanese Government, in the instrument of surrender, accepted the provisions of the declaration. The Supreme Allied Commander for the Allied Powers then issued Directive No. 1 under which the Japanese Imperial Headquarters issued General Order No. 1 requiring Japanese commanders in Formosa to surrender to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek of the Republic of China. Since September 1945 the United States and the other Allied Powers have accepted the exercise of Chinese authority over the island. In article 2 of the Japanese Peace Treaty, which entered into force April 28, 1952, Japan renounced all `right, title and claim' to Formosa. Neither this agreement nor any other agreement thereafter has purported to transfer the sovereignty of Formosa to China." (Emphasis supplied.)

* * * * * *

"In giving the historical background of Formosa it has been pointed out that at Cairo the Allies stated it was their purpose to restore Formosa to Chinese sovereignty and at the end of the war the Republic of China received the surrender of Japanese forces in Formosa. It has also been pointed out that under the Japanese Peace Treaty Japan renounced all right, title, and claim to Formosa. However, neither in that treaty nor in any other treaty has there been any definitive cession to China of Formosa. The situation is, then, one where the Allied Powers still have to come to some agreement or treaty with respect to the status of Formosa." (Emphasis supplied.)

From the foregoing official pronouncements of the Department of State, it appears that the United States recognizes the Government of the Republic of China as the legal government of China; that the provisional capital of the Republic of China has been at Taipei, Taiwan (Formosa) since December 1949; that the Government of the Republic of China exercises authority over the island; that the sovereignty of Formosa has not been transferred to China; and that Formosa is not a part of China as a country, at least not as yet, and not until and unless appropriate treaties are hereafter entered into. Formosa may be said to be a territory or an area occupied and administered by the Government of the Republic of China, but is not officially recognized as being a part of the Republic of China. Expressions of the State Department are drawn with care and circumspection to refrain from such recognition.

Whether such a territory may be regarded as a part of a country as that term is used in the Immigration laws, does not appear to have been decided. The existence of the question was noted by Mr. Justice Brandeis in United States ex rel. Mensevich v. Tod, 264 U.S. 134, 137, 44 S. Ct. 282, 68 L. Ed. 591, but expressly left open.

The conclusion seems inescapable to this Court that since under existing law, deportation may be effected only to a specific country, in this instance China, and since Formosa is not regarded by the Department of State as part of China as a country, the plaintiffs may not be deported to Formosa. Manifestly, as has been shown heretofore in this matter the Court must be bound by the official attitude of the Department of State, which apparently has been studied very carefully and expressed in guarded phraseology. It is even conceivable that for the Court then to regard Formosa as part of China for any purpose and thus go beyond the expressions of the Department of State, might cause embarrassment or complications insofar as that Department is concerned.

It is urged by Government counsel that the word "country" should be given a broad meaning. Manifestly, a statute should not be construed literally, but should receive a reasonable and sensible interpretation. On the other hand, the Courts should resist any temptation to *285 read into a statute something that is not there, or place a tortured construction on an enactment with a view to effectuating what the Court may think the Congress would have done had the matter been called to its attention. To do so would be an encroachment on the legislative power. It is peculiarly so in this instance because in the 1952 revision, the Congress dropped the provision contained in the 1917 Act, which permitted deportation to a specific foreign port. It would seem that to adopt the construction urged by the Government would in effect reinsert that phrase back in the statute something that the Congress has not done so far and that the Court may not do.

The decision of the Fourth Circuit in Delany v. Moraitis, 136 F.2d 129, on which Government counsel, in part, rely, does not seem to help their position. That case held that a citizen of Greece, whose deportation had been ordered but who could not be deported to Greece because Greece had been overrun by Germany during the war, could be delivered into the custody of the Greek Government in exile in England. It must be observed that Judge Parker in his opinion based his decision very largely on war conditions then prevailing. The Congress later, in the 1952 revision, expressly limited the effect of the decision in the Delany case to deportation in time of war, 8 U.S.C.A. § 1253(b) (1). Consequently, the conclusion of the Delany case must be regarded as law only in time of war.

The Court is not unmindful of the fact that its conclusion leads to a temporary impasse and makes it impossible for the time being to effect the deportation of the plaintiffs, and possibly other citizens of China. This matter can, however, be easily solved, for the Congress can readily and promptly amend the statute and make the amendment retroactive, if it feels that deportation should be effected. This course need not involve undue delay. The Congress could possibly amend the statute by reinserting into it the above-mentioned provision from the 1917 Act, or by providing that deportation may be effected to any territory or area provisionally occupied by the Government of the country to which deportation must be effected, or in some other manner that would accomplish the same objective. Legislative action would be the orderly course. For the Court to construe the present Act as meaning something that it does not purport to mean, would be an invasion of legislative power.

Motion of defendant for summary judgment is denied.

Motion of plaintiffs for summary judgment is granted.


[1] 39 Stat. 874, 890.

[2] Italics supplied.







12/22/2013,陳博士又在「自由時報」發表《星期專論》,標題是: 「馬關條約、開羅宣言、舊金山對日和約」。








發表日期: 2007年7月10日


(A) 開羅公報及波次坦公告








但是,有一個託管地,即北馬里亞納群島,它的人民卻極有智慧及遠見,他們放棄了沒有多大實質意義的獨立建國路線,透過公投,他們建立了「北馬里亞納群島自治邦」(The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands),成為美國的自治領地或屬地。










(B) 韓戰爆發後美國政府的處置










(C) 舊金山和約、日蔣和約、美蔣共同防禦條約、福爾摩沙決議案


在 1951年9月8日,以美國為首的盟國與日本所締結的「舊金山和約」中,日本放棄台澎的主權,但是在美國的主導下,該條約並沒有載明被日本放棄的台澎主權的收受國,換言之,台灣及澎湖自此在國際法上是地位未定,它既不屬於中華民國,不屬於中華人民共和國,也不屬於台灣人民。






美國對台灣的「政治監護」極為特殊,它沒有經過聯合國的授權,故與託管不同,它沒有經過盟國明文授權,它也沒有美國的國內法的明文規定,做為法源或依據,美國對台灣的「政治監護權」主要來自美國做為對日的「主要戰勝國」的事實以及盟國對美國做為對日「主要佔領國」身份的確認(「舊金山和約」第23條a項載明"the United States of America as the principal occupying power"),這是韓戰之後,東西冷戰時期,美國不得不做的國際政治安排,而非法律安排。




當時的中華民國政府外交部長葉公超在立法院報告時說,「敏感的國際情勢使得台澎無法屬於我們,在目前的情況下,日本無權將台澎主權移轉給我們,即使日本想把台澎主權移轉給我們,我們也無法接受,雖然如此,我們實際上還是統治著台澎。」 ([T]he delicate international situation makes it that [Taiwan does] not belong to us. Under present circumstances, Japan has no right to transfer [Taiwan] to us; nor can we accept such a transfer from Japan even if she so wishes------ )





(1) 美國承認寄生在台灣的中華民國及在台灣重建的中華民國政府,但是只給了中華民國政府對台灣與澎湖的施政權,而沒有將台澎主權移轉給中華民國,因為「舊金山和約」並沒有確立台澎的主權歸屬。美國必須堅持台澎法律地位未定,它才能處理台海事務,才能以武力保衛台灣,因而才能有效反制中國所謂的「美帝干涉中國內政」之無理指控。


(2) 美國為了與共產集團進行冷戰,圍堵共產集團,因而承認中華民國政府為代表中國的唯一合法政府,美國承認中華民國政府對中華人民共和國統治地區的主權主張,雖然中華民國或中華民國政府沒有實際佔領及統治中共所統治的地區。


(3) 因為美國承認寄生於台灣的中華民國及在台灣重建的中華民國政府,所以金門與馬祖兩個小島群成了中華民國擁有主權及中華民國政府擁有實際統治權的地區。


(4) 然而,基於一些特殊的考量,在 1954年12月2日,中華民國與美國所締結的「共同防禦條約」之適用範圍卻不包括金馬,只適用於台澎。美國參議院於批准該約時,也藉一項聲明而做了一項保留,「參議院理解,在本條約中,沒有任何條文將被解釋為對第六條所指涉的領土的主權或法律地位加以影響或調整」 (------- it is the understanding of the Senate that nothing in the present treaty shall be construed as affecting or modifying the legal status or the sovereignty of the territories referred to in Article VI.)。這項聲明表明該約之批准並沒有改變美國對台澎法律地位的立場,換言之,台澎的法律地位仍然未定,台澎主權不屬於中華民國。


(5) 為了彌補金馬不適用於「共同防禦條約」之缺憾,1955年1月29日,美國國會通過一項由美國總統簽署的「福爾摩沙決議案」,授權美國總統在中國攻擊台灣時,得採取軍事動員措施,而其適用範圍由總統逕行決定,只要總統認為有必要,就可包括金馬。


(D) 美蔣「共同防禦條約」保衛台灣、澎湖及「該地區相關屬地與領土」之安全,而所謂「相關屬地與領土」,從國會的紀錄來看,指的是金門與馬祖。




1971年7月13日,美國國務院法律顧問辦公室的 Robert I. Starr 律師為國務院中華民國事務科科長 Charles T. Sylvester 準備了一份「台灣法律地位備忘錄」。該備忘錄的結論是: 台灣的國際法律地位未定。




(E) 美中政府公報








美國政府於 1979年1月1日撤銷對中華民國及中華民國政府的承認,其法律效果是,美國政府不再承認中華民國政府對中華人民共和國所統治的地區的主權主張,換言之,美國已不再承認中華民國擁有金馬之主權。不過,美國撤銷對中華民國及中華民國政府之承認,並不影響中華民國政府對台澎的施政權,雖然在「台灣關係法」之中,「台灣」或「台灣與澎湖群島」已經取代了「中華民國」,而「島上的人民」、「在台灣的統治當局」、「任何繼承之統治當局」也已取代了「中華民國政府」,但是到今天為止,美國政府基於政治考量及權宜措施,尚不同意或尚未同意讓「在島上的台灣人民」或「在台灣的統治當局」將「中華民國」這個連美國都已不承認及不公開使用的「國號」在台灣予以變更或取消。




(F) 台灣關係法








美國參議院於1979年在Taiwan Enabling Act一項附加意見中也指出,1979年美國政府已「認知」中國所持「台灣是中國的一部分的立場」,但美國本身並未「同意」中國該一立場,美國政府所提出的法案,對台灣在國際法中的地位並未表明其見解,但是為適用美國國內法,美國確實是將台灣視為一個國家,----------大多數學者認為,試圖界定台灣的國際地位是不智的。


在「台灣關係法」立法聽證會中,卡特政府官員表示,美國政府「認知」中國政府所持的「台灣是中國一部分的立場」,但是美國本身並沒有「同意」中國政府該項立場。此外,在「台灣關係法」最後版本的立法歷史與文獻中,也顯示美國國會接受了「台灣主權未定」的概念,沒有理會或接受北京對台灣的主權主張(1979 U.S. Code Cong. & Admin. News, 36, 40)。




(G) 雷根政府的「六項保證」與美中「八一七公報」







「八一七公報」被披露後,針對中國是否擁有台灣的主權之問題,當時的美國國務院亞太事務助卿何立志 (John H. Holdridge) 與副助卿薛瑞福 (Randall Schriver) 在國會作證時說,美國在台灣主權議題上並沒有採取立場,他們指出,「八一七公報」重申了美中「建交公報」中的美國立場,也就是說,美國從未「承認」中國對台灣的主權主張,但美國也沒有「承認」台灣是一個獨立的主權國家,美國長久以來所奉行的政策就是台灣法律地位未定。


(H) 美國政府官員最近的意見


2007年6月26日,美國國務院台灣協調辦公室副主任 Sue L. Bremer 在給 Margaret S. Lu 的一封信中表示,「美國從來沒有正式承認中國對台灣的主權,事實上,我們還沒有就台灣的政治地位做出任何決定。」(The United States has "not formally recognized Chinese sovereignty over Taiwan and [has] not made any determination as to Taiwan's political status.")


(I) 台灣前途之解決:台灣主權應歸屬美國




























第一次修正 : 根據「建國廣場」負責人傅雲欽律師之意見,於2007年7月16日 進行若干文字的小修正,然而本文所呈現的仍然全是撰述人的觀點。





2007年8月30日,白宮國家安全會議亞洲部資深主任韋德寧 (Dennis Wilder) 在白宮所舉行的一項簡報中,於答覆記者詢問時公開表示,台灣與中華民國「均非國家」,他並表示,中華民國是一個「未決的議題」。




2007年8月31日,「美國在台協會」前理事主席、台海事務專家卜睿哲 (Richard C. Bush, III ) 於接受「自由時報」駐美特派員曹鬱芬訪問時表示,「美國主張台灣法律地位未定,這項爭議到今天還未塵埃落定。」




(1) 1971年11月12日,美國國務院法律顧問 John R. Stevenson 寫了一份備忘錄給東亞事務助卿葛林 (Marshall Green), 該份文件說:自1952年對日和約後,美國即採取台灣法律地位未定論,(台灣的地位)將於未來由國際決定,美國曾一再公開表示該項立場。


(2) 2000年5月28日,呂秀蓮副總統曾提及「台灣法律地位未定論」,但民進黨、民進黨政府官員、及台灣獨派國際法學者現在很少甚至不再公開主張「台灣法律地位未定論」,從1999年民進黨的「台灣前途決議文」出現以來,他們通常說,「台灣是一個主權獨立的國家,任何有關獨立現狀的變動,必須經由台灣全體住民以公民投票的方式決定」。


(3) 2006年4月,中國國家主席胡錦濤訪美,美國總統小布希與胡主席一致同意台灣仍然應該維持國際地位未定,此表示台灣法律地位仍然未定。




在第二份「上海公報」(即「八一七公報」)簽署及發表之翌日,即1982年8月18日 ,國務院東亞事務助卿何立志在眾議院外交委員會作證,而國務院另一名官員也在該日向新聞界進行簡報,他們表示:








(1)杜魯門政府在發表「台灣法律地位未定論」之前,亦即在1950年1月5日 ,先後由杜魯門總統及國務卿艾奇遜 (Dean Acheson) 就台灣問題發表重要談話,艾奇遜當日下午於記者會中表示,中國已管理台灣四年,美國及其他任何國家均未曾對該權威及佔領加以質疑,當台灣被置為中國一省時,沒有人提出法律上的質疑(註:這個說法是錯的,因為至少有英國政府質疑及否定過),因為那被認為是依(美英兩國的)承諾而做的。但現在,根據某些人的意見,情勢已經變遷,他們認為現在控制中國大陸的那股力量無疑地不久將被其他若干國家所承認,而且那股力量對我們美國不友善,因此他們想說,「我們必須等到條約簽訂(才能處分台灣的歸屬)」,可是我們對韓國,並沒有等到條約簽訂,我們對千島群島,沒有等到條約簽訂,我們對被置於託管體系之下的島嶼,也沒有等到條約簽訂(註:艾奇遜的意思是說,杜魯門政府當時並不認為台灣的歸屬需要由對日和約的簽訂才能加以確立),不管(台灣的)法律情況是什麼,今天早上杜魯門先生已說,美國並不想要對它的立場的誠信提出律師的遁詞,那就是我們的立場。




(3)我們都必須承認,杜魯門政府在1950年1月5日 對台灣問題所發表的談話,對台灣及台灣人民是最不利,而對中國是最有利的,更要命的是,國務院隨即行文眾議院說,包括美國在內的盟國在過去四年,已將台灣視為中國的一部分。還好,杜魯門與他的國務院官員在談及蔣介石的中國政府與台灣的關係時,其用語都是”authority”,而非”sovereignty”,而且在韓戰爆發後,杜魯門政府又把當年1月5日的說詞自己加以推翻。


(4)雖然在1950年6月25日 韓戰爆發後,杜魯門政府對台灣法律地位的說法丕變,它正式提出「台灣法律地位未定論」,但台灣人民必須從其中體認,只有在美國在台灣有安全、戰略、根本、及核心利益時,它才不會放棄台灣,或者說,才不會把台灣交給或讓給對美國有敵意或不友善的國家或政權之手,或者說,只有在多數的台灣住民想加入美國、美國又同意接納台灣住民時,台海才有真正的和平與穩定,台灣住民才能完全脫離中國的糾纏,台灣人民才有真正的安全與幸福。














在3/28/2007,聯合國秘書長潘基文在沒有跟美國及其他安理會成員國會商、可能僅跟中國會商的情況下,發出一封信件,宣稱「根據聯合國大會第2758號決議案,聯合國認為台灣是中華人民共和國的一部分」。這當然是對第2758號決議案錯誤的解讀,美國政府對這個事件沒有輕輕放過,在該年七月,美國政府據說向聯合國政務副秘書長提了「一項非檔形式的九點聲明」 (a nine-point demarche in the form of a "non-paper") ,重申美國的立場是「它對台灣的地位沒有採取立場」( 'it takes on position on the status of Taiwan' ),同時明確地拒絕最近聯合國官員所謂的「聯合國認為台灣是中華人民共和國的一部分」( 'the organization considers "Taiwan for all purposes to be an integral part of the PRC') 的陳述。美方指出: 「雖然聯合國官員的指稱符合中國的立場,但它不是被包括美國在內的聯合國會員國普遍接受的立場。」 ( 'While this assertion is consistent with the Chinese position, it is not universally held by UN member states, including the United States.') 美方最後指出: 「如果聯合國秘書處堅持把台灣描述為中華人民共和國的一部分,------那麼美國將依據國家利益不得不與聯合國這項立場脫鉤。」(If the UN Secretariat insists on describing Taiwan as a part of the PRC, or on using nomenclature for Taiwan that implies such status, the United States will be obliged to disassociate itself on a national basis from such position.)




U.S. Non-Paper on the Status of Taiwan


1. The United States reiterates its One China policy which is based on the three US–China Communiques and the Taiwan Relations Act, to the effect that the United States acknowledges China's view that Taiwan is a part of China. We take no position on the status of Taiwan. We neither accept nor reject the claim that Taiwan is a part of China.


2. The United States has long urged that Taiwan's status be resolved peacefully to the satisfaction of people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. Beyond that, we do not define Taiwan in political terms.


3. The United States noted that the PRC has become more active in international organizations and has called on the UN Secretariat and member states to accept its claim of sovereignty over Taiwan. In some cases, as a condition for the PRC's own participation in international organizations, Beijing has insisted the organization and its member states use nomenclature for Taiwan that suggests endorsement of China's sovereignty over the island.


4. The United States is concerned that some UN organizations have recently asserted that UN precedent required that Taiwan be treated as a part of the PRC and be referred to by names in keeping with such status.


5. The United States has become aware that the UN has promulgated documents asserting that the United Nations considers "Taiwan for all purposes to be an integral part of the PRC." While this assertion is consistent with the Chinese position, it is not universally held by UN member states, including the United States.


6. The United States noted that the UN General Assembly resolution 2758 adopted on 25 October 1971 does not in fact establish that Taiwan is a province of the PRC. The resolution merely recognized the representation of the government of the PRC as the only lawful representation of China to the UN, and expelled the representative of Chiang Kai-shek from the seats they occupied at the UN and all related organizations. There is no mention in Resolution 2758 of China's claim of sovereignty over Taiwan.


7. While the United States does not support Taiwan's membership in organizations such as the UN, for which statehood is a prerequisite, we do support meaningful participation by Taiwan's experts as appropriate in such organizations. We support membership as appropriate in organizations for which such statehood is not required.


8. The United States urged the UN Secretariat to review its policy on the status of Taiwan and to avoid taking sides in a sensitive matter on which UN members have agreed to disagree for over 35 years.


9. If the UN Secretariat insists on describing Taiwan as a part of the PRC, or on using nomenclature for Taiwan that implies such status, the United States will be obliged to disassociate itself on a national basis from such position.
























二次大戰後台灣成為盟國軍事佔領下的日本領土;一九四五年八月日本投降,盟軍遠東統帥麥克亞瑟指派蔣介石的軍隊「代表盟國軍事佔領台灣」,並不是將主權交給中國,台灣成為盟國軍事佔領下的日本領土 。一九四九年十月中華人民共和國於北京成立,蔣介石逃亡到當時仍屬日本領土的台灣,開始長達三十八年外來流亡政權非法的戒嚴軍事統治。






根據舊金山和約日本放棄對於台灣與澎湖的所有主權及一切權利、主張,但並沒有明定日本放棄後台灣的歸屬國;一九五一年當時的兩個中國-- 中華民國與中華人民共和國--都不是日本放棄的受益國。舊金山和約的文獻清楚指出,各國的共識是台灣的歸屬雖然暫時懸而不決,應在適當的時機,依聯合國憲章的宗旨及「和平解決」與「人民自決」的原則決定之。












(作者陳隆志╱現任美國紐約法學院國際法教授,他的國際法英文教科書An Introduction to Contemporary International Law由耶魯大學出版社出版)



陳隆志先生說: 「舊金山和約的文獻清楚指出,各國的共識是台灣的歸屬雖然暫時懸而不決,應在適當的時機,依聯合國憲章的宗旨及「和平解決」與「人民自決」的原則決定之。」






「舊金山和會的會議紀錄顯示,參加和會的多數國家的共識是: 台灣的歸屬雖然暫時懸而不決,但未來應依聯合國憲章的宗旨與原則來解決,亦即依『和平解決』與『人民自決』的原則來決定。」


我之所以如此不斷地強調,是為了貫徹與延續我更早幾年在一篇公開發表的聲明的主張與觀點,那篇聲明的標題是: 「回到歷史原點,尋求台灣的完全解放」。






當年參加舊金山和會的埃及代表團說得最經典: “My government trusts that the reason behind this omission [註: 指對台灣主權的歸屬沒有進行處分或僅做了不完全的處分] is to afford the opportunity to deal with this question in accordance with the United Nations Charter, taking into consideration the principle of self-determination and the expressed desire of the inhabitants of these territories.”







陳隆志先生在早期持的是「台灣法律地位未定論」,但近年來他則持「台灣國家與主權演進論」,例如,他在上文中說: 「六十一年前舊金山對日和約生效後,台灣的國際法律地位一度『未定』。但六十一年後的今日,透過台灣人民打拚奮鬥,落實有效的人民自決,台灣的國際法律地位已經由『未定』變為『已定』,成為一個民主自由的國家。」








也許有人會說: 美國「不會也不敢」要台灣。


若真是這樣,那可以說連神仙或上帝也救不了台灣人了。[不久前,前往台灣訪問並演講的現實主義派大師John Mearsheimer就因為中國竄起而對台灣前途感到十分悲觀]







David C. Chou

Founder, Formosa Statehood Movement

(an organization devoted in current stage to making Taiwan a territorial commonwealth of the United States)




[當美國政府提起「一中政策」時,它總是說"our 'one-China' policy"(「我們美國的一個中國政策」)。這是"a diplomatic term of art",也就是「具有特殊意涵的外交名詞」。第一,它不是「一中原則」,它是「一中政策」。第二,它不是臺北或中國國民黨政權所指的「一中原則」,也不是北京所指的「一中原則」。第三,它有幾個意涵,其中一個就是「台灣不屬於中國」。]



住在北加州的台美人謝鎮寬先生於4/9/2015在英文「臺北時報」投書,標題是:“DPP’s ‘one China’ policy?” (民進黨的一中政策?)。由於他探討了「一中政策」這個重要的問題,所以台灣建州運動今天就藉機會再度來探討「一中政策」。



















// 凱利助卿在前述的國會證詞中,也指出美國的核心政策,它們是:




















2004年2月6日,當時的國務院東亞事務副助卿薛瑞福 (Randall G. Schriver) 在「美中經濟與安全審查委員會」舉辦的聽證會上說,「我們美國自己的一中政策」具有幾個要素:
































這也就是說,在「美中三公報」中,美國政府都沒有接受及承認中國對台灣的主權主張。// [第三章結束]



我們接著請鄉親們來閱讀謝先生的大作,我們請大家讀的是漢譯本 ,至於原文英文版則放在附錄一中:


民進黨的一中政策?DPP’s ‘one China’ policy?


[謝鎮寬]於2015-04-09 16:04:04上傳[ ]













目前有三個熟知名的「一中」政策 –



































關於「一個中國」這個問題,最完整的與最權威的參考資料應屬「美國國會研究處」(Congressional Research Service)的資深研究員、亞洲安全事務的專家簡淑賢(Shirley A. Kan)所編纂的China/Taiwan: Evolution of the “One China” Policy—Key Statements from Washington, Beijing, and Taipei (‘


Shirley每隔一段時間,就會update資料,她最近做update的工作是在 2014年10月10日,有興趣使用她所蒐集的材料進行研究的鄉親,不妨自行前往。



在阿扁執政期間,台灣的外交部委託當時在「傳統基金會」擔任研究員的譚慎格(John J. Tkacik, Jr.)對「美國的一個中國政策」進行廣泛與深入的研究,「傳統基金會」曾將譚慎格的研究成果出版成冊 ,建州運動也擁有一本。




在附錄三,我們張貼了費浩偉(Harvey Feldman)談「美國的一個中國政策」的文章。在卡特政府與台灣的蔣介石政權斷交後,他奉命起草「台灣關係法」,卡特行政團隊送給國會討論、但被國會大修的那個原始版本就是他起草的,這個版本建築在「台灣法律地位未定」(亦即「台灣不屬於中國」)的基礎上,也是行政部門與立法部門的共識。



David C. Chou

Founder, Formosa Statehood Movement

(an organization devoted in current stage to making Taiwan a territorial commonwealth of the United States)



DPP’s ‘one China’ policy?


By John Hsieh


Fri, Apr 10, 2015 - Page 8…/archiv…/2015/04/10/2003615558/2

On Friday last week, Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Secretary-General Joseph Wu (吳釗燮) stopped over in San Francisco and had a dinner meeting with the San Francisco Bay Area Taiwanese community. He shared with the audience stories from his routine business trip to Washington as an official representative of the party.

He said that as a representative, he is supposed to stay in Washington consistently, but with his position as secretary-general, he can only visit about once every two months or whenever it is necessary.

He said it was a productive trip to meet people and exchange messages.

He said the DPP has plenty of China policies, but none of them are the so-called “1992 consensus.”

A question about China was raised: There are three known “one China” policies: First, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) says there is only “one China,” it is the sole recognized government and Taiwan is part of China; second, the Republic of China (ROC) says there is only “one China,” it is the sole recognized government and Taiwan is part of China; third, the US says there is only “one China,” the PRC is the sole recognized government and Taiwan is not part of China. What is the DPP’s “one China” policy?

Wu teased the questioner saying that there is one more policy: From Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je (柯文哲), who said: There is only “one China” and it should be added — one too many.

The DPP does not care how many Chinas there are, but believes Taiwanese sovereignty is owned by its people and the nation is already independent.

So it was puzzling for those in the audience who have studied the San Francisco Peace Treaty why Wu brought up Ko’s “one China” policy. Obviously Wu or the DPP has a better way to interpret the “status quo.” Maybe he is right and there are thousands of “one China” policies. However, as a potential governing party, the DPP needs to announce its policy and define the “status quo.”

Ko provides a constructive view of the “one China” policy. When asked about the “one country, two systems” idea, he said: Why not “two counties, one system?” Of course, the system he meant was the universal value of democracy.

When he was asked about the “one China” policy, he said it is not an issue because there is only “one China” recognized by the international community.

The “one China” policy has been repeated since the Shanghai Communique was signed and respected by the US Department of State as the firm foreign policy with which to deal with China. It specifies that all Chinese on both sides of the Taiwan Strait agree that there is only “one China,” which has been agreed to and accepted by both the ROC and the PRC, because they are Chinese. Wu is Taiwanese, so why does he oppose it?

As Taiwanese, we should be more than happy to see the two nations shaking hands and forgetting past betrayals and thoughts of revenge with a laugh.

It has been more than half a century since the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) was kicked out by the Chinese Communist Party and fled to Taiwan in 1949. It is time for the ROC to go home to China and leave Taiwan alone. The ROC never owned Taiwanese sovereignty and all ROC adherents should appreciate the hospitality they have been shown all the years of their long stay in the nation.

“Worship a tree while eating its fruit, worship farms while eating rice. We need to remember the source when drinking water.”

Those in Taiwan who identify as Chinese, please have a heart and leave the nation alone.

Wu does not have the right or any need to carry the cross of civil war for China. Taiwan is not part of China. The ROC is Chinese who escaped to Taiwan as refugees in 1949 because they were defeated, but now Chinese on both sides are like brothers; it is time for them to have a reunion. Taiwan is not Chinese territory, it belongs to Taiwanese.

What is the bottom line in the DPP’s cross-strait negotiations? The KMT is a political party of China, not Taiwan, that is why it always hides behind the fabricated “1992 consensus.” Unless the DPP is also a political party of China, it should stop deceiving itself.

Taiwan is not the ROC, and the ROC is not Taiwan. It is time to endorse the US’ “one China” policy under the Three Joint Communiques (for the ROC and the PRC) and the Taiwan Relations Act (for Taiwan and the US). There is only “one China” and Taiwan is not part of it.

John Hsieh

Hayward, California



America's "China Policy" Is in Urgent Need of Definition

Lecture #974 on Asia, The Heritage Foundation

By John J. Tkacik, Jr.


The sudden emergence of China's "Anti-Separation Law" (also called the "Anti-Secession Law") this past December was a surprise because, even by Chinese standards, it was unnecessary. Just six days before its announcement, legislative elections in Taiwan reflected waning political sentiment on the island for constitutional reforms affecting Taiwan's de jure status as the Republic of China.

That China went ahead and initiated a "legislative" process to put this law on the books was a clear indication that China has moved away from its "fundamental policy of striving for peaceful reunification" and toward a posture of military threat to Taiwan. It is a development that reveals a dangerous weakness in our current China policy: It rests on slogans that have no substance.

Slogans of China Policy

Let me explain. Three core elements of America's China policy are:

"Our One China Policy";

Our opposition to unilateral change in the Taiwan Strait's "status quo as we define it"; and

Our "non-support" of Taiwan independence.

These three core elements literally have no substance in the sense that none of them is defined anywhere in the official lexicon of American diplomacy. And insofar as anyone has any idea about what they really mean, their meaning has no relationship to the actual words that U.S. policymakers use to describe those elements.

Consequently, when confronted by actions, either by China or Taiwan that tend to annoy or upset the other, no American Administration has possessed a coherent policy framework within which to manage the controversy. Over the years, this lack of coherence has had the unfortunate effect of confusing both the President and the Congress. Our China policy has become an impressionistic fabric similar to Justice Potter Stewart's view of pornography; that is, "I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description [of pornography]; and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it...."1

In short, our China policy is so vaporous that to call it a "policy" would invest it with a level of thought that is entirely absent.


A Policy of Non-Definition

Since the end of the Second World War, it has been the official policy of the United States government that the post-World War II status of Taiwan is "an unsettled question subject to future international resolution." Taiwan was a former colony of the Empire of Japan to which Japan abjured in the document of surrender all "right, title and claim" in perpetuity. However, Japan pointedly did not designate any of its victorious enemy nations as the recipient of Taiwan, leaving it for the allied powers to sort out in the fullness of time.2

The Korean War and the Cold War intervened to prevent the allies from designating "China" (either Chiang Kai-shek's government-in-exile on Taiwan or Mao Zedong's new "People's Republic of China" in Beijing) as the new sovereign over Taiwan, and the matter went unsettled when the final peace treaty with Japan was signed in San Francisco in September 1951. The USSR refused to sign the treaty. It objected, among other things, to the provision regarding Formosa and the Pescadores:

[T]his draft grossly violates the indisputable rights of China to the return of integral parts of Chinese territory: Taiwan, the Pescadores, the Paracel and other islands.... The draft contains only a refer-ence to the renunciation by Japan of its rights to these territories but intentionally omits any mention of the further fate of these territories.3

The "unsettled" status of Taiwan remains the policy of the United States government to this day, except that constant repetition of the phrase "one China policy" has given America's political leaders, in both the Congress and the executive branch, the vague impression that somehow the United States formally recognizes that Taiwan is a part of China.

Compounding the confusion is the Administration's resolute refusal to be clear on the matter (and this is not just a problem with the present Administration, but with all previous ones dating back to President Nixon's first term). For example, just one year ago, before the House Committee on International Relations, Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs James Kelly had the following exchange, redolent of a certain Stewartesque syntax, with Representative Grace Napolitano (D-CA):

REP. NAPOLITANO: The next question, then, is can the evolution of full-fledged democracy on Taiwan and the clear emergence of a sense of Taiwanese identity meld with the principle of One China, or are they in stark contrast with each other?

MR. KELLY: There certainly is a degree of contrast. The definition of One China is something that we could go on for much too long for this event. In my testimony, I made the point "our One China," and I didn't really define it, and I'm not sure I very easily could define it.

I can tell you what it is not. It is not the One-China policy or the One-China principle that Beijing suggests, and it may not be the definition that some would have in Taiwan. But it does convey a meaning of solidarity of a kind among the people on both sides of the straits that has been our policy for a very long time.4

Indeed, Secretary Kelly was one of the few diplomats in the State Department who actually understood what our position on "One China" really was, and tried his best to differentiate it from Beijing's "One China Principle" by calling it "Our One China." But the net effect at the end of that day was to leave Representative Napolitano--and everyone else on the committee, I suspect--just as uninformed about U.S. policy as they were at the start of his testimony.

In his testimony of April 21 last year, Secretary Kelly also listed another core element of our China policy: "The U.S. does not support independence for Taiwan or unilateral moves that would change the status quo as we define it." No one on the committee had the presence of mind to ask Secretary Kelly just how the Administration defined the status quo in the Taiwan Strait, but six months later, members of the press engaged his deputy, Randall G. Schriver, in the following Stewartesque exchange:

QUESTION: Randy, how do you define Taiwan independence? Would a change of the name of the country be--or change the national flag--be considered as independence? Thank you.

MR. SCHRIVER: I don't think it's useful for me to get into a variety of hypotheticals, and I think, actually, it's fairly obvious and fairly clear what we mean by our non-support for Taiwan independence. I mean, you could throw out a range of things, and I just don't want to address them one at a time about the implications, and "is this independence or is that independence?" I think the statement, and our intent behind it, is quite clear.5

In fact, it was not "quite clear." Clarity was precisely the quality that Secretary Schriver hoped to avoid when he answered the question.

In general, a democracy cannot have a coherent foreign policy if it refuses to define the core elements of that policy. These two core elements--"One China" and "status quo in the Taiwan Strait"--are central to America's China policy, yet they are undefined and internally contradictory.

I consider our China policy to be fatally flawed in the sense that the key terms used to describe it are precisely the opposite of what the words mean on their face. That is, "one China" does not mean that the United States recognizes that Taiwan is part of China, but only that the United States only recognizes one government of China at a time. And "status quo as we define it" is nowhere defined either in public or within the confidential proceedings of the executive branch.

A third misconceived element of our China policy, which Secretary James Kelly enumerated at his testimony last year, is that "the U.S. does not support independence for Taiwan." There is an obvious incongruity between this "non-support" for Taiwan's independence and America's devotion to the "expansion of democracy" in Taiwan and our sales of hundreds of millions, indeed billions, of dollars in defense articles and services to Taiwan each year since 1979. Why, pray tell, are we selling Taiwan the instruments to defend themselves with if we do not support Taiwan's continued separation from China--and hence Taiwan's independence?

The answer is quite sound. Assistant Secretary of Defense Peter Rodman pointed to the congressional mandate of the Taiwan Relations Act to "maintain the capacity to resist the use of force against...Taiwan" and averred that "the United States takes these obligations very seriously." He explained:

[T]he President's National Security Strategy, published in September 2002, calls for "building a balance of power that favors freedom." Taiwan's evolution into a true multi-party democracy over the past decade is proof of the importance of America's commitment to Taiwan's defense. It strengthens American resolve to see Taiwan's democracy grow and prosper.6

That sums it up nicely. Why, then, can't the United States government say this out loud? Why do American diplomats blame the Taiwan Relations Act for our support of Taiwan? Why cannot even Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice tell the Chinese that our arms sales to Taiwan are to enable Taiwan to defend its democracy against the threats of tyranny?7

The reasons for this are historical, but, truth be told, they are simply force of habit. Dr. Henry Kissinger apparently gave a secret assurance to Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai in 1971 that the State Department would no longer refer in public to the status of Taiwan as undetermined.8 Apparently through some misplaced loyalty to Dr. Kissinger's secret assurances to Beijing 34 year ago, State Department officials still refuse to say in public that U.S. policy is that Taiwan's legal status remains "unsettled."

Over the decades, on occasion, the State Department has actually hinted at this unsettled state of affairs on Taiwan's legal status in its correspondence and responses to the Congress. However, rather than adhere to a rigorous and precise vagueness, executive branch spokesmen, and indeed the President himself, betray constant and pervasive befuddlement when it comes to matters of Taiwan and China. The President has on occasion referred to Taiwan as a country in its own right,9 and the Secretary of State has called Taiwan a "part of China."10 A scandalous lack of precision in our policy terminology has led to the confusion of otherwise intelligent policymakers.


A Policy of Pretense

Very early in the U.S.-China relationship, both sides realized that they could not sustain a cooperative strategic partnership against the Soviet Union if each insisted that the other side foreswear core tenets of its foreign policy. From 1971 through 1989, U.S.-China relations were built on an unspoken but very real understanding that enabled both sides to ignore the paramount conflict in their essential interests. It was an understanding based on pretense: China pretends to have a "policy of peaceful unification with Taiwan," in return for which the United States pretends to have a "one China policy."

The Congress of the United States was clearly frustrated by the fact that this understanding was unspoken and insisted that it be made explicit. It did so in a profound and direct way in 1979 in the Taiwan Relations Act, which declared it the "policy of the United States...(3) to make clear that the United States decision to establish diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China rests upon the expectation that the future of Taiwan will be determined by peaceful means."11

President Ronald Reagan was equally perplexed by the bureaucracy's aversion to spelling out this linkage. In August 1982, coincident with the announcement of the U.S.-China Joint Communique of August 17, 1982, on the question of Taiwan arms sales, President Reagan issued a presidential statement that declared "the Taiwan question is a matter for the Chinese people, on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, to resolve. We will not interfere in this matter or prejudice the free choice of, or put pressure on, the people of Taiwan in this matter.12

But President Reagan went one step beyond this public statement to mandate this linkage in a confidential presidential directive designed to guide executive branch dealings with China and Taiwan. Indeed, President Reagan declared this linkage was to be a "permanent imperative of U.S. foreign policy."

As you know, I have agreed to the issuance of a joint communique with the People's Republic of China in which we express United States policy toward the matter of continuing arms sales to Taiwan.

The talks leading up to the signing of the communique were premised on the clear understanding that any reduction of such arms sales depends upon peace in the Taiwan Strait and the continuity of China's declared "fundamental policy" of seeking a peaceful resolution of the Taiwan issue.

In short, the U.S. willingness to reduce its arms sales to Taiwan is conditioned absolutely upon the continued commitment of China to the peaceful solution of the Taiwan-PRC differences. It should be clearly understood that the linkage between these two matters is a permanent imperative of U.S. foreign policy.

In addition, it is essential that the quantity and quality of the arms provided Taiwan be conditioned entirely on the threat posed by the PRC. Both in quantitative and qualitative terms, Taiwan's defense capability relative to that of the PRC will be maintained.13


The Challenge of the Anti-Separation Law

China's pretense of a "peaceful policy" toward Taiwan has eroded significantly since 1993.

In August 1993, with the issuance of a "white paper" on Taiwan relations, Beijing reiterated that "any sovereign state is entitled to use any means it deems necessary, including military ones, to uphold its sovereignty and territorial integrity" and asserted flatly that "the Chinese Government is under no obligation to undertake any commitment to any foreign power or people intending to split China as to what means it might use to handle its own domestic affairs."14

From 1992 to the present, China's military spending has increased at double-digit rates, something one might not have expected following the collapse of the Soviet Union. Virtually every other country threatened by Soviet expansion cut its defense spending significantly in an effort to reap a "peace dividend."

In July 1995, China's hostile intentions toward Taiwan were manifest when Beijing closed the heavily trafficked Taiwan Strait to commercial shipping for several days while it conducted unprecedented "missile tests," generally viewed as an expression of anger at efforts by Taiwan's President Lee Teng-hui to improve his country's international standing.

In March 1996, the Chinese People's Liberation Army tested nuclear-capable short-range ballistic missiles in the Taiwan Strait, again closing that important sea-lane to international traffic, in an effort to intimidate Taiwan's voters during their first-ever presidential elections.

In August 1999, Chinese high-performance jet fighters, for the first time, began to patrol the Taiwan Strait at the "center line," challenging Taiwan jet fighters and raising tensions.

And in February 2000, China issued another white paper which called for the use of "all drastic measures possible including the use of force" if Taiwan did not declare itself part of China and agree to negotiations by a certain date.15

If the United States had possessed a coherent and consistent China policy, these separate Chinese challenges to the status quo would have been countered by calibrated "restatements" from Washington about our "one China" policy. But they were not.


China's Anti-Separation Law and the U.S. Reaction

It is to the Bush Administration's credit that it is finally doing so as it confronts the Anti-Separation Law. The ASL is a convincing indicator that China's commitment to peace in the Taiwan Strait is weak at best.

Early unofficial draft iterations of the ASL--which had initially been referred to as the "National Unification Law"--had been floating around on the Internet at least since 2002 and included all sorts of strange stipulations. Dr. Yu Yuanzhou of Wuhan University proposed legislation that would require the Chinese People's Liberation Army to attack Taiwan as soon as it is able (no need to await any Taiwanese independence), beginning with bombard-ments of Quemoy and Matsu, which, according to Article 27 of his draft, "would not be limited to conventional weapons."16

Understandably, the Bush Administration was dismayed when the ASL was announced on December 17, 2004. The Administration's perplexity was heightened because it followed hard on elections in Taiwan that indicated sentiment for new constitutional revisions had cooled, and hence, Beijing had no justification for stirring the pot with this new legislation.

At first, the Administration's major worry was that China would try to "define" the status quo in the Strait beyond its existing vague guideline. State Department spokesman Richard Boucher told the press on February 15 that the "U.S. Government has been quite clear that we don't think either side should take unilateral steps that try to define the situation further or push it in one direction or another."17 For consistency's sake, the Department of State doesn't want to confine just itself to avoiding definitions, but seems to extend its aversion to defining the status quo to all the players. Again, to the Administration's credit, U.S. officials have maintained a consistent and tough line with all their Chinese interlocutors on the ASL.18

When the Chinese went ahead and passed the law on March 14, the week prior to Secretary of State Rice's visit to Beijing, the Secretary was even tougher. "We've made very clear that the anti-secession law was not a welcome development because anything that is unilateral in this and that increases tensions, which clearly the anti-secession law did increase tensions, is not good."19 I have been told that Secretary Rice was even more blunt in her private meetings with Chinese leaders.

The reason for her unhappiness is clear. The central mandate of Beijing's new "Anti-National Separation Law" (Fan Fenlie Guojia Fa or, literally, "Law against Splitting the Nation") is the declaration that China "shall" use military force against Taiwan whenever the Chinese leadership decides that all possibilities for "peaceful reunification" with Taiwan have been exhausted.20 But the Anti-Separation Law makes no pretense of defining either what would constitute an act "entailing" secession or what it might mean to exhaust "all possibilities" for peaceful reunification.

As such, the ASL serves as a free-standing, permanent casus belli against Taiwan and the United States. In short, the ASL is an open-ended declaration of war against Taiwan in which the Beijing authorities reserve the right to launch "non-peaceful" actions against the people of Taiwan whenever they wish and without forewarning.

This pre-legitimization of war is a very real change in China's stance toward Taiwan--and indeed toward the United States, which sees the preservation of Taiwan's democracy and autonomy from Beijing as in both its political and strategic interests.

In presenting the draft ASL to the National People's Congress on March 8, 2005, NPC Vice Chairman Wang Zhaoguo asserted that China's constitution stipulates that "Taiwan is an unalienable part of the sacred territory of the People's Republic of China."21 In this context, it is ironic to note that the only piece of the world's geography that the Chinese constitution declares is an unalienable part of the PRC is Taiwan. Not Beijing or Shanghai or Xinjiang or Tibet.

It is also ironic that the Chinese government insists that the English-language rendering of fan fenlie guojia fa is "Anti Secession Law." Of course, Taiwan has never been administered by the People's Republic of China, and it seems an oxymoron to suggest that Taiwan could secede from a country to which it has never belonged in the first place.


How the U.S. Should React to the ASL

Let me suggest a few ways in which the Congress might remedy the flaws in U.S. policy.

Define Our Policy. Recognizing that a problem exists is the first step to finding a solution. In its oversight role, Congress should insist that the Administration actually define its Taiwan policy.

This does not necessarily mean that the Congress should force the Administration into a public enunciation of a policy toward Taiwan that directly antagonizes Beijing. But at the very least, the Administration should be required to develop internal "terms of reference" for Taiwan. What exactly is the "status quo" in the Taiwan Strait? What is "our" one China policy? If we don't support Taiwan's continued separation from China--a separation that has already lasted for 107 of the last 110 years--then why has the Congress mandated in the Taiwan Relations Act that national policy is "to maintain the capacity of the United States to resist any resort to force or other forms of coercion that would jeopardize the security, or the social or economic system, of the people of Taiwan"?

Maintain the Linkage. President Reagan's "permanent imperative" of a linkage between China's peaceful policy toward Taiwan and our support for Taiwan's defense, and hence its continued separation from China, is clearly in America's interests. Therefore, any step Beijing takes that casts a cloud over its so-called peaceful policy must be matched by a concomitant U.S. step in support of Taiwan's democracy.

If the Administration finds it diplomatically inopportune to react to some act of Chinese bellicosity in the Taiwan Strait, there may well be instances where a congressional reaction would give the Administration leverage with Beijing. Beijing's Anti Separation Law, which Chinese diplomats insist is merely a restatement of existing Chinese law and policy, could be balanced by new U.S. legislation--perhaps along the lines of the Taiwan Security Enhancement Act (H.R. 1838), which passed the House of Representatives with a veto-proof margin of 341-70 on February 1, 2000. The TSEA, after all, was also a restatement of existing U.S. policies toward Taiwan.

I myself am personally fond of President Reagan's 1982 commitments to Taiwan's president known as the "Six Assurances."22 Because they are already a part of existing U.S. policy, enshrining the "Six Assurances" in a future House resolution would also be a very effective counter to future Chinese actions that might challenge the stability and peace of the Taiwan Strait.

Demand a Strategy. The Cheshire Cat's first dictum is that if you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there. If the United States has no idea what it wants China or Taiwan to look like in five years (let alone 10 or 20), then it doesn't matter what policies it adopts. As Dr. Condoleezza Rice wrote in Foreign Affairs five years ago, "China is not a `status quo' power but one that would like to alter Asia's balance of power in its own favor."23 This assessment makes it absolutely essential that the United States understand what its own strategic interests, goals, and objectives are in Asia.


Sadly, there is no such vision guiding U.S. policy toward China or Taiwan. The Congress should therefore require one. In particular, the Administration must be attentive to America's interests in Taiwan. Not only is Taiwan a thriving democracy, and not only is it America's tenth largest export market, but Taiwan has also been an important security partner for the United States.

The executive branch must be required to conduct a strategic survey--confidential if necessary--of U.S. interests in the region and to consider the possible ramifications to America's strategic posture in the Western Pacific should Taiwan be forced into a relationship with China that would preclude continued U.S. strategic cooperation with Taiwan. Thereafter, policy decisions regarding China and Taiwan must be made to conform with U.S. goals.

John J. Tkacik, Jr., is Senior Research Fellow in Asian Studies in the Asian Studies Center at The Heritage Foundation. These remarks are adapted from testimony prepared for delivery at a hearing of the House Committee on International Relations.


1. See Mr. Justice Stewart, concurring in Jacobellis v. Ohio, 378 US 184 (1964).

2. See Memorandum from the Department of State Legal Advisor (L/EA - Robert I. Starr) to the Director of the Office of Republic of China Affairs (Charles T. Sylvester], July 13, 1971, "Subject: Legal Status of Taiwan." This memorandum is reprinted as Appendix C in John J. Tkacik, ed., Rethinking One China (Washington, D.C.: The Heritage Foundation, 2004), p. 181.

3. Ibid.

4. Hearing, The Taiwan Relations Act: The Next Twenty-Five Years, Committee on International Relations, U.S. House of Representatives, April 21, 2004, p. 40, at…/in…/hfa93229.000/hfa93229_0f.htm.

5. Randy Schriver, Deputy Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Briefing for the Foreign Press Center, U.S. State Department, Washington, D.C., November 20, 2003, at

6. Hearing, The Taiwan Relations Act: The Next Twenty-Five Years, p. 23. Rodman referred to U.S. National Security Council, The National Security Strategy of the United States of America, September 2002, at

7. Department of State officials have been particularly reluctant to acknowledge America's commitment to Taiwan as a kindred democracy and instead insist that the U.S. commitment is simply a legal "obligation." For example, in her meetings with Chinese leaders in Beijing on March 21, 2005, Secretary Rice would say only, "I reiterated that the United States does, in fact, have a `One China' policy...that also recognizes American obligations under the Taiwan Relations Act." See Secretary Condoleezza Rice, "Remarks to the Press in China," China World Hotel, Beijing, March 21, 2005, at


8. See Kissinger's record of his conversation with Premier Zhou of October 21, 1971, classified TOP SECRET/SENSITIVE/EXCLUSIVELY EYES ONLY, White House, "Memorandum of Conversation," October 21, 1971, p. 27.

9. During remarks on trade policy, President Bush said, "And that's good, that's important to recognize and to welcome both countries, both the Republic of Taiwan, and of course China, into the World Trade Organization." See "President Calls on Senate to Pass Trade Promotion Authority," Remarks by the President on Trade Promotion Authority, Benjamin Franklin Room, the Department of State, April 4, 2002, at

10. Secretary Colin L. Powell, Interview with Mike Chinoy of CNN International TV, China World Hotel, Beijing, China, October 25, 2004, at

11. Taiwan Relations Act, P.L. 96-8, April 10, 1979.

12. See Presidential Statement on Issuance of Communique, August 17, 1982, in hearing, China-Taiwan: United States Policy, Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 97th Cong., 2nd Sess., August 18, 1982, p. 33. Emphasis added.

13. Emphasis added. For the full text of this short memo, see James R. Lilley and Jeff Lilley, China Hands: Nine Decades of Adventure, Espionage, and Diplomacy in Asia (New York: Public Affairs Books, 2004), p. 248. See also Jim Mann, About Face: A History of America's Curious Relationship with China, From Nixon to Clinton (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1999), p. 127.

14. Beijing's August 30, 1993, white paper on The Taiwan Question and the Reunification of China reiterated that the PRC "is the sole legal government of China and Taiwan is a part of China"; declared that the United States was responsible for the "Taiwan Question"; and stated flatly that Taiwan membership in the United Nations was "out of the question."

15. China State Council, Taiwan Affairs Office and the Information Office, "The One-China Principle and the Taiwan Issue," February 21, 2000, at…/taiwanpaper/taiwana.html. The white paper declared, among other things, that the "government of the `Republic of China'...has long since completely forfeited its right to exercise state sovereignty on behalf of China and, in reality, has always remained only a local authority in Chinese territory," and "if the Taiwan authorities refuse, sine die, the peaceful settlement of cross-Straits reunification through negotiations, then the Chinese government will only be forced to adopt all drastic measures possible, including the use of force, to...fulfill the great cause of reunification."

16. See Yu Yuanzhou, "Law for the Promotion of the National Unification of the People's Republic of China (Scholar's Suggested Draft)," November 1, 2002, at Chinese).

17. Department of State Daily Briefing, Richard Boucher, Spokesman, Washington, D.C., February 15, 2005, at Emphasis added.

18. See John J. Tkacik, "Secession Law Strains Ties," Asian Wall Street Journal, March 9, 2005, p. 10, at


19. Rice, "Remarks to the Press in China."

20. The text of the Anti-Separation Law neither defines how China's leadership would determine when "all possibilities" have been exhausted nor defines a "major incident" that would "entail" Taiwan's separation from China. See Article 8: "In the event that the `Taiwan independence' secessionist forces should act under any name or by any means to cause the fact of Taiwan's secession from China, or that major incidents entailing Taiwan's secession from China should occur, or that possibilities for a peaceful reunification should be completely exhausted, the state shall employ non-peaceful means and other necessary measures to protect China's sovereignty and territorial integrity." The English text of the ASL is available at the Web site of the official Xinhua news agency at…/2005-03/…/content_2694180.htm, "Full text of Anti-Secession Law"; the Chinese text is at…/…/14/content_2694168.htm.

21. "Explication Regarding the `Law Against the Separation of the Nation (Draft)'," Xinhua News Agency, March 8, 2005, at…/…/08/content_2666011.htm (in Chinese).

22. John H. Holdridge, "China-Taiwan: United States Policy," testimony before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, August 18, 1982, pp. 15-16. Holdridge described the "Six Assurances" in his memoir. See John H. Holdridge, Crossing the Divide: An Insider's Account of Normalization of U.S.-China Relations (Lanham, Md.: Rowan and Littlefield, 1997), p. 232.

23. Condoleezza Rice, "Promoting the National Interest," Foreign Affairs, January-February 2000, p. 56.



A Primer on U.S. Policy Toward the "One-China" Issue: Questions and Answers

By Harvey Feldman

Backgrounder #1429 on Asia

The Heritage Foundation

April 12, 2001

The Bush Administration has just faced its first foreign policy crisis. China announced on April 11 that the crew of a U.S. Navy surveillance aircraft, held since April 1, would be released. The U.S. plane and a Chinese jet fighter collided in mid-air over international waters. The damaged American airplane made an emergency landing on China's Hainan Island, where it and its 24 crew members were detained.

This incident came on the heels of another diplomatic crisis involving China: A U.S.-based Chinese scholar is being held on charges of spying. Her husband and young son, both American citizens, also were held for a time--the five-year-old boy separate from either parent. China apparently breached a bilateral consular agreement in failing to inform the U.S. embassy in Beijing about their detention. The same is true of an American-citizen scholar who teaches in Hong Kong.

China appears to be testing the new U.S. President. After enjoying eight years of foreign policy weakness under the Clinton Administration, China's leaders are likely concerned that the White House will at last stand up to their provocations. And no issue concerns them more than the possibility that the United States will sell defensive arms to Taiwan. President George W. Bush is scheduled to decide this month whether to agree to a request from Taiwan to purchase ships equipped with air defense systems that can repel missiles.

China considers that Taiwan is part of its sovereign territory which the U.S. conspires with Taiwan independence supporters to keep separate. The United States, on the other hand, believes that the ultimate decision on the status of Taiwan must be worked out peaceably by the governments on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. To this end, and in accordance with the Taiwan Relations Act (Public Law 96-8), it sells defensive weapons so that the island republic can "maintain a sufficient self-defense capability."


U.S. policy toward Taiwan and China is built upon carefully chosen nuances and discreet silences. Given that this set of statements--and omissions--so obviously departs from what is seen in the real world, it is not surprising that even White House spokesmen and senior officials over the past two decades have misspoken and added to the confusion.

The questions and answers that follow are an attempt to demystify the unique diplomatic rhetoric surrounding U.S. policy toward Taiwan.


Q: When the United States recognized the People's Republic of China (PRC) in 1979, didn't it also recognize or accept the proposition that Taiwan is a part of China?[當美國在1979年承認中華人民共和國時,它有承認或接受台灣是中國的一部分的主張嗎?]


A: No.[答案是: 沒有。] In extending diplomatic recognition to the PRC, in a Joint Communique dated January 1, 1979, the United States said it "acknowledges the Chinese position that there is but one China and Taiwan is a part of China." The word "acknowledges" is polite, diplomatic speech for we understand that this is the position you take. In fact, neither then nor since has the United States formally stated that Taiwan is a part of the People's Republic of China or officially agreed to this claim of the PRC. [事實上,美國在承認中華人民共和國那時以及從那時開始,都沒有官式地或正式地說「台灣是中華人民共和國的一部分」,也沒有官式地同意中華人民共和國該項主張。]


Q: What then is the U.S. view of Taiwan's status? [那麼美國對台灣的地位到底持什麼觀點?]


A: In formal statements, such as communiques, the U.S. has remained completely agnostic, taking no position at all on Taiwan's status. [在一些正式的聲明中,如美中三公報,美國一直都是持完全的不可知論,對台灣的地位沒有採取任何立場,這就是台灣法律地位未定論。]But this unique situation has been complicated by less than formal or truly official statements by past administrations. For example, answering a question at a public meeting in Shanghai in June 1998, President Bill Clinton said that "we don't support independence for Taiwan, or two Chinas, or one Taiwan, one China. And we don't believe that Taiwan should be a member in any organization for which statehood is a requirement." This echoed the Chinese position, sometimes called the "three nos."

But to say that "we," meaning the Clinton Administration, will not support independence for Taiwan, or a solution that results in a Taiwan separate from the PRC, is not the same thing as saying, formally or informally, that Taiwan lacks the qualities necessary for independence or existence separate from China.

In fact, American law, in the form of the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act, Public Law 96-8, directly contradicts Mr. Clinton's statement that Taiwan should not be a member of any organization that requires statehood for membership:

Whenever the laws of the United States refer or relate to foreign countries, nations, states, governments, or similar entities, such terms shall include and such laws shall apply with respect to Taiwan.1

Whenever authorized by or pursuant to the laws of the United States to conduct or carry out programs, transactions, or other relations with respect to foreign countries, nations, states, governments and similar entities, the President or any agency of the United States Government is authorized to conduct and carry out...such transactions and other relations with respect to Taiwan....2

Specifically on the subject of membership in international organizations of all types, the Act says, "Nothing in this Act may be construed as a basis for supporting the exclusion or expulsion of Taiwan from continued membership in any financial institution or any other international organization" 3 The Legislative History of the Taiwan Relations Act makes plain that Congress intended the United States to support Taiwan's membership in international organizations.


Q: So is Taiwan a state or not? What is its status in international law?


A: Taiwan meets all the qualifications laid down in international law for statehood: defined territory, defined population, and the capability of entering into international agreements with other states. Taiwan is recognized diplomatically by 29 other countries, all of which are members of the United Nations. It is important to bear in mind that the absence of U.S. diplomatic recognition does not alter status in international law.

One can look at it this way: At one minute before midnight on December 31, 1978, the United States recognized the Republic of China on Taiwan as a state, and as the sole legal government of China. At one minute after midnight on January 1, 1979, the United States no longer recognized Taiwan diplomatically. But nothing happened on Taiwan itself to change its status from one thing to another.


Q: Does the government on Taiwan still claim to be the sole legal government of China?


A: No, it does not. It claims to be the legitimate government of Taiwan and associated islands, chosen and elected by its people, and goes on to say that within the broad historic and cultural entity of China, there are now two separately governed jurisdictions, with each qualified for international recognition and membership in international organizations.

Taiwan is a multiparty, free-market democracy that ranks 13th in the world in trade. Its population of 22.4 million is larger than two-thirds of the members of the United Nations. On a per capita basis, Taiwan buys more American products than any country except Canada.


Q: Didn't the U.S. sign a communique with the PRC in August 1982 saying it would end arms sales to Taiwan? How come the U.S. is still selling them?


A: The communique of August 17, 1982, said that the U.S. "intends to reduce gradually its sales of arms to Taiwan, leading over time to a final resolution." In signing this communique, President Ronald Reagan said this policy was based on China's statements that peaceful resolution of the Taiwan question was its "fundamental policy," and that America's "future actions will be conducted with this peaceful policy fully in mind."

Meanwhile, the Taiwan Relations Act specifies: "The United States will make available to Taiwan such defense articles and defense services in such quantity as may be necessary to enable Taiwan to maintain a sufficient self-defense capability."4 The law goes on to state that "The President and the Congress shall determine the nature and quantity of such defense articles and services based solely upon their judgment of the needs of Taiwan...."5

As the PRC increased its verbal threats to use military force against Taiwan, emplaced ground attack missiles opposite the island republic, and began a program of acquiring advanced arms from Russia, successive U.S. administrations have concluded it was necessary to continue to provide the military articles and services necessary to Taiwan's defense--just as American law provides.


Q: Does this mean the United States has some kind of military alliance with Taiwan?


A: No, it does not. But the Taiwan Relations Act does state that our diplomatic relationship with the PRC "rests upon the expectation that the future of Taiwan will be determined by peaceful means."6

It goes on to say the U.S. would "consider any effort to determine the future of Taiwan by other than peaceful means, including by boycotts or embargoes, a threat to the peace and security of the Western Pacific area and of grave concern to the United States."7 That section of the law concludes by saying that the United States will "maintain the capacity ... to resist any resort to force or other forms of coercion that would jeopardize the security or the social or economic system of the people on Taiwan."8


Q: Does the United States have any other commitments to Taiwan?


A: Yes. At the same time as he agreed to the August 17, 1982, communique, President Reagan gave six specific assurances to the government of Taiwan. These were:

The United States has not agreed to set a date for ending arms sales to Taiwan.

The United States has not agreed to hold consultations with the PRC prior to agreeing on arms sales to Taiwan.

The United States will not act as a mediator between Taiwan and the PRC.

The United States has not agreed to revise the Taiwan Relations Act.

The United States has not altered its position on the question of sovereignty over Taiwan.

The United States will not pressure Taiwan to enter into negotiations with the PRC.



The issue of Taiwan is certain to play a major role in U.S.-China relations for some time to come. If all of those who try to explain American policy on this thorny subject can stick to the basic texts--the Taiwan Relations Act, the three Joint Communiques9, and the Six Assurances given Taiwan by President Reagan--U.S. policy will appear less confusing and less contradictory.

Ambassador Harvey Feldman is Senior Fellow for China Policy in the Asian Studies Center at The Heritage Foundation.


1. Taiwan Relations Act, Section 4(b)(1).

2. Taiwan Relations Act, Section 4(b)(2).

3. Taiwan Relations Act, Section 4(c), emphasis added.

4. Taiwan Relations Act, Section 3(a).

5. Taiwan Relations Act, Section 3(b).

6. Taiwan Relations Act, Section 2(b)(3).

7. Taiwan Relations Act, Section 2(b)(4).

8. Taiwan Relations Act, Section 2(b)(6).

9. The three Joint Communiques are dated February 28, 1972; January 1, 1979; and August 17, 1982.




[提示: 美國政府總是開口閉口「台海任何一方不得片面破壞台海現狀」。

















(5/19/2015)美國國務院代理副發言人Jeff Rathke有關「習朱會」的談話




(4/24/2015)若美國國務院第四號人物Wendy R. Sherman的說法就是華府定義的「台海現狀」,那我們現階段希望維持的「台海現狀」看起來是令人不舒適且令人擔憂的






(4/9/2015,3/24/2015首次發表) 台灣建州運動在民進黨主席蔡英文訪美前再對她增加若干建議




(3/29/2015)美國是從它的世界大戰略棋盤來看臺灣 ,由於中國做為世界性的大國的地位已確立,所以華府在台海事務上只有謹小慎微,壓抑台灣,避免激怒或觸怒老共,並冀求維護「台海現狀」


(3/29/2015,12/5/2014首次發表)為了不讓Donilon-Paal-Bush Barrier(丹尼龍-包道格-卜睿哲障礙)再度成為阻礙蔡英文走完最後一哩路的路障,蔡英文的國安與外交智囊不妨充分運用Hillary-Russel-Medeiros Statements(希拉蕊-羅素-麥艾文談話)


(3/27/2015)前AIT臺北辦事處主任包道格(Douglas H. Paal, 2002-2006)在2012年初到臺北替馬英九的「九二共識,一中各表」背書,現在是2015年,老包又發言了,真傷腦筋


(3/25/2015)陳一新投書攪局的事件未了,又來一個下指導棋的AIT前執行理事施藍旗(Ms. Barbara Schrage),這些層出不窮的事件凸顯蔡英文炙手可熱,各方看好


(3/24/2015) 台灣建州運動在民進黨主席蔡英文訪美前再對她增加若干建議


















(3/24/2015 & 4/9/2015發表)










(3)為了得到華府的背書,並進而鞏固綠營的基本盤及鞏固中間選民的支持,必須對華府釋出如下的訊息或做出如下的承諾: 要維持「台海現狀」,要維護「台灣自治」, 要與美國一起維護「台灣關係法體制」及「台海和平」,蔡英文可以給華府「三不」、「四不一沒有」、「五不二沒有」、甚至「六不三沒有」的承諾。









(乙)蔡英文來美國展開「點亮台灣,民主夥伴之旅」之前,回顧台灣建州運動給她的建議(二之一) (5/18/2015)


//鄉親們可以發現,建州派在3/24/2015向蔡英文與民進黨建議: 「為了得到華府的背書,並進而鞏固綠營的基本盤及鞏固中間選民的支持,必須對華府釋出如下的訊息或做出如下的承諾: 要維持『台海現狀』」。


從4/15/2015起,蔡英文已在若干場合提出「台海兩岸維持現狀」的說法與主張,在她提出「維持現狀說」之後,她向台灣的獨派朋友們表示: 她所認知的「台海現狀」是: 台灣是一個主權獨立的國家; 台灣與中國互不相屬;台灣是自由民主的台灣; 台灣海峽是和平安定的海峽。




建州派在4/24/2015發表的「若美國國務院第四號人物Wendy R. Sherman的說法就是華府定義的『台海現狀』,那我們現階段希望維持的『台海現狀』看起來是令人不舒適且令人擔憂的」一文中說:












建州派所建議、蔡英文所提出的「維持美國所定義的台海現狀說」以及建議蔡英文要向華府承諾「台灣要在美國『重返亞洲』的戰略與政策中扮演美國賦給它的關鍵角色,並做出貢獻」的目的是: 我們台灣人要與美國及日本建立同盟或安全夥伴關係,以反制「親中賣台」的中國國民黨與老共、俄羅斯所建立的「反美軸心」。







第一,美國持「一個中國政策」,它是「我們美國的一個中國政策」,這個政策建築在「美中三公報」及「台灣關係法」之上。[註: 在「美中三公報」中,美國只是「認知」、但沒有承認或接受中國所持的「世界上只有一個中國,台灣是中國的一部分」的立場。另外,「台灣關係法」是建築在「舊金山和約」的基礎上,也就是建築在「台灣國際法律地位未定」的基礎上。]




[這些保證是: Had not agreed to set a date for ending arms sales to the Republic of China;

Had not agreed to hold prior consultations with the PRC regarding arms sales to the Republic of China;

Would not play a mediation role between the PRC and the Republic of China;

Would not revise the Taiwan Relations Act;


Had not altered its position regarding sovereignty over Taiwan (美國從來沒有改變它對台灣主權的立場,也就是說,美國一直持「台灣國際法律地位未定」的立場); and


Would not exert pressure on the Republic of China to enter into negotiations with the PRC.]

























David C. Chou

Founder, Formosa Statehood Movement

(an organization devoted in current stage to making Taiwan a territorial commonwealth of the United States)



John Tkacik on Taiwan: What exactly is the `status quo'? (譚慎格談台灣: 什麼是真正的現狀?)

By John Tkacik



[註: 這篇文章十分重要,很有參考價值,請習慣閱讀英文的鄉親仔細研讀。很抱歉,我們這次沒有時間為大家做重點漢譯,以後我們再找時間或機會,做重點翻譯。]


On May 18 last year, President Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) told visiting European legislators, "Over the past 50 years, the status quo across the Taiwan Strait has been that on one side, there is a democratic Taiwan, and on the other, there is an authoritarian China. Neither of the two countries are subordinate to each other, because they are two independent sovereignties. Both sides have their own national title, national flag, national anthem, legislature, judicial system and military." Given the textbook definition of "status quo," this seems reasonable, at least to me.


On March 4, Chen made another of his periodic comments on Taiwan's status quo, this time saying that Taiwan's only problem was its national identity. The following day in Washington, US State Department spokesman Sean McCormack was asked, "Can you make the link in one sentence saying that President Chen's comments are unhelpful or can you not say that?"


To which McCormack responded with the non sequitur, "I don't have anything to add to the statement that I have read." The statement he had just read had nothing to do with the validity of what Chen had said, but simply noted that "[US] President [George W.] Bush has repeatedly underscored his opposition to unilateral changes to the status quo by either Taipei or Beijing because these threaten regional peace and stability."


Chen's observations on Taiwan's status quo are indeed "provocative" to Beijing's leaders, but they at least have the advantage of being true and consequently need not be provocative in Washington. This is because Washington presumably has an interest in maintaining the status quo in the Taiwan Strait -- the status quo that Chen describes.


On Dec. 9, 2003, Bush chastised "Taiwan's leader?" -- Chen -- for making comments that "indicate that he may be willing to make decisions unilaterally that change the status quo, which we oppose." Bush was apparently referring to the "Taiwanese leader's" comments about a democratic referendum on Taiwan that would express Taiwanese indignation at being the target, at the time, of 350 Chinese short-range ballistic missiles.


Yet, far from threatening a unilateral change by Taipei in the status quo, the Taiwanese referendum was meant to protest Beijing's military moves to change the status quo.


The Bush administration has since tried to rearticulate a somewhat conditioned position which insists that the US is committed to "our `one China' policy" and "opposes" any move by China or Taiwan to "change unilaterally" the "status quo as we define it."



On April 21, 2004, a glimmering of this position came in a public statement by then US assistant secretary of state for East Asia and Pacific Affairs James Kelly, who enumerated for the House International Relations Committee "core principles" of US policy in the Taiwan Strait:

* "The United States remains committed to our one-China policy based on the three Joint Communiques and the Taiwan Relations Act;

* "The US does not support independence for Taiwan or unilateral moves that would change the status quo as we define it;

* "For Beijing, this means no use of force or threat to use force against Taiwan. For Taipei, it means exercising prudence in managing all aspects of cross-strait relations. For both sides, it means no statements or actions that would unilaterally alter Taiwan's status."


Beyond that third point, Kelly had to admit he was "not sure" he "very easily could define ... `our' one China policy." Nonetheless he continued, "I can tell you what it is not." It is not the "one China" principle that Beijing suggests, and it may not be the definition that some would have in Taiwan. Alas, that is as close as a State Department official has ever come to defining "our one China policy" in private or in public. Nor, as it happens, has any US official ever "defined" the "status quo as we define it."


Which raises two core questions for US policy: First, what are the "use of force" and the "threat of force" and what, exactly, is Taiwan's status, as far as the US is concerned? And second, what is the US going to do if either side does something the US "does not support?"


The fact is that Washington has no answers to these core questions -- either publicly or in confidential policy documents circulated among decisionmakers. Hence, Washington's political leaders should not be surprised when Washington's Delphic pronouncements are interpreted arbitrarily in both Beijing and Taipei.


Actually, Beijing just ignores Washington. In 2003, the Chinese People's Liberation Army deployed 350 ballistic missiles targeted on Taiwan, and by February last year there were more than 700. In March 2005, Beijing's "legislature" passed a law giving the Central Military Commission the authority to launch a military strike against Taiwan whenever it feels like it. And there was little or no public comment from Washington.


On Feb. 27 last year, US State Department spokesman Adam Ereli was asked, apropos of something Chen had said a day earlier, "Do you think Chen Shui-bian's move is a change of the status quo, and what is the US definition of the status quo?" Ereli tried to turn the question around: "President Chen has said that he is committed to the status quo and that he is committed to the pledges in his inaugural speech." But the questions persisted: "I just want to get this right. So you don't consider this as a change of status quo?" To which the cornered Ereli could only admit: "You know, I'm not going to define it further than I already have." Needless to say, he hadn't defined it at all. Chen himself might therefore be excused if he doesn't quite have a clear picture of the status quo -- as Washington defines it.


The US Defense Department is a bit clearer on the concept. On March 16 last year, US Assistant Secretary of Defense Peter Rodman observed that, in his opinion, "When there are zero ballistic missiles opposite the Taiwan Strait, and a few years later there are 700, that's a change in the status quo." But the Pentagon doesn't make Taiwan policy, the State Department does, and therein lies the rub.


Rather than being reactive to changes in the status quo in the Taiwan Strait, Washington needs a proactive policy that pre-empts such "changes" or sanctions them when the changes become too extreme. This is far more important in managing Chinese attacks on what might be called the "real status quo" than Taiwan's desperate efforts to articulate the state that actually exists. It would therefore be a useful exercise, before trying to react to some change in the status quo, for Bush's National Security Council to actually define "the status quo as we define it," -- even in a classified document if that is really needed.

What follows are some specific pre-emptive countermeasures that would signal our increasing pressure on China and Taiwan:

The White House should clearly state that the 1,000-plus missiles facing Taiwan are provocative. Imagine that these missiles were arrayed by Iran against Israel or North Korea against Japan -- 1,000 Chinese missiles aimed at Taiwan should be no less alarming. Washington must not allow itself to be a hostage to these weapons.


If Washington cannot convince China to dismantle these missiles, which have indeed changed the status quo and are not of a defensive nature, then the US administration should consider adopting late US president Ronald Reagan's "Zero Option" response to the Soviet "intermediate nuclear force" in Europe. Reagan and then British prime minister Margaret Thatcher gained support for the deployment of Pershing II missiles in West Germany as a strategic response to Soviet deployments of SS-20 missiles in Eastern Europe.


This would mean supporting Taiwan's development of ballistic or cruise missiles capable of hitting Chinese targets in an effort to augment the negligible deterrent value (despite their significant defensive value) of Taiwan's anti-ballistic missile defense systems.


The White House should also reaffirm Reagan's so-called "six assurances" of July 14, 1982, that the US would neither seek to mediate between the People's Republic of China (PRC) and Taiwan, nor "exert pressure on Taiwan to come to the bargaining table." Of course, the US is also committed to make available defensive arms and defensive services to Taipei to help Taiwan meet its self-defense needs. The US does, after all, "believe a secure and self-confident Taiwan is a Taiwan that is more capable of engaging in political interaction and dialogue with the PRC."


It is vital that the US administration, and particularly Bush and his successors, sympathize with the existential challenge facing Taiwan, rather than harangue the nation's leaders about Washington's precious, yet undefined "status quo."


The one thing that Taiwan's democratically elected leaders at either end of the political blue-green spectrum simply cannot, and will not, do is to compromise the legitimacy of the Republic of China's governance. Sovereignty over Taiwan, they insist, belongs solely to the people of Taiwan, and in no way to the "sole legal government of China" in Beijing.


The US government must also understand that so long as Taiwan refuses to accept Beijing's sovereignty, Beijing's long-term strategy will be to isolate Taiwan in the international community to the most extreme extent possible.


Thus, when China gets obstreperous on the Taiwan issue, White House and Cabinet spokespersons should publicly articulate the common-sense stance that "the United States does not recognize or accept that China has any right whatsoever under international law to use or threaten the use of force against democratic Taiwan." (This has the advantage of actually being US policy, but it has never been stated in public.)


In background to journalists and reporters, US "senior officials" could explain that even a Taiwanese declaration of independence would just be "words on paper" and would not change any country's behavior or affect China's security posture? This wording would make it clear that the US does not now recognize, and never has recognized, China's territorial claims to Taiwan.


Finally, a diplomatic deal might be struck with the "elected leaders of Taiwan" that they would refrain from verbal challenges to the so-called status quo in the Strait in return for authoritative US expressions of support like those described above.


Without a formal and detailed definition of "the status quo as we define it," Washington simply cedes the terms of the debate to Beijing and Taipei while US diplomats are left to flounder around reactively as tensions heighten. That is a recipe for a catastrophe.


The term status quo means "the state in which [anything is]"; existing conditions; unchanged position. (Harper Dictionary of Foreign Terms, Third Edition.)


(John Tkacik, Jr. is senior research fellow of the Heritage Foundation.)




The Taiwan Status Quo "As We Define It" (美國所定義的台灣現狀)

By Harvey Feldman

WebMemo #1465

May 22, 2007

The Heritage Foundation


The Bush Administration has often said it opposes attempts by either side-China or Taiwan-to alter the status quo in the Taiwan Strait area. This admonition, given by White House or State Department spokespersons, is almost always directed at statements from, or actions taken by, the government in Taipei. Apparently, China's yearly addition of 100 offensive missiles aimed at Taiwan, for a total now approaching 900, does not count as an alteration of the status quo. Although these administration spokespersons often add the words "as we define it" after "status quo," they do not, in fact, define it.

So perhaps we should take up the task.

At the most obvious level, the status quo is an entity called China on one side of the Taiwan Strait and an entity called Taiwan on the other. The claims each makes certainly are part of the status quo and so deserve some consideration.

The Chinese government asserts something it calls "the sacred One China Principle" which, when it speaks to the people of Taiwan, goes like this: One China is the China that will be created by the necessary and inevitable unification of Taiwan with the mainland. But when China addresses an international audience, it goes like this: There is only one China in the world, and Taiwan is a province of that China whose only lawful representative is "the people's government in Beijing." This is the formula used to block Taiwan's participation in the World Health Organization and other international bodies.

Back in the days of one-party authoritarian rule on Taiwan, Taipei claimed to be the seat of the legitimate government of all China, including not only Taiwan but Mongolia and Tibet as well. And the United States recognized it as such, more or less, up to January 1, 1979, when diplomatic recognition switched to Beijing. "More or less," because after President Nixon's visit to China in 1972 and the issuance of the Shanghai Communique, diplomatic niceties aside, America dealt with the government in Beijing as the government of China and the government in Taipei as the government of Taiwan. Despite the subsequent change in diplomatic relations, it still does. And we recognized Mongolia many years ago.

In 1991, a dozen years after the U.S. switched diplomatic recognition to Beijing, the Taipei government stopped claiming to be the legitimate government of China and asked to be recognized only as the government of the territory it obviously controls, Taiwan and associated islands. But the government still calls itself, formally, "The Republic of China" (ROC for short), its name under a constitution written for all of China, adopted in Nanjing in 1947, and brought to Taiwan by Chiang Kai-shek in 1949. That constitution has been amended many times, for example to eliminate the seats of those who claimed to represent mainland districts not under ROC control since 1949, but it remains in force.

The U.S. regarded neither the amendments nor dropping the claim to be the legitimate government of all of China to be changes in the status quo-or at least not changes that merited some statement of displeasure. After all, it would be a bit difficult to insist that the ROC should maintain its claim to legally govern all of China when the U.S. recognizes another in that role. But were the Taipei government to call the mainland-issued 1947 constitution null and void, drop the name Republic of China, and call itself something simple and descriptive like "Taiwan," the U.S. would likely denounce these actions as a most grievous unilateral change in the status quo. China would regard it as intensely provocative.


Taiwan's two most recent presidents have frequently asserted that Taiwan is a state separate from China, sovereign and independent. But so long as this claim is not placed within a legal framework, Washington and Beijing have decided that, however galling, they can live with it.

So that's not a change in the status quo either. Indeed, statements about Taiwan being an independent, sovereign entity have been made so often over the last 10 years that one may even say they too form part of the status quo, along with Washington's admonition that "you'd better not pass any legislation that says so" and Beijing's threat that "if you do we will have to attack you." In 2005, China enshrined that threat in a piece of legislation known as "The Anti-Secession Law." But since everyone knows China does not decide its policies on the basis of law, this too was not considered a change in the status quo.

So what is the status quo? For that matter, what is Taiwan's status? The U.S. says it follows a "One China Policy." Does that mean it regards Taiwan as a Chinese province? [什麼是台海現狀或台灣的現狀? 美國說它遵循一個「一中政策」,那種說法是表示美國認為台灣是中國的一省嗎?]

Actually, no. [答案是: 美國並不認為台灣是中國的一省]。In fact, the U.S. makes no formal statement at all about Taiwan's status. [事實上,美國根本從來都沒有對台灣的地位做過官式的聲明。] In the communique establishing diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China, the U.S. "acknowledged" the Chinese position that there is but one China of which Taiwan is a part. That word, "acknowledged," is diplomatic jargon meaning "we understand that is your claim." Washington has never said it regards Taiwan as a PRC province. Nor, when various Taiwan spokesmen assert that the island republic is a separate, independent sovereignty, has the U.S. contradicted that claim. It is true that both the Clinton and George W. Bush administrations have said they would not support Taiwan's membership in international organizations that admit only states. But in this, they appear not to have read American law carefully enough.

Is there American law on the subject? Yes, there is the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA), and quoting it may help clarify matters.

To begin with the matter of membership in international organizations, TRA, in Section 4(d), states that the withdrawal of diplomatic recognition from Taiwan provides no basis for opposing its membership in the international financial institutions (e.g., the World Bank and IMF) or any other international organization. As far as American law is concerned, Taiwan's competence for such membership is unquestioned.

So is Taiwan a state? In American law it certainly is. The TRA states, Whenever the laws of the United States refer or relate to foreign countries, nations, states, governments, or similar entities, such terms shall include and such laws shall apply with respect to Taiwan.

Moreover, the TRA authorizes the President to sell arms and enriched uranium fuel to Taiwan, sales which, under American law, can be made only to friendly states and governments. Taiwan is not a part of China for purposes of American immigration law. And the U.S. negotiates executive agreements, essentially treaties, with its government.

So World Health Organization membership for Taiwan is completely in keeping with the "status quo as we define it," as are agreements currently under discussion between the U.S. and Taiwan on investment, taxation, and government procurement. By the same token, a U.S.-Taiwan Free Trade Agreement, when the U.S. finally makes the political decision to move it forward, will be fully consistent with the American one China policy.

Participation in the International Civil Aviation Organization, International Maritime Organization, and other international institutions for which statehood may or may not be a requirement are also all perfectly in keeping with the U.S. policy.

So just what is the status quo?(現狀到底是什麼?)

In fact, the status quo is that, for all purposes other than the exchange of formal embassies and ambassadors, American law treats Taiwan as a state separate from the People's Republic of China.

And beyond the implications this holds for questions of bilateral agreements and international organizations, the TRA says that, should the PRC attempt to alter Taiwan's status "by other than peaceful means, including by boycotts or embargoes," the U.S. would treat this as "a threat to the peace and security of the Western Pacific area and of grave concern to the United States."

Clearly, there is nothing to be gained and much to be lost by needlessly provoking China by some form of words or pushing it into a situation in which it feels obliged to strike out militarily. But it would be useful for the U.S. government, as it seeks to maintain the status quo "as we define it," to review just how it is defined already in the Taiwan Relations Act.

(Ambassador Harvey Feldman is Distinguished Fellow in China Policy in the Asian Studies Center at The Heritage Foundation.)




“Taiwan's Status Quo” (台灣的現狀))

By Russell Hsiao

February 23, 2012


The Taiwanese perception of the status quo with China may be diverging from Washington’s. That’s a problem. [台灣人對台海現狀的理解或觀點可能與華府的觀點不同,這是一個問題。]

While Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping was in Washington last week, U.S. President Barack Obama and the leader-in-waiting had much to talk about. Top diplomats on both sides had prepared a wish list for the meeting, but issues like Iran, Syria and North Korea will likely remain irresolvable for the foreseeable future – at least until after the 18th Party Congress, when Xi will be anointed the next leader of the People’s Republic. The meeting, however, wasn’t simply much ado about nothing. At the very least, Xi’s visit may have provided a preface for the next chapter in the Sino-U.S. relationship, replete with mutual expectations.

One issue that was certainly on Xi’s mind is Taiwan. With Taiwan’s elections wrapped up and the incumbent President Ma Ying-jeou in office for another four-year term, Xi had an opportunity to persuade Washington to stop prolonging the “inevitable” and allow the “Chinese people” across the Taiwan Strait to resolve their political differences. So why was there scant mention of Taiwan between Xi and Obama? One reason could be because Xi felt that time is on Beijing’s side.

In light of the thaw in relations between Taipei and Beijing over the past four years, Washington’s inclination could conceivably be to keep doing more of the same. To be sure, U.S. policy toward Taiwan over the past four years could be characterized as a form of “strategic ambiguity” (a policy which has been in the U.S. playbook for the past two decades), an approach that has been useful to the extent that it has helped to minimize the probability of conflict across the Taiwan Strait and afforded the United States flexibility to deal with a host of other volatile issues throughout the world. Yet the outcome that may be “inevitable” on the current trajectory is that conflict will ensue as long as Taiwan’s sovereignty remains at risk.

At the core of the issue is the interpretation of the “status quo” in Washington.[台海兩岸問題的核心是,在華盛頓,對「台海現狀」的解釋。] While there appears to be an emerging societal consensus about the status quo in Taiwan, there needs to be a more accurate corresponding representation of it in Washington. Refusal to address the widening sovereignty gap in the Taiwan Strait is a potential source of instability. Creeping abandonment of U.S. support for Taiwan's de-facto sovereignty, defined in terms of the Republic of China (Taiwan), has the potential to create growing resentment on both sides of the political spectrum in Taiwan – and thus greater uncertainty in the Taiwan Strait.

The solution for enduring peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait should be the active promotion of trust, equality, and dignity in a manner consistent with the U.S. policy and values. Gradual adjustments in U.S. policy to reflect a more accurate representation of the “status quo” in the Taiwan Strait would offset Beijing’s attempts to marginalize Taiwan. In other words, ambiguity may have finally outlived its utility.

The military balance in the Taiwan Strait isn’t what it was in 1995-1996. And the Taiwanese electorate isn’t the same as it was more than a decade ago. Moreover, Xi is no Hu. The Obama administration (or the next administration for that matter) should learn from the lessons of past U.S. administrations and adopt a policy based on increasing clarity about the objective reality in the Taiwan Strait.

(Russell Hsiao is a senior research fellow at the Project 2049 Institute.)




“Conflicting Conceptions of the Taiwan Status Quo” (台灣的現狀的幾種互為衝突的概念)

By Ted Galen Carpenter

April 21, 2005…/conflicting-conceptions-taiwan-status…


China reacted with anger and dismay when the U.S. State Department criticized the anti-secession law recently passed by the National People’s Congress.

Chinese officials protested that, contrary to U.S. complaints, the new law did not change the status quo regarding Taiwan. Indeed, they insisted that the legislation reinforced the status quo.

The Chinese are probably sincere. Yet that sincerity underscores a larger — and potentially very dangerous — problem regarding the Taiwan issue. Beijing, Taipei, and Washington all insist that they oppose any unilateral action that alters the status quo, but the three capitals interpret the status quo in vastly different ways. [北京、臺北與華府都堅持它們反對「台海現狀被片面改變」,但是這三個首都對「台海現狀」的解釋卻存在著極大的差異。]That creates considerable potential for misunderstanding and mutual recrimination — or worse.

When U.S. officials speak of the status quo, they mean a willingness by all parties to tolerate indefinitely Taiwan’s ambiguous political status. In other words, the island should continue to enjoy its de facto independence (but not internationally recognized legal independence) until Taipei and Beijing can agree on a peaceful resolution of the dispute. [當美國官員談及「台海現狀」時,他們指的是,有關各方無限期容忍台灣曖昧不明的政治地位的意願。換言之,台灣必須享有其事實獨立的地位與狀態(但非被國際承認的法理獨立),直到臺北與北京能在和平解決爭端一事上獲得共識。]

That rationale enables Washington to acknowledge Beijing’s position that there is only one China and that Taiwan is part of China while continuing to sell arms to Taiwan and maintain an implicit commitment to defend the island against a Chinese military assault. Taiwan’s attempts to push the envelope regarding independence are considered disruptive and undesirable, but so too is any attempt by China to compel reunification. That is why the United States has explicitly admonished both capitals in the past year about their behavior. [華府這種立場讓它能認知(不是承認)北京所持的「世界上只有一個中國,台灣是中國的一部分」的立場,但同時又能持續軍售台灣,並維持一個「保衛台灣,使其免受中國武裝攻擊的默示承諾」,在另一方面,台灣強推獨立的努力則被視為不被歡迎的,當然,中國強推所謂的「統一」,也被視為不受歡迎的行為。]

The People’s Republic of China has a radically different definition of the status quo. As one Chinese official put it, “the status quo of the cross-straits relations is that both sides of the [Taiwan] Straits belong to one and the same China.” He added that it is “a status quo not defined by other countries such as the United States, nor by the Taiwan leaders.”

To Beijing, the status quo is a synonym for a one-China policy and Taiwan’s eventual reunification with the mainland. [對北京而言,「台海現狀」就是「一中政策」的同義語,而台灣最終則必須與中國「統一」。]Anything that challenges the concept of one China is, therefore, an unacceptable attempt to alter the status quo. Thus, from the perspective of Chinese leaders, the anti-secession law is not disruptive; it merely re-emphasizes the only acceptable political outcome: reunification. Conversely, even the mildest actions by Taiwan to gain international recognition for the Republic of China (the official name of the Taiwanese government) are a threat to the status quo and must be resisted at all costs.

Taiwan’s concept of the status quo is exactly the opposite of the PRC’s. Taiwanese officials routinely argue that the status quo means Taiwan’s independence. They point out that the Republic of China has been in existence since 1912, and that at least some countries in the world (at present, fewer than 30 mostly small nations) still recognize the ROC as an independent state. [台灣人對台海現狀的理解與北京完全相反,台灣的官員一向宣示,「台海現狀」指的是台灣獨立。]

As supporting evidence for the proposition that the status quo means an independent Taiwan, one official stressed that since 1996, Taiwan has held fully democratic elections “within specified boundaries by specified citizens for a government exercising exclusive control over a territory.”

Reunification with China, according to Taipei, is only one possible outcome among many to be negotiated by the governments of two independent and equal states. From Taiwan’s perspective, the new anti-secession law is an aggressive and threatening attempt by Beijing to alter the status quo, while Taiwanese efforts to secure international recognition by joining the United Nations and other international organizations are consistent with the status quo.

Unfortunately, officials in Beijing, Taipei, and Washington do not seem to grasp that they have very different concepts in mind when they all speak of preserving the status quo. Serious diplomatic quarrels and even armed conflicts have begun over less significant misunderstandings. That danger is becoming acute with regard to the Taiwan issue.


(Ted Galen Carpenter, vice president for defense and foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute, is the author or editor of 17 books on international affairs. His next book, America’s Coming War With China: A Collision Course Over Taiwan, is forthcoming from Palgrave/Macmillan later this year.)

11A-06台灣建州運動率先地、很誠實地指出: 從1/1/1979至今的「台灣」是被「(美國與)台灣關係法」所擬制與創設的自治實體,美國人民與「在台灣的人民」現階段都應遵守「台灣關係法體制」,維護美國所定義的「台海現狀」,同時要讓現階段的台灣所有的建制符合「台灣關係法體制」,把殘留在台灣的「中華民國建制」(違章建築)全部清除



[提示: 終戰後的台灣人民至今被「舊金山和約系統」(SFPT System)、「台灣關係法體制」(TRA Regime)與「中華民國建制」(ROC Establishment)所統治或治理,現下的台灣就是一個被「台灣關係法」所擬制或創設的政治實體或法人。我們應該廢棄在「台灣關係法」中已不承認的「中華民國」、「中華民國政府」與「中華民國建制」,代之以符合「台灣關係法」的宗旨與精神的體制,但最終則以「美國福爾摩沙領地建制」來取代「台灣關係法體制」。]



台灣建州運動率先地、很誠實地指出: 從1/1/1979至今的、現階段的「台灣」是被「(美國與)台灣關係法」所擬制與創設的政治實體。我們這麼說已有一段時間了,這種詮釋、認知與說法是正確的,我們言人所未言,言人所不敢言,希望我們的台灣鄉親能勇敢地面對與接受。


「現階段的『台灣』是被「(美國與)台灣關係法」所擬制與創設的政治實體」就是「台海現狀」,就是美國在台海建立的秩序,這是「大美和平」(Pax Americana) 的一環,台灣人、台美人與民進黨所組建的「在台灣的治理當局」現階段都應該與美國政府及人民合作,以維護這個秩序及現狀,這個秩序及現狀正在被信誓旦旦要追求與實現「中華民族的偉大復興」的老共與老K挑戰、侵蝕與破壞,我們必須協同華府來反擊老共與老K那些麻煩製造者,那些麻煩製造者都無意服從美國所建立的「自由國際秩序」,他們企圖打倒美國並把美國勢力趕出東亞與西太平洋。












建州派相信,華府沒有理由反對或拒絕我們台灣人這種合理與合法的訴求與主張,因為我們這種訴求與主張並非要也沒有改變「美國所定義的台海現狀」,更沒有要對美國所定義及所欲維護的台海現狀進行挑釁,相反地,是要讓「中華民國」、「中華民國政府」及 「中華民國建制」(ROC Establishment) 這些不合時宜的、落伍的、且與「台灣關係法體制」(TRA Regime) 不符的anachronisms在台灣消失。我們也相信,我們的動作與努力不但不會給華府製造麻煩,反而可以幫華府作球,讓華府能振振有詞地、光明正大地與名正言順地強化與鞏固它所欲維護的TRA Regime與The Status Quo in the Taiwan Straits (台海現狀)。


前美國白宮國家安全會議亞洲部門資深主任Dennis Wilder於2007年8月30日小布希總統前往澳洲參加APEC元首會議之前的白宮簡報會與記者會中說: “The position of the United States government is that the ROC, Republic of China, is an issue undecided, that it has been left undecided, as you know, for many, many years”(美國政府的立場是: 中華民國是一個多年來未決的議題),經過幾年,這個問題或議題仍然未決,我們台灣人有必要也有權利向華府提出要求: 「中華民國」這個稱號,在「台灣關係法」中,已被「台灣」取代,而「中華民國政府」這個稱號也已被「在台灣的治理當局」所取代,美國政府的台海政策或對台政策不應違反「台灣關係法」。




我們要特別指出,在TRA Regime之下的台灣:


(1) 是一塊法律地位未定的土地,這種法律地位是延續「舊金山和約系統」(SFPT System)而來,這在TRA的立法記錄中被清楚地交待;


(2)係處於自治的狀態,它被美國國務院現任的亞太事務助卿Daniel R. Russel稱為”Taiwan Autonomy”,但要注意,處於自治的狀態的台灣並沒有擁有台澎主權的「主權國」,只有至今仍對台澎主權進行「政治監護」的”Custodian State”(即對日本的主要戰勝國---美國) 。


在12/22/2015發表的「預告: 台灣建州運動從2016年1月17日起,將聯合台灣若干黨派與社團,共同發起與推動「由以蔡英文為首的『在台灣的治理當局』(GAT)發行『台灣護照』(Taiwan Passport)的政治工程」一文中,我們提出發行「台灣護照」(Taiwan Passport)的主張,發行「台灣護照」即是「台灣自治實體正常化工程或議程」中的一項工作。



David C. Chou

Founder, Formosa Statehood Movement

(an organization devoted in current stage to making Taiwan a territorial commonwealth of the United States)







Testimony of Daniel R. Russel, Assistant Secretary of State Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs U.S. Department of State Before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Subcommittee on East Asian and Pacific Affairs

April 3, 2014


“ Evaluating U.S. Policy on Taiwan on the 35th Anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act”

The United States has an abiding interest in peace and stability across the Strait. Toward that end, the United States supports and encourages improvements in cross-Strait relations, albeit at a pace acceptable to the people on both sides. Strong United States support for Taiwan autonomy also helps give our friends in Taiwan the confidence to strengthen their cross-Strait relations, as we have seen in recent years. At the same time, we support Taiwan’s effort to participate in the international community in a manner befitting a large economy and modern society with a great deal to contribute.




“Overview of U.S. Policy Toward Taiwan”

James A. Kelly, Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs

Testimony at a hearing on Taiwan, House International Relations Committee

Washington, DC

April 21, 2004

Core Principles

It is useful to reiterate the core principles of our policy:

‧ The United States remains committed to our one China policy based on the three Joint Communiques and the Taiwan Relations Act;

‧ The U.S. does not support independence for Taiwan or unilateral moves that would change the status quo as we define it;

‧ For Beijing, this means no use of force or threat to use force against Taiwan. For Taipei, it means exercising prudence in managing all aspects of cross-Strait relations. For both sides, it means no statements or actions that would unilaterally alter Taiwan’s status;

‧ The U.S. will continue the sale of appropriate defensive military equipment to Taiwan in accordance with the Taiwan Relations Act; and

‧ Viewing any use of force against Taiwan with grave concern, we will maintain the capacity of the United States to resist any resort to force or other forms of coercion against Taiwan.

Our foremost concern is maintaining peace and stability in order to advance U.S. interests, spare the region the dangers of war, safeguard Taiwan's democracy, and promote China’s constructive integration into the global community as well as the spread of personal freedom in China. Because the possibility for the United States to become involved in a cross-Strait conflict is very real, the President knows that American lives are potentially at risk. Our one-China policy reflects our abiding commitment to preserve peace in the Taiwan Strait so long as there are irreconcilable differences.

“Status Quo” Message Aimed at Both Sides

The President's message on December 9 of last year during P.R.C. Premier Wen Jiabao’s visit reiterated the U.S. Government’s opposition to any unilateral moves by either China or Taiwan to change the status quo. This message was directed to both sides.

The President and the senior leadership of this administration consistently make clear to Chinese leaders that the United States will fulfill its obligations to help Taiwan defend itself, as mandated in the Taiwan Relations Act. At the same time we have very real concerns that our efforts at deterring Chinese coercion might fail if Beijing ever becomes convinced Taiwan is embarked on a course toward independence and permanent separation from China, and concludes that Taiwan must be stopped in these efforts.




“A Strong and Moderate Taiwan”

Thomas J. Christensen, Deputy Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs

Speech to U.S.-Taiwan Business Council

Defense Industry Conference, Annapolis, Maryland

September 11, 2007


Taiwan occupies a delicate and, indeed, unique political position. The absence of a resolution of cross-Strait disputes causes understandable frustration among many people, but it's a fact of life that the majority of Taiwan citizens understand. That recognition is reflected in opinion polling that shows powerful, consistent support for the status quo.

By the same token, while we have a close, friendly relationship with Taipei, we also do not let Taipei define our positions. For well-established reasons, the United States has declared its opposition to unilateral changes to the status quo by either side of the Taiwan Strait. Some Taiwan leaders in recent years have asserted that Taiwan independence is the status quo that should be defended. On that point, let me be perfectly clear: while U.S. opposition to Chinese coercion of Taiwan is beyond question, we do not recognize Taiwan as an independent state, and we do not accept the argument that provocative assertions of Taiwan independence are in any way conducive to maintenance of the status quo or peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. For the reasons I have given above, in fact, we rank such assertions along with the referendum on joining the UN under the name Taiwan as needless provocations that are patently not in the best interests of the Taiwan people or of the United States.




「蔡英文重申『堅定不移維持兩岸現狀』」綜合報導 12-23-2015


December 23, 2015
































December 23, 2015














但是,如果這次選舉,和以往一樣,以統獨對決為選舉攻防主軸,那勝者就可以推動他們的或獨或統的政見,到今天為止,蔡英文並且沒有將台灣獨立列為她競選的主要政見,何況她在今年五月來美國訪問時,在美國首都華盛頓DC的智庫公開演講時表示,依據台灣人民的意志和現存中華民國憲政程式(existing ROC constitutional order )去發展和平穩定兩岸關係。到目前為止,蔡英文的公開演講一再強調,選舉後政改的優先順序,以處理黨產(建立政黨政治的基礎)、轉型正義(社會和諧和解),憲法改革、兩岸協議監督條例,和青年世代的經濟機會的創造等。在這種情況下,中國強人所難,硬要將它的政治立場:「一中,反台獨,九二共識」擺出來,叫蔡英文?下,對支持她的台灣人民,情何以堪?這和習近平自己所?「兩岸一家親」不是相去太遠嗎?









11A 07 英國政府關於「開羅公報」(Cairo Communique,後來有時又被稱為「開羅宣言」Cairo Declaration)「不具法律拘束力」的權威解釋







流亡與佔領台灣的蔣介石統治集團最尷尬也最不能忍受的事就是: 它對台灣的主權主張不被美國與英國接受。話雖如此,為了讓台灣人民誤以為它擁有佔領與統治台灣的正當性、合理性與合法性,或者為了建立其佔領與統治台灣的正當性、合理性與合法性,它閃避或絕口不提將「台灣法律地位未定論」予以法制化的「舊金山和約」,反而歪曲解釋「日蔣台北和約」及「開羅公報」。


蔣介石統治集團與它的御用國際法學者[最具代表性的就是蔣家政權與後續的支那國民黨政權的首席護法---哈佛法學院出身的丘宏達教授,我曾是他的私淑弟子,我們後來因為在「台澎的國際法律地位」一事上有截然不同的看法,因此只能選擇分道揚鑣]或專家總是硬掰: 。開羅公報」是有法律拘束力的國際法文件,它是福爾摩沙與澎湖群島「被歸還給中華民國」的法源或法律依據。他們瞎扯: 「中華民國」或中國「已擁有台澎的主權」,而其「法律依據」就是「有法律拘束力」的「開羅宣言」。






//1950年12月8日,美國總統杜魯門與英國首相艾德禮 (Clement R. Attlee) 發表一項聯合聲明:「在台灣問題上,我們已注意到國共兩個政府均堅稱『開羅公報』的有效性,也表示不願將台灣問題交給聯合國考慮,我們同意台灣問題應該以和平方式及依保障福爾摩莎人民的利益及維護太平洋地區和平及安全的方式來解決,我們也同意由聯合國來考慮台灣問題將會對前述的目標有貢獻。」(On the question of Formosa , we have noted that both Chinese claimants have insisted upon the validity of the Cairo Declaration and have expressed reluctance to have the matter considered by the United Nations. We agreed that the issues should be settled by peaceful means and in such a way as to safeguard the interests of the people of Formosa and the maintenance of peace and security in the Pacific, and that consideration of this question by the United Nations will contribute to these ends.)//




(The Cairo Declaration must necessarily be considered in the light of the United Nations Charter, the obligations of which prevail over any other international agreement. ------------ The United States believes --------- that the future of Formosa and of the nearly 8 million people inhabited there should be settled by peaceful means in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.)





由於「台灣建州運動」主張「台灣加入美國」,而且因為美國是對日[福爾摩沙原為日本帝國的一部分]的「主要戰勝國」以及「主要佔領國」,所以我們過去所撰寫的論文或論述,自然多半是引用美國方面的文件、聲明、材料與史料,來做為立論或主張的佐證或依據。但我們今天則要援用英國政府的一項文件,來讓台灣鄉親與台美人看看英國政府對「開羅公報」(Cairo Communique,或稱「開羅宣言」Cairo Declaration)的法律效力的權威解釋。




C. (55) 38
11th February, 1955



I circulate for the information of my colleagues a note on the juridical aspects of the Formosa situation in accordance with a suggestion made at the meeting of the Cabinet on 31st January (C.C. (55) Conclusion, Minute 2). A.E. [註: A.E. 是當時英國外交大臣Anthony Eden的署名,他在該年四月,就繼邱吉爾之後,擔任首相。]

Foreign Office, S.W.1
10th February, 1955



Formosa and the Pescadores (福爾摩沙與澎湖群島)


1. Formosa and the Pescadores were ceded to Japan in the Peace Treaty of Shimonoseki of 1895. The validity of this cession can hardly be contested. The Cairo Declaration of December, 1943, with its reference to Formosa as one of the territories which Japan had "stolen from the Chinese" was a retrospective moral condemnation of an international transaction which, at the time and long afterwards, was never questioned as being in any way contrary to international law.




2. In the Cairo Declaration, the Allies stated that it was their purpose "that all the territories which Japan has stolen from China, such as ----- Formosa and the Pescadores shall be restored to the Republic of China -------." This declaration was SIMPLY A STATEMENT OF INTENTION that Formosa should be retroceded to China after the war. THIS RETROCESSION HAS IN FACT NEVER TAKEN PLACE because of the difficulties arising from the existence of two entities claiming to represent China and the differences among the Powers as to the status of these two entities. The Potsdam Declaration of July, 1945, laid down as one of the conditions for the Japanese Peace Treaty that the terms of the Cairo Declaration should be carried out. In September, 1945, the administration of Formosa was taken over from the Japanese by Chinese forces pursuant to the Japanese Instrument of Surrender and General Order No. 1 issued by the Japanese Government at the direction of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, dated September 2, 1945. But THIS WAS NOT A CESSION NOR DID IT IN ITSELF INVOLVE ANY CHANGE OF SOVEREIGNTY. The arrangements made with Chiang Kai-shek put him there ON A BASIS OF MILITARY OCCUPANCY, RESPONSIBLE TO THE WHOLE BODY OF THE ALLIES, pending a peace treaty with Japan or, IF THE STATUS OF FORMOSA WAS NOT FINALLY SETTLED BY THAT TREATY (WHICH IT WAS NOT), THEN PENDING AN EVENTUAL SETTLEMENT ABOUT FORMOSA ---WHICH HAS NOT YET TAKEN PLACE. THE ARRANGEMENTS DID NOT OF THEMSELVES CONSTITUTE THE TERRITORY CHINESE. In the Japanese Peace Treaty of April, 1952, Japan formally renounced all right, title and claim to Formosa and the Pescadores, but again THIS DID NOT OPERATE AS A TRANSFER TO CHINESE SOVEREIGNTY, WHETHER TO THE CHINESE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OR TO THE CHINESE NATIONALIST AUTHORITIES. IT HAS BEEN SUGGESTED THAT THE JAPANESE PEACE TREATY MEANT THAT THE PARTIES TO THE PEACE TREATY, OTHER THAN JAPAN, HAD BECOME CO-SOVEREIGNS OF FORMOSA. THIS SEEMS DOUBTFUL. The Peace Treaty merely removed Japan's title without making any alterations in the existing arrangements for its administration.

[「開羅宣言」的當事國只是在戰時表達了它們的政治意向,此項文件並非得以將有關福爾摩沙與澎湖群島的領土與主權加以處分、割讓或移轉的和平條約,「開羅宣言」沒有讓福爾摩沙與澎湖群島成為支那的領土,盟國的安排只是授權蔣介石去佔領福爾摩沙與澎湖群島,他還必須向盟國負責,直到終戰後的和平條約簽訂且對福爾摩沙與澎湖群島進行處分為止,可是這項處分在「舊金山和約」沒有發生,所以福爾摩沙與澎湖群島並沒有被移轉給中華人共和國或支那國民黨統治當局(The Nationalist Authorities) 。有人主張「舊金山和約」的所有簽字國(除了日本之外)「公同共有台澎的主權」,但英國政府對此說抱持懷疑的態度。]








5. ON THE FUTURE OF FORMOSA, Mr. Morrison when Foreign Secretary in the late Labour Government, took the line in the House of Commons on May 11, 1951, that it had now become "an international problem in which a number of nations apart from those signatory to the Cairo and Potsdam Declarations are closely concerned" and which COULD USEFULLY BE CONSIDERED BY THE UNITED NATIONS AT THE APPROPRIATE TIME. THE PRIME MINISTER SAID in the House of Commons on February 1 of this year that "the problem of Formosa [had] become an international problem in which a number of other nations are closely concerned."


The Coastal Islands(支那沿岸島嶼)

6. The Nationalist-held islands in close proximity to the China coast are in a different category from Formosa and the Pescadores, since they are undoubtedly Chinese territory and therefore, in our view, part of the territory over which the People's Republic of China is entitled to exercise authority. Any attempt by the Government of the People's Republic of China, however, actually to assert its authority its authority over these islands by force would, in the circumstances peculiar to the case, give rise to a situation endangering peace and security, which is properly a matter of international concern.

7th February, 1955





David C. Chou
Formosa Statehood Movement
(an organization calling for Taiwan 's incorporation into the United States as a territorial commonwealth, leading to statehood)

11B 我們在此張貼若干其他類項的文章,以供鄉親參考,這些文章有的與美國或與「台灣關係法」有關,其中有的談到「台灣建州老祖」---19世紀的美國海軍准將白理(Commodore Matthew C. Perry)。



11B-01拜訪Commodore Matthew C. Perry (美國海軍准將白理)在紐約的故居



奉美國總統Millard Fillmore之命率領美國東印度艦隊、於1854年打開日本門戶的白理海軍准將,由於向美國政府提出領有台灣之議,所以被台灣建州運動尊奉為精神領袖。


白理將軍從遠東返回美國之後,又奉美國政府之命 ,完成"Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan Performed in the Years 1852, 1853 and 1854 under the Command of Commodore M.C. Perry, United States Navy"(Washington: A.O.P. Nicholson by order of Congress, 1856; originally published in Senate Executive Documents, No. 34 of 33rd Congress, 2nd Session)這一報告之撰寫與編輯,這一份報告對建州運動而言,當然十分重要。






那天天氣炎熱,我從皇后區法拉盛(Flushing, Queens)搭乘7路地鐵,在第五大道與西42街那一站下車,我從紐約公共圖書館順著第五大道一路往南走,過了第34街的帝國州大廈(Empire State Building,「帝國州」就是紐約州的別稱,「帝國大廈」的譯名不正確),再往南走兩個街區,右轉往西走進西32街(現在這條街是韓國人與韓裔美國人的天下,所以又稱為高麗街(Korea Way)),很快就到38-40號那棟老舊的16層樓房,站在樓房前面往北看,可以看到帝國州大廈。




我在那裡察看與研究Directory,約15分鐘,走來一名二十出頭、英語講得很流利的東方青年,他朝我身上打量,然後很客氣地問我是否在找什麼公司行號,且問我是否需要幫忙,我跟他說,我來這裡是來拜訪Commodore Matthew C. Perry的舊居,我希望能有人向我提供這棟樓房的歷史,當然更希望知道當年的Perry到底是住在哪一層的哪一間房。這名青年跟我說,他叫Jay,十歲那年,就隨他的中國籍父母移民來美國,現在已經從Baruch College畢業,準備申請進入歷史研究所,他在讀大學時就對Perry去打開日本門戶那段歷史很感興趣,他因此願意義務幫我尋找這棟大樓與Perry 有關的資訊或歷史。



由於天氣很熱,我又走了一段不短的路,所以感到十分口渴,於是決定到西32街、百老匯(這條路彎彎曲曲,也在此地彎斜)、第六大道(在此地彎斜)所包夾而成的狹長三角形形狀的Greeley Square Park去吃冰,這裡是觀光地帶,約有30家飲食攤,其中有兩個賣冰棒與霜淇淋三明治的小攤。






這位幫我拍照的老先生姓van den Heuvel,是荷蘭某大學已退休的一名歷史學教授,他現在是他荷蘭家鄉的文史工作者,他到紐約來是來研究十七世紀荷屬西印度公司在紐約殖民與開發的歷史,順便來研究他家鄉的人與族人在紐約的發展史。


我跟他說,當年荷屬西印度公司與荷屬東印度公司同時分別在西方與東方進行拓殖,後者在巴達維亞(Batavia,今天的印度尼西亞爪哇雅加達)與福爾摩沙發展。他當然知道這段歷史,也因為他知道我來自福爾摩沙,且知道我有一系的先祖也來自荷蘭(我這一系的先祖在東方沒有混出名堂,沒沒無名,但他的同姓族人卻在紐約開枝散葉,且成為紐約的統治家族之一。紐約地區在被荷蘭人統治時,名叫新尼德蘭(New Netherland(s)),紐約市的曼哈頓舊名則為新阿姆斯特丹(New Amsterdam)),所以頓時我們更加熱絡起來。


我這位荷蘭新朋友與我告別之前,問我是否還想多照幾張相片,我因此就把他帶到西32街與第六大道的東北街角,我向東指西32街38號那棟樓房,然後跟他說: Mr. van den Heuvel,西32街38號那棟看起來並不起眼的老舊樓房對我有特別的意義,我能否請您幫我拍幾張照片,但要把那棟樓房也拍進去,他非常高興地把我帶到百老匯與西32街的西北角,幫我拍了幾張,之後,我們就互留聯絡電話與電子信箱,然後道別,這樣就彌補了我沒有隨身攜帶相機拍照的缺憾。

我再順著西32街往回走到第五大道,我這時要重走1858年白理將軍出殯隊伍行進的路線。我順著第五大道,一直往南走,到第14街左轉,過聯合方場(Union Square,不能翻譯成「聯邦廣場」),然後在第二大道右轉,走到東第10街的聖馬可教堂(St. Mark’s Church in-the-Bowery)。


聖馬可教堂的正門現在關閉,因為教堂的正面正在翻修,所以我就從東第11街的後門進去,一進去就是東庭院。這裡種了一些樹,地上有一些墓碑,我一個一個察看,若被沙土或樹葉覆蓋,我就把它加以清理,以便辨認這是什麼人或什麼家族的vault。這裡比較有名的家族是Winthrop家族,他們的vault位於庭院的正中央,墓碑大而氣派。官位最高的是James Madison總統時代的副總統Daniel D. Tompkin,這個編號第20的vault,地上的墓碑上有阿拉伯數字1825,因為他在1825年過世,享年51。這個庭院的vaults從墓碑上的姓氏來看,有不少是荷蘭裔先民的後裔,其中有一個編號第26的墓碑,上頭寫著”J. C. Vandenheuvel’s Family Vault 1825”,這正巧是我新交的荷蘭朋友的姓氏。


我一個人在東院忙著察看與找尋墓碑,並沒有向教堂人員通報,我仔細察看一遍後,並沒有找到白理將軍原來暫厝的vault的墓碑,正想進教堂去找司職人員協助時,就出來一名年輕的黑人,他的名子也叫Jay。我跟他說,我在找一位十九世紀曾經葬在這裡的名人。他說,「讓我來猜猜看,您要找誰」,很快地,他就告訴我,我要找的一定是白理將軍,我問他為什麼知道我要找Commodore Perry,他說原因很簡單,因為我是東方人,而在這座教堂的vault裡頭的死者與東方有關係的只有白理將軍,Jay說,他對Commodore Perry的事蹟略知一、二,他問我是否來自日本,我說我來自台灣,但有三代祖先曾經是日本人。


Jay跟我說,Commodore Perry的遺體與遺骨以前曾暫厝的vault,不在東院,而是在西院,他於是上樓拿鑰匙,我們穿過教堂的一道門,進入了樹林茂密、地上也有些小樹叢的西院,Jay很快幫我找到距離教堂西牆最近的那個第95號vault的地上墓碑。我把它清掃乾淨,同時把一些雜草拔掉,很清楚地可以看到碑上寫著John Slidell’s Vault 1834,下面一排字是Commodore Matthew Calbraith Perry 1794-1858,這個小小的「發現」讓我很高興。


教堂這名非洲裔的青年Jay跟Mr. van den Heuvel一樣,也主動要幫我拍照,他承諾幫我拍白理將軍的墓碑、教堂的西院以及教堂,並會寄給我做參考與紀念。


Commodore Perry生前的遺願是,要埋骨在他的老家羅德島州Newport的祖塋。但為什麼他的遺體與遺骨要被暫厝在聖馬可教堂?第一,他與他的夫人Jane Sliddell Perry在婚後,就常在該教堂做禮拜,第二,他的早逝女兒就埋在這裡,第三,他夫人的娘家人(即Sliddell家族,是紐約市的有錢人及有影響力的家族)埋骨於此地,第四,他逝世後,羅德島那裡連續下了幾天的大雨,因此,無法把遺體帶回家鄉埋葬。


白理將軍的遺骨被留在聖馬可教堂,一直等到南北戰爭結束後,亦即在1866年3月21日才被移到羅德島州Newport市(美國海軍戰爭學院的所在地)Island Cemetery(島嶼墓場),被葬在他的父母的墳墓旁邊。







David C. Chou

Founder, Formosa Statehood Movement

(an organization devoted in current stage to making Taiwan a territorial commonwealth of the United States)





在所有關於打開日本門戶及向美國政府提出領有福爾摩沙的建議的美國海軍准將白理的傳記中,寫得最好的 一本是著作等身的Samuel Eliot Morison所寫的””Old Bruin” Commodore Matthew C. Perry 1794-1858”一書。這本書的副書名很長: ”The American Naval Officer Who Helped Found Liberia, Hunted Pirates in the West Indies, Practised Diplomacy with the Sultan of Turkey and the King of the Two Sicilies; Commanded the Gulf Squadron in the Mexican War, Promoted the Steam Navy and the Shell Gun, And Conducted the Naval Expedition Which Opened Japan”,它在1967年出版。我擁有的一本是1967年由Atlantic Monthly Press Book出的那個版本,這一本是在世界最大的舊書店,即紐約的Strand Bookstore買的,雖是二手書,但狀況很好。它的原持有者是Katherine Cornell,是白理將軍的手稿的持有者之一的Belmont家族的Eleanor於1967年10月送給Katherine的。Eleanor的字寫得十分漂亮,字跡至今仍然十分清晰,從Eleanor這幾行字,我可以推斷她一定受過很好的教育。


Samuel Eliot Morison為什麼能寫出那麼多麼好書?原因是他出身美國有名的知識份子世家,他又接受最好的教育與訓練,之後,在幾個世界頂尖的學術機構教授與研究歷史,他也是美國海軍預備隊的少將,專治海軍史。





“In order to procure a better source of bituminous coal, the Commodore sent two ships to investigate the mines of Formosa, then a lightly held and underdeveloped part of the Chinese Empire. Macedonian, ----------, rendezvoused with Supply at the port of Keelung (Chilung) at the northern cape of Formosa (Taiwan) on 21 July [, 1854]. There Captain Abbot sent Chaplain Jones (who added the post of squadron geologist to his clerical function) to seek out coal mines, and he found no fewer than eight. Fair steam coal could be delivered at Keelung for only $1.50 a ton. And no objection was raised by Formosa mandarins to the American ships’ buying all they wanted.” (p. 397) [為了獲得較好的瀝青煤的供應來源,白理將軍派了兩艘船,調查福爾摩沙的煤礦。那時的福爾摩沙是大清帝國控制鬆散以及低度開發的地區。Supply號補給艦與馬其頓人號軍艦於1854年7月21日,在台灣北角的基隆港會合,馬其頓人號巡洋艦艦長Abbot派遣隨軍牧師兼隨軍地質學家George Jones找尋煤礦,他找到不下八個礦區。優質燃媒運到基隆港,每噸只要1.50美元,美國船隻要買多少煤,就供應多少,在福爾摩沙的滿清官吏不會加以反對。]


“---------the Commodore waxes enthusiastic over the possibilities of the “magnificent island” of Formosa and its enormous natural wealth. The imperial government is so feeble that “an American settlement at Kelung would be looked upon with favor by the Chinese.” Kelung would not only be a good base for putting down piracy, but “a port of general resort for vessels of all nations .” Every country would benefit by “an American settlement, once firmly established in Formosa.“ Perry begs the American public not to regard "colony" as a dirty word, or object to small settlements "established merely for purposes of trade or some religious or moral object” like the trading factories of the Portuguese and Spanish discoverers; Port Lloyd and Kelung, for example. (p. 425) [白理將軍對美國領有福爾摩沙這個宏偉壯麗的島嶼以及擁有其豐富天然資源的可能性具有高度的熱情,大清帝國是如此地衰弱,因此美國在基隆的移居地將會得到清國人的贊同。基隆不僅是可做為平定或勦滅海盜的良好基地,也會成為各國船隻雲集的良港,每個國家都會因為美國在福爾摩沙設立貿易、宗教或道德目的的移居地而受益,就有如葡萄牙與西班牙發現者在海外設立的代理商號一樣,我們若在基隆與羅伊港建立移居地,就會是這種情形。]





在7/10/2014日,我張貼了「拜訪Commodore Matthew C. Perry (美國海軍准將白理)在紐約的故居」一文,我說:


//我離開紐約後,前往賓州,參加「第45屆美東台灣人夏令會」,我在那裡參加一場座談(講題是「台灣的危機與美國的政策」,張繼昭前輩、郭正昭教授與我是座談會的講員),並做一場演講(講題是「 台美關係與台灣前途」),我在那裡碰到一位從華盛頓來的鄉親,她的哥哥很早就贊同「台灣加入美國」,她的哥哥的兒子西點軍校出身 ,而媳婦娘家的姓氏是Perry。//




Port Lloyd,羅伊港,位於Bonin Islands,Bonin Islands就是今天日本的小笠原諸島。


Kelung是白理將軍對基隆(Keelung, Chilung)這個地名的寫法。





我現在藉白理將軍的傳記的最後一章(“Home Port, 1854-1858”)的相關部分,來介紹Commodore Perry的海外拓殖思想,同時借該書的作者S. E. Morison的說法,來解釋為什麼白理當年欲領有台灣的計劃遭到繼Millard Fillmore之後擔任總統的Franklin Pierce與James Buchanan的擱置。


“Old Bruin”這本傳記最後一章有”Perry’s Policies and Prophecies”( 白理的政策與預言)這麼一節,我們認為它是這本傳記的精華,也是建州運動認為台灣與台美鄉親最應該注意的部分。


“Every country would benefit by ‘an American settlement, once firmly established in Formosa.”Perry begs the American public not to regard ‘colony’ as a dirty word, -----“ (p. 425)[ 白理將軍說,「一旦美國在福爾摩沙的移居地被堅固地建立起來,每個國家都會受益。」他請求美國大眾,不要把「拓殖地」一詞視為骯髒的字眼。]




“------- he also made a happier prophesy: America cannot escape the responsibilities by her growing wealth and power. ‘In the developments of the future, the destinies of our nation must assume conspicuous attitudes.’ Assuming that ‘an overruling Providence’ directs ‘our ultimate destiny’ to the Far East, we had better think seriously about it, and make certain that we ‘act justly and honorably.’” (p.427) [白理將軍做了一項快樂的預言: 由於美國的財富與力量在增加,它不能逃避它的責任。他說,「在未來的發展中,我們美國的命運有賴於我們採取明確及與眾不同的態度,假定天命指引我們美國的『終極命運』要到遠東地區,那我們最好要嚴肅地思考,同時要確定我們的作為是正義的以及光榮的」。]


“------ the Commodore stresses the need of a United States line of Pacific mail steamers and, for the first time in any of his published writings, gives his views on missions. ----- He is interested in ‘enlightening heathenism, and imparting a knowledge of that revealed truth of God, which ---- advances man’s progress here, and gives him his only safe ground of hope for hereafter.’ But ‘to Christianize a strange people, the first important step should be to gain their confidence and respect.’” (pp.427-428) [白理將軍對會給拓殖地的人民帶來進步的異教啟蒙與上帝的天啟真理的知識的貫輸感到興趣,但他認為,在把奇怪的東方人加以基督教化之前,必須先取得他們的信心與尊敬。]


“Taken together with his remarks scattered through the official Narrative, these three papers establish Perry’s reputation as a social and strategic thinker. He emphatically regarded the Pacific --- not the Caribbean which he knew even better --- as America’s sea of destiny. He foresaw that strategic control of the Pacific, which the United States finally asserted in 1945, would be a national necessity. He advocated the acquisition of coaling stations, naval bases and the like, for which the American government cared nothing in his day but finally came around to in the twentieth century. It is, therefore, correct to call Perry an ‘imperialist,’ but he was an imperialist with a difference, eschewing forcible annexation, punitive expeditions, or forcing religion and trade on people who desired neither. He believed that it was America’s mission to bring Christianity, self-government, and a social conscience to heathen lands; but that it could not be done without American strategic control of a vast ocean which by the law of nature and of nations was free for all.” (pp. 428-429) [我們若檢視散見於白理將軍從東方返回美國之後、奉美國政府之命所編寫的報告中的若干評述以及他所發表的三篇論文,我們可以說它們建立了白理是社會與戰略思想家的聲名,他特別強調太平洋是美國的命運之海,而他所熟悉的加勒比海卻反而不是。他預見美國對太平洋的戰略性控制將會是國家的必要,這項控制在1945年終於被美國確立。他主張美國必須在太平洋及東方取得加媒站及海軍基地等等,當年的美國政府對他的主張提案不在乎,但在第20世紀終於實現與到來。稱白理將軍是「帝國主義者」是正確的,但他與一般搞強制性的兼併、懲罰性的遠征或對被征服地的人民加上強銷的宗教與貿易的帝國主義者不同。白理將軍相信,美國有對異教地區傳播基督教、自治政府以及社會良知的使命,但是若沒有美國對廣大的太平洋地區的戰略性控制,這項使命就無法完成。]


“Perry’s paper created a mild sensation, but his ideas were soon lost sight of. Events were tumbling over one another toward the Civil War.-------- America had no wish nor could she spare the time or the energy to implement Perry’s farsighted proposals. Her thoughts were turned inward, upon problems that were tearing her apart.” (p.430) [白理將軍的論文引起了若干回應,但他的想法很快地就被拋諸腦後。他的想法公之於世之後不久,美國國內的事件接踵而來,且都在朝向內戰發展,美國既不想也沒有時間或精力去實現白理那些具有遠見的計劃,美國人的注意力轉而朝內及轉向那些正要讓美國四分五裂的問題。]





第一,關於白理「主張美國必須在太平洋及東方取得加媒站及海軍基地等等,當年的美國政府對他的主張提案不在乎,但在第20世紀終於實現與到來」這一部分,美國在南北戰爭之前,特別是在白理還在世的1850年代,就已佔領若干太平洋島嶼或在若干島嶼進行拓殖,以做為捕鯨或捕魚的基地、媒水補給站,在南北戰爭後,持續在這方面發展,1898年,美國乘美西戰爭,正式兼併若干島嶼,並從西班牙手中得到若干島嶼,太平洋戰爭獲勝後,美國正式成為太平洋霸權,北馬裏亞那群島且於1970年代成為美國的領地,打破了「美國不再擴張」或「美國對現有的疆域之外的土地不存有territorial design」的說法。







現在讓我借用S. E. Morison所寫的「白理將軍傳」的結尾(“Epilogue”)那一部分,來對白理將軍的主張的後續發展做一點交待或說明,不過,我們在本文中,並不擬做較詳盡的交待或說明,以後我再另行為文,做比較詳盡的說明,因為我認為這對建州運動的支持者與工作者而言,是很重要而且是必要的。


“Perry’s plans for coaling stations at Port Lloyd and Naha were not accepted by his government. In view of what happened in World War II, one is tempted to regard this decision as shortsighted; -----------“ (p.436) [白理將軍在The Bonin Islands羅伊港與琉球群島那霸建立船舶加媒站的計劃沒有被美國政府(即Pierce administration)接受,若我們檢視第二次世界大戰所發生的事,我們就會認為當年的美國政府是如何地短視。]


“In Okinawa, Perry’s proposals to establish American influence (which he called ‘surveillance’) were never implemented; the Pierce administration washed its hands of ‘Lew Chew,’ -------“ (p.437) [白理要在沖繩建立美國的勢力(白理稱它為「看守 或「監護」)的提案沒有被實施,皮爾斯政權對它採取洗手不幹的政策。]


“Of Perry’s proposed three-pronged insular empire there remains Formosa. Over this ‘Beautiful Isle’ he proposed, with China consent, to establish a protectorate in order to control the coal-bearing northern end, and suppress the piratical activities of the east-coast aborigines. The Reverend Dr. Peter Parker, the medical missionary whom President Pierce appointed minister to China in 1855, strongly urged this on his government; but the Pierce administration instructed both the ambitious doctor and his successor to keep hands off Formosa. In the meantime, with Parker’s encouragement, two American ‘China hands’ at Hong Kong obtained from local mandarins a camphor –exporting concession at Takao (now Kaohsiung) on the southwest coast of Formosa, and ran up the Stars and Stripes at the harbor entrance. After two years’ profitable trade they sold out to an English firm. That was the end of the ‘American colony’ in Formosa.” (p.438) [在白理將軍策劃的、有三支分叉的「美國島嶼帝國」中的一支分叉是福爾摩沙。他提議在得到清帝國的同意後,在這個「美麗之島」建立美國的保護地,以便控制產媒的台灣北部地帶,同時來勦滅東海岸原住民族的海盜活動。在1855年,被皮爾斯總統任命為美國駐清國公使的伯駕醫生[也是牧師]強烈呼籲美國政府這麼做,但是皮爾斯政權訓令伯駕與他的繼任者,不要插手福爾摩沙。在那同時,在伯駕的鼓勵下,在香港的兩名美國的「清國通」從滿清官吏那裡獲得從打狗出口樟腦的特許。他們在打狗港口豎起美國國旗,做為在該地建立美國移居地的象徵。但在兩年後,他們把該項能獲利的事業賣給了英國企業,在福爾摩沙的「美國移居地」就這樣結束了。]


“China’s failure to exercise control over the wild coast of Formosa stimulated Japan to acquire the island; at the end of her war with China in 1895, she secured it for fifty years. Reoccupied by China in 1945, Taiwan (Formosa) became the seat of Chiang Kai-Shek’s Nationalist Chinese government. Hence, by another unpredictable overturn, Chiang’s dependence on subsidies has made Formosa a fulcrum of American strategic power in the Orient.” (p.439) [清國在原住民族所住居的福爾摩沙海岸地區無力行使有效的管轄,促使日本取得福爾摩沙。日清戰爭結束,在1895年,日本取得福爾摩沙,並統治了五十年。1945年,福爾摩沙被蔣介石的中國佔領,福爾摩沙成為蔣介石的國民黨中國政府的根據地,因此,由於另一個無法預見的翻轉,蔣介石對美國的支持的依賴終讓福爾摩沙成為美國在東方的戰略力量的槓桿支點。]


“Thus, by devious ways and through strange chances, Perry’s ambition for his country to control the Western Pacific through naval bases in the Bonins, Okinawa, and Formosa, reached fruition about a century after his death.” (p.439) [就這樣,藉由迂迴的方式或途徑以及通過奇特的機遇,白理將軍要讓美國藉由在Bonin群島、沖繩以及福爾摩沙建立海軍基地來控制西太平洋的企圖心,在他死後大約一百年終於開花結果。]



S. E. Morison提到了與白理將軍同時代、也一樣主張美國必須對福爾摩沙主張主權的伯駕牧師,我們將會在未來另行為文,把這位曾擔任美國駐清國的公使介紹給建州的工作者、支持者與台灣及台美的鄉親,不過,在這之前,我們準備先向大家介紹Townsend Harris(1804-1878),他是美國首任的駐日公使 他在白理將軍離開遠東、返回美國之後,由美國政府派往日本,他在駐節日本的期間,為美國做出很大的貢獻。他與白理將軍及伯駕公使一樣,也主張美國必須領有福爾摩沙。我將在下次重返紐約時,去Brooklyn 的Green-Wood Cemetery[這個墓場被定為國家史蹟],在他的墳前獻花,以表示我們對他的崇敬。



最後,讓我節錄柯喬治(葛超智,George Kerr,他原來很愛台灣,很關心台灣人民的命運與前途,但後來因與台灣某一重量級的政治人物在互動中有了極不愉快的經驗,從此對台灣與台灣人極度失望,不願再提台灣,並把研究工作及注意力從台灣移到沖繩等地。這件事是曾親訪柯喬治的台灣一名資深的媒體人告訴我的,他告訴我這段祕辛,終於解除了我多年來的困惑)的名著---「被出賣的福爾摩沙(“Formosa Betrayed)」一書的「引言」(Introduction),這一小段十分重要,請大家特別加以注意:


“In 1853-1854 Commodore Perry wanted to annex Formosa, but knowing that Washington would not approve, suggested a joint Sino-American economic and administrative program, indicating that he thought a well-established American community would in due course petition for union with the United States as the Americans in Hawaii were then proposing to do. He envisioned Formosa as an American outpost guaranteeing peace and order along the Western Pacific rim.” [在1853-1854年,白理將軍想要合併福爾摩沙,但那時的美國是由Franklin Pierce主政,他知道皮爾斯政權不會批准他的計劃,他因而建議建立一個非官方的「美清經濟與行政計劃」,同時指出,他認為,若在福爾摩沙有一個基礎不錯的美國社群,那麼假以時日,時機成熟時,這個社群就可以向美國政府提出「福爾摩沙與美國合併」的請願,如同在哈外夷(夏威夷)的美國社群所採的行動一樣。白理將軍提出「福爾摩沙做為確保環西太平洋的和平與秩序的美國前進基地」的願景。]


瞭解台灣建州運動的鄉親與朋友們當然都知道: 建州工作者就是努力要在台灣建立有民意支持基礎的「亞美利加社群」,這個社群會繼續不斷向華府提出「台灣加入美國」的請願,台灣建州運動的工作者與支持者就是白理將軍的真正且忠實的繼承者,正在準備完成白理將軍的宏願,以促進美國的利益,並為台灣人民造福。



David C. Chou

Founder, Formosa Statehood Movement

(an organization devoted in current stage to making Taiwan a territorial commonwealth of the United States)

11B-03在長山老先生在美國政府某單位擔任公職時 ,美國國務院官員發出的兩封信







但是跟在周威霖後面研究「台灣法律地位」的Mr. Jeff Geer與Mr. Richard Hartzell卻說,「美國握有(holds)台灣主權」,他們使用”hold”這個字,所以容易引起誤解,因為它有「持有」、「佔有」或「擁有」(有所有權)之意。



在11/13/2013,我們在建州臉書網頁張貼了「答覆Mr. Frank Shen (沈博均先生): 建州運動從來不認為『台灣是美國在海外的未合併領土』」一文,我們在該文中說:


//讓我們首先指出: 4/24/2006,[美國國務院台灣協調辦公室主任]Clifford [A. Hart, Jr.]在一封信中,答覆有關「台灣是美國軍事政府統治下的海外未合併領土」的理論,他說,有人提出一種說法,"conjecturing that Taiwan might be a territory of the United States, a position that differs from our official policy and that has no historical and legal basis" (臆測台灣可能是美國的領土,此項立場與美國官方的政策不同,且沒有歷史與法律的基礎)。//



建州運動在過去發表的文章中,已多此次提及美國國務院台灣協調辦公室前主任夏千福 (Mr. Clifford A. Hart, Jr.,現在是美國駐香港的總領事)所寫的那封信,也多次提及該辦公室的前副主任Ms. Sue L. Bremer所寫的信,由於夏千福那封信否定了「台灣X政府」與後來的「台X政府」所賴以建立或存在的”Geer-Hartzell Theory”,所以這個理論的建立者以及所謂的「台灣X政府」與「台X政府」都不敢提及這兩封信,如果讓大家都知道這兩封信,他們或它們就玩不下去了或不好玩下去了。


夏千福這封信是在與「台灣X政府」及「台X政府」有很深的關係的長山老先生在美國政府某單位擔任公職時所發出的信,在稍後,台灣協調辦公室的副主任又發出另一封信,這兩封信都說明或證明一件事: 即使可敬的且愛台護台的長山老先生十分能幹,即使「他與前國務卿Condi Rice有密切的關係、又可直通白宮」的傳聞是真的,但他也無法讓美國政府那部機器接受”Geer-Hartzell Theory”,無法讓美國政府接受他的「台灣國」理念與主張,相反地,在長山老先生在美國政府某單位擔任公職時,也正是阿扁推動「台灣正常化議程」被華府打壓得最厲害的時期。


接下去,我們要說: 以前長山老先生在美國政府某單位擔任公職時,有心要幫台灣與台灣人,都已無能為力,愛莫能助,如今他老人家已不再擔任公職,即使所謂的「台X政府」擁抱他老人家,即使他老人家想幫所謂的「台X政府」,他也很難使得上力(我們這樣說,不是我們不尊重老先生,相反地,我們很尊敬他,但是「吾愛吾師,吾更愛真理」,我們不會因為尊敬老先生,就不再進行理智的思考及獨立的判斷)。





6/26/2007,台灣協調辦公室的副主任Sue L. Bremer回了一封信給關心台灣法律地位與台灣前途的228遺族郭勝華醫師(Dr. Margaret S. Lu,又名Victoria Kuo,Lu是她夫家的姓),由於這封信很重要,所以我們今天準備加以全文介紹與解說


Sue是以國務院的專用信紙來寫,最上頭有國務院的徽章、地址、日期(June 26, 2007),最下面又有Sue的職銜(Deputy Director, Taiwan Coordination Office)與署名,還有Margaret的全名與學術及專業教育學位頭銜(M.D., M.P.H.),所以這是正式的信件。


Dear Dr. Lu,

Thank you for your letter of June 4 to Secretary Rice. You asked whether the United States has been “holding” Taiwan’s sovereignty since 1945 and whether Taiwan, like Puerto Rico, is part of the United States. 郭勝華醫師在讀過或接觸過Geer-Hartzell的著作與論述之後,在6/4/2007給當時的國務卿Condi Rice寫信,Condi的辦公室把該信轉給最下級的該管單位(台灣協調辦公室)來處理,台灣協調辦公室就交給副主任來進行答覆。













(a)The United States has never claimed to have acquired title to Taiwan by law, treaty or conquest. (美國一直沒有根據法律、條約或征服而宣稱已取得台灣的title) 我們在11/13/2013「答覆Mr. Frank Shen (沈博均先生): 建州運動從來不認為『台灣是美國在海外的未合併領土』」一文中所說的,就是這個意思:


//在”Geer-Hartzell Theory”於2003年左右出爐後,建州運動就沒有贊同過它,理由是: 那只是學者(有的甚至還是沒受過一天的法學院科班訓練、半路出家的「國際法研究者」)在象牙塔中製造出來的、很難通過檢驗的純理論,我們在當時就指出: 由於美國政府的三個部門從未透過任何作為,如聲明、行政命令、國際條約、法案、決議案或裁決,來將台灣與澎湖納為美國的海外unincorporated territory,所以台澎現在仍非「美國的海外未合併領地」。//


讀過建州派的理論與論述之後,就會知道所謂「何瑞元理論」或「何瑞元論述」的謬誤,若再讀稍後出現的Clifford A. Hart 及Sue Bremer信函,那就更能確信或確知其謬誤。


(b)Our relations with Taiwan are governed by the three Joint Communiques and the Taiwan Relations Act. The 1972 Shanghai Communique “acknowledges” that all Chinese on either side of the Taiwan Strait maintains there is but one China and that Taiwan is a part of China.” Although the United States recognizes the PRC Government as the sole legal government of China, we have not formally recognized Chinese sovereignty over Taiwan. In fact, we have not made any determination as to Taiwan’s political status. Our consistent position remains that the sovereignty of Taiwan is a question to be decided peacefully by the Chinese people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.




讀了Sue這封信後,我們就夠夠更加明白。她說: “Although the United States recognizes the PRC Government as the sole legal government of China, we have not formally recognized Chinese sovereignty over Taiwan. In fact, we have not made any determination as to Taiwan’s political status. “ (美國一直沒有正式承認中國對台灣的主權 ,事實上,美國對台灣的政治地位一直沒有做出決定。)


比較麻煩的是Sue這麼說: Our consistent position remains that the sovereignty of Taiwan is a question to be decided peacefully by the Chinese people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. 不過如果大家讀過建州派對”all Chinese on either side of the Taiwan Strait”的解讀,大家也就不會那麼害怕,不過,雖然台灣人無需害怕,但我們必須很努力或者努力不懈,我們必須讓絕大多數的台灣住民不要有或放棄「中國認同或中國人的認同」。


Sue的信函最後一段是: “I hope this information is helpful to you.” 建州派希望Margaret現在已經讀懂那封信,終於明白所謂「何瑞元理論」或「何瑞元論述」的謬誤。Margaret在2007年顯然沒有讀懂,所以才會在2010年著了「林姓政治神棍」與「”TCG”政治金光黨」的道,被騙去華盛頓擔任所謂「台灣X政府駐華盛頓代表」,但沒三天,她就因為發現沒有對口單位可以進行官式接觸,因而離開華盛頓,這真是一場不堪回首的兒戲與鬧劇,讓台灣歷史又增添了一個小小的醜劇註腳。



David C. Chou

Founder, Formosa Statehood Movement

(an organization devoted in current stage to making Taiwan a territorial commonwealth of the United States)

11B-04"The People on Taiwan" 與"The People of Taiwan"不同嗎? (台灣建州派對若干議題或事件的追蹤或解釋(E))

(November, 2012發表)



(這一篇文章原是我們過去撰寫與發表的文章, 最近由於YuYu在建州臉書網頁上詢問, 所以我就把它拿出來張貼在臉書上, 現在這個版本基本上跟原來的版本一樣, 只不過增添了幾個字, 我希望這篇文章能破除一些政治神棍的謬論, 那些政治神棍說話是不打草稿也不負責任的, 他們的謬論混淆了視聽, 毒害了台灣人民的思想, 這篇文章應該可以起到導正的作用, 請YuYu及所有的朋友們仔細閱讀、參考並設法散發.)



最近幾年來,台灣某一師承中國共產黨與中國國民黨的欺騙手法的黨派領導人編了數不清的鬼話,其中一個是: 美國政府或美國政府官員口中的"The people of Taiwan"與"The people on Taiwan"不同,前者指的是"Native Taiwanese",也就是「在終戰前具有日本帝國或天皇臣民身份的台灣系日本人及他們的後代子孫」。


這個黨派的領導人與他身邊的一、兩名同謀又說: 「有資格回歸日本的台灣住民只有在終戰前具有日本帝國或天皇臣民身份的台灣系日本人及他們的後代子孫。」






另外,就我們所知,那個黨派的頭人過去經常設局,企圖誘使美國政府或美國政府官員進入他們所設的圈套,要美國政府對他們進行回應或與他們互動,這樣他們就可利用美國政府的回應,對外宣稱「美國政府有與他們接觸或互動」,甚至誆稱「美國政府接受或承認他們的X政府」。但美國政府與AIT十分精明與警覺,一開始 就把他們視為「伊波拉病毒」並列為拒絕往來戶,絕不落入他們的圈套,幾年下來,該黨派知道他們的陰謀詭計無法得逞,為了不再自討沒趣,也為了延續其政治生 命,只好由「A屬」轉為「J屬」。





例如,美國為規範它與The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI)之間的政治與法律關係,就有一部The Covenant to Establish a Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands in Political Union with the United States,在這之下,The Constitution of the Northern Mariana Islands的若干條款也進一步處理了CNMI在合眾國中的政治與法律地位。


為了規範台灣與合眾國之間的政治關係,美國國會制訂與通過了「台灣關係法」(老共稱這部法案為「與台灣關係法」, 而這部法案原來的名稱是United States-Taiwan Relations Act),把台灣納為美國的軍事保護地以及「準領地」(是「準領地」,而非「領地」。根據一名台美人前輩的說法,當年的Claiborne Pell 參議員有意藉「台灣關係法」的立法,把台灣納為美國領地)。




「台灣關係法」開宗明義就揭示,這部根本大法的基本宗旨是: To help maintain peace, security, and stability in the Western Pacific and to promote the foreign policy of the United States by authorizing the continuation of commercial, cultural, and other relations between the people of the United States and the people on Taiwan, and for other purposes.


請注意,上面這一段使用的文字不是Taiwan,也不是The people of Taiwan,而是The people on Taiwan。


在 「台灣關係法」中,對Taiwan一字加以定義: "For the purposes of this Act: (2) the term "Taiwan" includes, as the context may require, ------ the people on those island, ------, and the governing authorities on Taiwan......"


接下來,我們來進一步檢視其他條文,我們發現其他條文也都使用the people on Taiwan,而非the people of Taiwan,只有Sec. 2(c)出現 "all the approximately eighteen million inhabitants of Taiwan",這個詞指的是在「台灣關係法」立法時期為數一千八百萬的台灣全體住民或居民。


寫到這裡,我們必須說,在「台灣關係法」這項根本大法中,The people on Taiwan是正式的用詞,這個詞指的是「台灣全體住民或居民」。



在美國政府的發言、美國政黨的檔或學者專家的發言或論著中,經常會出現The people of Taiwan這個詞,但我們發現,它們並非指「台灣本土人」,更非黨派領導人所硬ㄠ的「在終戰前具有日本帝國或天皇臣民身份的台灣系日本人及他們的後代子孫」。


建州派認為,倘若「台灣關係法」要指稱這一族群,那就可能或應該會有特殊的用語,例如,在美蔣「臺北和約」中就用"former inhabitants of Taiwan (Formosa) and Penghu (the Pescadores) and their descendents"這個詞來指稱「台灣本土人及其後代子孫」:


Article 10


For the purposes of the present Treaty, nationals of the Republic of China shall be deemed to include all the inhabitants and former inhabitants of Taiwan (Formosa) and Penghu (the Pescadores) and their descendents who are of the Chinese nationality in accordance with the laws and regulations which have been or may hereafter be enforced by the Republic of China in Taiwan (Formosa) and Penghu (the Pescadores); and juridical persons of the Republic of China shall be deemed to include all those registered under the laws and regulations which have been or may hereafter be enforced by the Republic of China in Taiwan (Formosa) and Penghu (the Pescadores).



現在我們進一步來看美國國會參眾兩院議員在「台灣關係法」立法的階段中的發言記錄,這樣我們就可以對The People on Taiwan、The People of Taiwan------等等名詞的意含更加瞭解。


Taiwan Relations Act


22 USC 3301, Sec. 2(c)


Nothing contained in this Act shall contravene the interest of the United States in human rights, especially with respect to the human rights of all the approximately eighteen million inhabitants of Taiwan. The preservation and enhancement of the human rights of all the people on Taiwan are hereby reaffirmed as objectives of the United States.


在討論Section 2(c)這一部分時,會議記錄中出現"Taiwan's approximately 18 million inhabitants"與"the Taiwan people",它們都指台灣全體住民或居民,另外,在參院報告中,則出現了這麼一段:

The Committee made clear that this section was not to be construed as authority for Institute officials to intervene in Taiwan's domestic affairs by favoring one or another group of people on Taiwan, or by strengthening United States links with any particular group on Taiwan, -------






我們過去即不斷指出,「台灣關係法」是親台灣(包括「親台灣本土人」與「親國民黨統治當局」兩類人士)的美國參眾兩院議員、流亡美國的台灣人(他們代表台灣 人)以及台灣的國民黨統治當局的支持與協助下完成的一部法案,它具有無可挑戰的正當性與合法性,而它要保護的對象當然包括各族群在內的台灣全體居民或住民,倘若有什麼人或有什麼黨派宣稱「台灣關係法」只適用於「台灣本土人及其後裔」,而不適用於其他族群,那當然是胡言亂語。


寫到這裡,我們必須特別指出: 「台灣建州運動」所提出的主張是要「為最大多數的台灣住民創造最大的利益與福祉」,我們沒有誇張地說是「為全體台灣住民創造最大的利益與福祉」,原因是: (1)包括台灣建州派在內的台灣所有黨派都無法也不可能為全體台灣住民創造利益與福祉。(2)建州派無法為那為數大約3%-5%反美、心向中國的台灣住民 創造利益與福祉,即便我們想為他們造福,他們也不會接受。(3)建州派訴求與服務的對像是「反中國併吞台灣」的台灣住民與台美人,不分族群或種族(建州派反對種族主義)。


我們再把話題拉回台灣關係法的Section 2(c)。


現在我們來看親台灣本土人的參議員Claiborne Pell 在參院的發言,他說: "I believe the Senate should, in this bill, give some recognition to the plight of the Taiwanese majority and the need for the new Institute to concern itself with the human rights of this majority.------" 。在這裡,Pell 參議員所說的"the Taiwanese majority"係指「台灣本土人」。


眾議員Lester L. Wolff發言道: "What about the native Taiwanese? There are a great number of native Taiwanese on the island. Does the gentlemen believe that we should inject ourselves into the political machinations that might take place to provide the Taiwanese the equipment or the ability to overthrow the existing government?" 在這裡,眾議員Wolff口中的"the native Taiwanese"與"the Taiwanese"指的當然是「台灣本地人」。


眾議員William E. Dannemeyer發言道: "The Republic of China on Taiwan is a growing economic power in Asia. The standard of living of the people has continually improved. Compared to the mainland, the people of Taiwan enjoy many freedoms and rights." 眾議員Dannemeyer使用了"the people of Taiwan"一詞,指的是「台灣全體住民」或「台灣人民」。


眾議員Robert N. McClory與眾議員Dannemeyer一樣,在發言時使用 "the people of Taiwan"一詞,而眾議員William L. Dickinson則使用 "the 17 million free people if the Republic of China (ROC) who live on Taiwan"這種比較親國民黨統治當局的說法,他這種特殊的說法也在指「台灣全體住民」。


當年為台灣的民主化奔走的「國會四人幫」之一員的眾議員Jim Leach做了如下的發言: "In addition, it would be my hope that in any legislation dealing with the legitimate security needs of the Taiwanese people, a strong sense of the Congress should be established that the U.S. Government not transfer any weapons, such as riot control equipment, which are of a nature that appear primarily oriented to maintaining internal order as opposed to external security." 這一段話中的 "the Taiwanese people"應係指「台灣人民」或「台灣全體住民」。


Leach 眾議員又說: "In the case of Taiwan the subcommittee has the opportunity to build into the legislation language which will clearly demonstrate to the world and to the Taiwanese that the U.S. Congress is willing to go on record as encouraging authorities on the island to grant the native Taiwanese full democratic participation in the political process. Majority rule based on respect for individual rights us the lynch-pin of our own society as well as our human rights foreign policy. We should not shy away from advocating such a policy for the Taiwanese people." 這一段話十分重要,因為Leach道出要在台灣建立「多數統治」的想法。在這一段發言中,"the native Taiwanese"指的當然是「台灣本土人」,而"the Taiwanese"與"the Taiwanese people"則可解為「台灣人民」或「台灣本土人」。


Leach眾議員還有一段很重要的發言,建州派把它貼出來,讓今天的台灣人知 道他對台灣人民(特別是台灣本地人)的偉大貢獻: "Just as it should be made clear to the PRC that the United States will not lightly countenance the use of force against Taiwan, it should be made clear to the Nationalist government that the United States does not easily condone the suffocation of the basic freedoms on Taiwan. Accordingly, I would like to strongly endorse the language introduced in the other body by Senator Pell which underscores our concern for democratic rights on Taiwan. That language specifies that: In carrying out its activities, the Institute shall take all appropriate steps to strengthen and expand the ties between the people of the United States and the people of Taiwan and to promote full human rights for all the people of Taiwan." 在這段重要的發言中,Leach的"the people of Taiwan"指的可能是與台灣統治當局相對的「台灣人民」,而"all the people of Taiwan"指的當然是人權被國民黨統治當局剝奪的「台灣全體住民」。



我們現在來看「台灣關係法」Sec. 15(2)有關「台灣」一詞的定義:


Taiwan Relations Act

22 USC 3301, Sec. 15(2)


For purposes of this Act the term, ------ "Taiwan" includes, as the context may require, the islands of Taiwan and the Pescadores, the people on those islands, corporations and other entities and associations created or organized under the laws applied on those islands, and the governing authorities on Taiwan recognized by the United States as the Republic of China prior to January 1, 1979, and any successor governing authorities (including political subdivisions, agencies, and instrumentalities thereof).

在參院的報告中說: "Subsection(b) [of Section 101] defines the term 'people on Taiwan' to include the governing authorities on Taiwan and the people governed by those authorities on the islands of Taiwan and the Pescadores, as well as the organizations and other entities formed under the laws of Taiwan.-------" ,Pell參議員在參院的院會中發言, 他說, "The newly coined term of art, "the people on Taiwan," is defined under the bill to include both the governing authorities on Taiwan and the people governed by those authorities." Pell這一段話太精采了, 他指出 "the people on Taiwan"這個詞是'newly coined term of art', 而且這個詞的含意包括「在台灣的人民」與在「台灣的統治當局」, Pell講的這一段話是本文的重點。



談到這裡,我們得順便處理一個問題,即根據「台灣關係法」,"the people on Taiwan"或"the people of Taiwan"是否包括金門與馬祖的居民?


根據「台灣關係法」立法的會議記錄,在指涉台灣與美國的經濟、商務、文化、觀光等事務時,"the people on Taiwan"確實包括金門與馬祖兩個島群的居民,但若指涉台灣與美國的安全事務時,"the people on Taiwan"就不包括金門與馬祖兩個島群的居民(不過,倘若共軍對這兩個島群進行軍事冒險,美國國會與白宮會如何處理或回應,則無人能加以預判)。



既然我們今天談到「台灣關係法」,也以當年參眾兩院的會議記錄做為討論的基礎,我們現在就順便提及會議記錄中的一、兩個片段,簡略地提一下在「台灣關係法」 之下,台灣的法律地位。在會議記錄中,我們發現有幾個片段的發言指出,「台灣關係法」沒有準備或者不提及或不處理台灣法律地位的問題。(不過,在一些相關 的國會發言與行動中,則顯示「台灣法律地位未定」是無需再加以說明、甚至是不證自明的立場。)


Sen. Church說: "The Senate version referred throughout the bill ------- to make clear as well the bill did not address the issue of Taiwan's international legal identity."


Senate Report: "The Committee also specified that Institute officials were not authorized to become involved in matters affecting the international status of Taiwan."



David C. Chou

Founder, Formosa Statehood Movement

(an organization devoted in current stage to making Taiwan a territorial commonwealth of the United States)

11B-05台灣關係法(TRA)的「台灣機構」(Taiwan Instrumentality, TI)指的是什麼?





我們今天撰寫此文,主要的目的是要統一建州運動內部的思想,因為我們內部有一、兩位同志在在「台灣關係法」(TRA)的「台灣機構」(Taiwan Instrumentality, TI)這一部分的解釋出現分歧 ,至今無法取得共識。





Treaty of Peace between the Republic of China and Japan

(Signed at Taipei, 28 April 1952;

Entered into force, 5 August 1952, by the exchange of the instruments of ratification at Taipei )


Article 10

For the purposes of the present Treaty, nationals of the Republic of China shall be deemed to include all the inhabitants and former inhabitants of Taiwan (Formosa) and Penghu (the Pescadores) and their descendents who are of the Chinese nationality in accordance with the laws and regulations which have been or may hereafter be enforced by the Republic of China in Taiwan (Formosa) and Penghu (the Pescadores); and juridical persons of the Republic of China shall be deemed to include all those registered under the laws and regulations which have been or may hereafter be enforced by the Republic of China in Taiwan (Formosa) and Penghu (the Pescadores).


光是要讀懂”For the purposes of the present Treaty, nationals of the Republic of China shall be deemed to include all the inhabitants and former inhabitants of Taiwan (Formosa) and Penghu (the Pescadores) and their descendents who are of the Chinese nationality”這一段文字,就非常不簡單,這不只是英文訓練的問題,還牽涉法律訓練的問題。


為什麼要寫”For the purposes of the present Treaty, -------- shall be deemed------“這幾個字?那是因為美國與日本都認為,台灣法律地位未定,中華民國雖然擁有對台灣與澎湖的施政權,但沒有擁有主權,原為日本帝國國民的台灣人以及他們的後裔並非中華民國的國民,但台灣人以及他們的後裔總不能是無國籍以及在國際旅行時肥沒有護照做為旅行證件之人,所以必須有權宜之計,必須作出政治安排,因而必須必須訂出這個條文,而且文字也必須這麼寫。如果當年美國與日本承認與接受中華民國對台澎的主權的主張,那就不會出現”For the purposes of the present Treaty”這幾個字,而且”shall be deemed to include” 這幾個字就會被寫成”shall include”。


美國為了構築戰後的Pax Americana,所以在亞太地區打造了一個「舊金山和約體系」(SFPT System,「日蔣臺北和約」與「美蔣共同防禦條約」是SFPT System的組成要素),「台澎法律地位與歸屬未定」是Pax Americana的建築基石其中的一塊,美國在涉台事務中所有的法律與政治安排、檔與發言,基本上都不會出現漏洞,都會指向或展現「台澎法律地位與歸屬未定」這項安排。



在1999年,美國聯邦第九巡迴上訴法院對明台產物保險公司的上訴案件下達判決,法院對中華人民共和國所參加的國際條約做出對台灣沒有拘束力或不適用的判決。此外,該案的法官又說: “We caution, however, that we do not independently determine the stutus of Taiwan, instead, we merely recognize and defer to the political departments’ position that Taiwan is not bound by China’s adherence to the Warshaw Convention.”


大家可以讀到”We caution, -----that we do not independently determine the stutus of Taiwan-----“這幾個字,美國的司法部門與行政部門、立法部門一樣,至今都不願對台灣的法律地位與歸屬給予正面的、明確的解釋與界定,仍然持「台澎法律地位與歸屬未定」的見解與立場。



我們提到明台產物保險公司的上訴案件,主因是美國政府介入該案,司法部派出助理檢察長,國務院也派出法律顧問,一起向法院提出Brief ,在那件Brief中,我們發現有一些資訊可以用來說明台灣關係法(TRA)裡頭的「台灣機構 到底是什麼,也可以瞭解「台灣機構」設立的沿革。



The Taiwan Relations Act

22 USC, Chapter 48: Taiwan Relations


Section 10: Taiwan Instrumentality

(a) Establishment of instrumentality; Presidential determination of necessary authority

Whenever the President or any agency of the United States Government is authorized or required by or pursuant to the laws of the United States to render or provide to or to receive or accept from Taiwan, any performance, communication, assurance, undertaking, or other action, such action shall, in the manner and to the extent directed by the President, be rendered or provided to, or received or accepted from, an instrumentality established by Taiwan which the President determines has the necessary authority under the laws applied by the people on Taiwan to provide assurances and take other actions on behalf of Taiwan in accordance with this chapter.


(b) Offices and personnel

The President is requested to extend to the instrumentality established by Taiwan the same number of offices and complement of personnel as were previously operated in the United States by the governing authorities on Taiwan recognized as the Republic of China prior to January 1, 1979.


(c) Privileges and immunities

Upon the granting by Taiwan of comparable privileges and immunities with respect to the Institute and its appropriate personnel, the President is authorized to extend with respect to the Taiwan instrumentality and its appropriate personnel, such privileges and immunities (subject to appropriate conditions and obligations) as may be necessary for the effective performance of their functions.





No. 98-15088

In the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit

Mingtai Fire & Marine Insurance Co., Ltd.



United Parcel Service, Inc., et al.



On Appeal from the United States District Court for the Northern District of California


A1. Foreign Policy Background Relations Between the United States and Taiwan.

When President Carter established diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China on January 1, 1979, he ended

diplomatic relations with the Republic of China (Taiwan) . See Taiwan, 128 F.3d at 714. The President did not, however, recognize in the PRC a power to make its international agreements and arrangements binding on Taiwan. To the contrary, the President  determined that the United States would "maintain commercial, cultural and other relations with the people of Taiwan without official government representation and without diplomatic relations ." President's Memorandum for All Departments and Agencies on Relations With People on Taiwan. (Dec.30, 1978), 44 Fed. Reg.1075 (1979) To that end, the President declared that federal "[d]epartments and agencies currently having authority to conduct or carry out programs, transactions, or other relations with or relating to Taiwan are directed to conduct and carry out those programs, transactions, and relations" through an unofficial

instrumentality that would be created by statute. Ibid. The President emphasized that "[e]xisting international agreements

and arrangements in force between the United States and Taiwan" were not altered by the recognition of the PRC, but instead would "continue in force and [would] be performed and enforced by departments and agencies * * * through that instrumentality ."

Ibid. See generally New York Chinese TV Programs, Inc. v. U.E. Enterprises,Inc ., 954 F.2d 847, 850-51 (2d Cir.), cert. denied,

506 U.S. 827 (1992).

The President's direction to continue separate relations with Taiwan was codified in the Taiwan Relations Act of 1979, Pub. L. No. 96-8, 93 Stat. 14, 22 U.S.C . § 3301 et seq. ("TRA"). This presidential memorandum was superseded by Exec . Order No. 12,143 (June22, 1979), 44Fed. Reg.37,191 (1979),which was in turn superseded by Exec. Order No. 13,014 (Aug. 15, 1996), 61 Fed. Reg. 42,963 (1996) .

In enacting this legislation, Congress sought "to promote the foreign policy of the United States by authorizing the continuation of commercial, cultural, and other relations between the people of the United States and the people on Taiwan." 22 U.S.C . § 3301(a). See also Taiwan, 128 F.3d at 714; New York Chinese TV, 954 F .2d at 851. Under the TRA, these relations are to be conducted on behalf of the United States by a nonprofit corporation called the American Institute in Taiwan ("AIT" or "Institute"), see 22 U.S .C . § 3305(a), and on behalf of the people of Taiwan by an instrumentality called the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office ("TECRO") (formerly known as the Coordination Council for North American Affairs ("CCNAA")) . See 22 U.S.C. § 3309(a); Exec. Order No. 12,143 (June 22, 1979), 44 Fed . Reg . 37,191 (1979) (recognizing CCNAA as the instrumentality with authority to act on behalf of Taiwan) ; Exec. Order No. 13,014 (Aug. 15, 1996), 61 Fed. Reg. 42,963 (1996) (recognizing TECRO as CCNAA&apos;s successor) . See generally Taiwan, 128 F .3d at 714 (describing this background) .

最後一段指出: The Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO)就是「台灣機構」,它以前被稱為 “The Coordination Council for North American Affairs (CCNAA)”。





卡特總統在他的”Memorandum for All Departments and Agencies on Relations with the People on Taiwan” (Dec. 30, 1978, 44 Fed. Reg. 1075 (1979))中指出,要與台灣建立非官方的關係,為了執行這個工作,得透過一個由立法產生的非官方機構(" through an unofficial instrumentality that would be created by statute) 。


因為這樣,所以國會就在後來制訂與通過的台灣關係法(TRA)裡頭創設了「美國在台協會」與「台灣機構」,稍後美國與台灣還簽署了一個”Agreement on Privileges, Exemptions and Immunities between the American Institute for Taiwan and the Coordination Council for North American Affairs”,雙方對 「台灣機構」的名稱取得共識。


卡特總統緊接著發佈了一項行政命令,該行政命令說: “the Coordination Council for North American Affairs is determined to be the unofficial instrumentality established by the people on Taiwan having the necessary authority under the laws”,明白指出「北美事務協調會」就是「台灣機構」。

Executive Order 12143--Maintaining unofficial relations with the people on Taiwan


(Source: The provisions of Executive Order 12143 of June 22, 1979, appear at 44 FR 37191, 3 CFR, 1979 Comp., p. 402, unless otherwise noted.)


In light of the recognition of the People&apos;s Republic of China by the United States of America as the sole legal government of China, and by the authority vested in me as President of the United States of America, by the Taiwan Relations Act (Public Law 96-8, 93 Stat. 14, 22 U.S.C. 3301 et seq., hereinafter referred to as "the Act"), and Section 301 of Title 3 of the United States Code, in order to facilitate the maintenance of commercial, cultural and other relations between the people of the United States and the people on Taiwan without official representation or diplomatic relations, it is hereby ordered as follows:


1-2. Specification of Laws and Determinations.


1-2 04. Pursuant to Section 10(a) of the Act, the Coordination Council for North American Affairs is determined to be the unofficial instrumentality established by the people on Taiwan having the necessary authority under the laws applied by the people on Taiwan to provide assurances and take other actions on behalf of Taiwan in accordance with the Act.


1-3. President&apos;s Memorandum of December 30, 1978.


1-3 01. This Order supersedes my memorandum of December 30, 1978 for all departments and agencies entitled "Relations With the People on Taiwan" (44 FR 1075). Agreements and arrangements referred to in paragraph (B) of that memorandum shall continue in force and shall be performed in accordance with the Act and this Order.


1996年,柯林頓總統簽署第12143號行政命令,該命令說: “the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States (‘‘TECRO’’), formerly the Coordination Council for North America Affairs (‘‘CCNAA’’), is determined to be the instrumentality established by the people on Taiwan having the necessary authority under the laws” ,亦即“the Taipei Economic and

Cultural Representative Office in the United States (TECRO,臺北經濟文化代表處 )”成為新的「台灣機構」。


Executive Order 13014, 8/15/1996

61 Fed. Reg. 42963

(Federal Register

Vol. 61, No. 161)

Monday, August 19, 1996


Title 3—

The President Executive Order 13014 of August 15, 1996

Maintaining Unofficial Relations With the People on Taiwan

In light of the recognition of the People’s Republic of China by the United States of America as the sole legal government of China, and by the authority vested in me as President of the United States of America by the Taiwan Relations Act (Public Law 96-8, 22 U.S.C. 3301 et seq.) (‘‘Act’’), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code, in order to facilitate the maintenance of commercial, cultural, and other relations between the people of the United

States and the people on Taiwan without official representation or diplomatic relations, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Sec. 2. Specification of Laws and Determinations.

2-203. Pursuant to section 10(a) of the Act, the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States (‘‘TECRO’’), formerly the Coordination Council for North America Affairs (‘‘CCNAA’’), is determined to be the instrumentality established by the people on Taiwan having the necessary authority under the laws applied by the people on Taiwan to provide assurances and take other actions on behalf of Taiwan in accordance with the Act. Nothing contained in this determination or order shall affect, or be construed to affect, the continued validity of agreements, contracts,

or other undertakings, of whatever kind or nature, entered into previously by CCNAA.

Sec. 3. President’s Memorandum of December 30, 1978.

3-301. Agreements and arrangements referred to in paragraph (B) of President Carter’s memorandum of December 30, 1978, entitled ‘‘Relations With the People on Taiwan’’ (44 FR 1075) shall, unless otherwise terminated or modified in accordance with law, continue in force and be performed in accordance with the Act and this order.

Sec. 4. General. This order supersedes Executive Order No. 12143 of June

22, 1979.






David C. Chou

Founder, Formosa Statehood Movement

(an organization devoted in current stage to making Taiwan a territorial commonwealth of the United States)

11B-06[古事今看] George Washington的法眼可以一眼看透政治神棍Aaron Burr (6/22/2011發表)




在美利堅合眾國早期的歷史中,有一個名人,他名叫Aaron Burr,他是美國史上赫赫有名的Jonathan Edwards(是型塑The First Great Awakening的關鍵性人物)的外孫,是美國第三任總統Thomas Jefferson第一個任期內的副總統,倘若他能對他的政治企圖心加以合理地控制,那他應該有可能得到總統的大位,但由於他個人及其他諸多外在的因素, 導致他與他的死敵Alexander Hamilton一樣,都成為美國歷史上的悲劇性人物,且都與總統大位無緣。


George Washington、Thomas Jefferson、Alexander Hamilton、John Adams、James Madison、Aaron Burr都是美國的Founding Fathers,革命、獨立、建國、制憲與建國之後的權力競逐與路線鬥爭給他們帶來各種聯合、鬥爭、恩怨、糾葛及仇恨(他們之間的互動寫下了極為精彩的美 國歷史故事),特別是由於一山不容二虎、最終導致以紐約為權力鬥爭基地的Alexander Hamilton與Aaron Burr(此二人早期是經常在一起聚餐與聚會的哥兒們)最後必須以決鬥來結束他們的仇恨,這場美國史上最有名的決鬥結束了Hamilton炫爛的一生,也 毀了Burr的政治生命。





_ _兄:

近況可好,近日__ __ __到處散發資料,說戰後美國國會通過一筆「__ __重建基金」__百億美金,最近美方批准__億給__ __ __的__ __ __ __使用,要建台灣六__的__辦公廳,然後任命六「__長」,並要求各「__長」應速組成「__政府」,加入「__政府」工作者應接受三天之講習,收費五千元以上,獨派人士(含醫師、牧師,甚至教授)紛紛參加,幾乎舉國瘋狂。

我在網路上,只查到「伊拉克重基金」,無「__ __重建基金」,__兄可否從網路進入美國國會圖書館,搜尋美國早期之國會記錄?

__ __ 上


建州派沒有對這兩封信加以直接答覆,因為建州派的領導層就如同有一雙法眼的George Washington,可以洞悉一些政治神棍與文宣薩哈夫所設下的騙局與所編織的謊言,我們以George Washington的法眼及Aaron Burr的騙局做為答覆,我們覺得那項答覆很有意義,因此特地加以些微修改,並在今天公開發表,以供台灣與台美鄉親參考。





我們的故事要從George Washington如何看待Aaron Burr說起。




紐澤西學院(後來遷移,並改為普林斯頓大學)畢業、還在他姊夫門下修習法律、很有才氣與天份、年方19的熱血青年Aaron Burr丟下法律,欲投入華盛頓的帳下,但不知什麼緣故,沒有被收容。

稍後不久,華盛頓將軍同意派出部隊北征加拿大,Burr加入遠征軍,雖然遠征加拿大的部隊戰事不利,傷亡無數,倉皇撤退,許多人還因饑 餓而死,不過,Burr卻在那場戰役嶄露頭角,成為家喻戶曉的戰爭英雄,因此有戰功、年方20歲的他獲得推薦,到華盛頓統帥的紐約大本營擔任秘書的工作, 可是在大本營工作才六個星期(另有一說,他才工作兩個星期)的Burr卻很快對擔任秘書、為統帥寫信的工作感到厭煩,他辭去秘書的工作,回到前線,華盛頓 麾下的Israel Putnam將軍收他為參謀。史書上說,華盛頓因Burr堅持辭職(另有一說,是Burr口不擇言,說了不少不該說的話,也說了不少觸怒統帥的話),從此 對Burr十分不滿,印象十分惡劣,Burr從此被華盛頓列入懲罰的黑名單。




1798 年,John Adams擔任總統時,美國與發生大革命的法國關係陷入緊張與準戰爭的狀態,卸任的華盛頓被Adams總統任命為美軍的General-in-Chief。Burr希望華盛頓任命他為准將,但他的請求被拒絕,相反地,受華盛頓寵信的Hamilton卻在Adams十分痛恨與不情願的情況下(許多革命戰爭時期的老將也感不解、不平與不滿),被委以華盛頓副手的軍職。


華盛頓統帥的理由是: "By all that I have known and heard, Colonel Burr is a brave and able officer, but the question is whether he has not equal talents at intrigue." 換句話說,華盛頓認為Burr擅長搞陰謀,所以不值得信任與重用。在那個時候,華盛頓這麼說,是有可能受到Hamilton的影響,不過,華盛頓對 Burr的不信任可是由來已久,不像是受到Hamilton的影響,若從Burr在從副總統職位退下後一些背叛美國的作為看來,華盛頓的確是薑是老的辣, 他似乎具有一雙法眼,能一眼看穿與看透Burr。


常言道,「人非聖賢,孰能無過」? 包括從事政治工作的人在內,每個人都會犯錯,每個人 都以自我為中心,都為自己的利益設想與奮鬥,但是賢人與高明的人雖然無法達到無我與無私 (無我與無私是聖人才做得到,對芸芸眾生而言,是陳義過高,是唱高調) 的境界,但是卻可讓個人利益與群體利益重疊或合一,或者不把個人利益置於整體或群體的利益之上。


Aaron Burr的問題或者說他之所以出問題,根據美國史家Gordon S. Wood的說法,是Burr的"self-serving nature"違反了"disinterested politics"的理想 ("a government led by educated gentlemen who would fulfill their duties in a spirit of public virtue and without regard to personal interests or pursuits"),由於Burr具有"unprincipled ambition",所以他的作為"leading to his personal and political defeats and, ultimately, to his place outside the golden circle of revered revolutionary figures"。


Burr因為缺乏他的政敵所認為的"the essential core of an Enlightenment gentlemen",所以他最後成為叛國者,乃是理所當然,我們今天在台灣也看到一些說謊完全不會臉紅的政治神棍與薩哈夫,這些小丑都是Aaron Burr的翻版。



Aaron Burr到底幹了什麼事?他陰謀要武裝佔領阿列堅尼山脈以西的美國領地,做為他的獨立王國(首都是New Orleans),然後侵略與佔領西班牙統治的「新西班牙」(包括今天的Texas、美國西部、美國西南部、佛羅裏達、墨西哥),建立一個大帝國。


建州派今天要引述美國史家Henry Adams(John Adams的後人)的巨著"The Second Administration of Thomas Jefferson, Part I"的第10、11、12、13、14及19章("The First Administration of Thomas Jefferson"也提到Burr)。


Chapter 10: Burr's Schemes

When Burr ceased to be Vice-President of the United States, March 4, 1805, he had already made himself intimate with every element of conspiracy that could be drawn within his reach. The list of his connections might have startled Jefferson, if the President's easy optimism had not been proof to fears. In London, Burr's friend Colonel Williamson confided his plans to Pitt and Lord Melville. At Washington the British minister, Merry, wrote to Lord Mulgrave in support of Williamson's negotiation. The Creole deputies from New Orleans were Burr's friends, and Derbigny was acquainted with "certain projects" he entertained. General Wilkinson, governor of the Louisiana Territory, whose headquarters were at St. Louis, closely attached to Burr almost from childhood, stood ready for any scheme that promised to gratify inordinate ambition. James Brown, Secretary of the Territory, was Burr's creature. Judge Prevost, of the Superior Court at New Orleans, was Burr's stepson. Jonathan Dayton, whose term as senator ended the same day with Burr's vice-presidency, shared and perhaps suggested the "projects." John Smith, the senator from Ohio, was under the influence of Burr and Dayton. John Adair of Kentucky was in Wilkinson's confidence. The Swartwouts in New York, with the "little band" who made Burr their idol, stood ready to follow him wherever he might lead. In South Carolina Joseph Allston, the husband of Theodosia Burr, might be induced to aid his father-in-law; and Allston was supposed to be the richest planter in the South, worth a million of dollars in slaves and plantations. The task of uniting these influences and at a given moment raising the standard of a new empire in the Mississippi Valley seemed to an intriguer of Burr's metal not only feasible, but certain of success. (這裡提到一些人,這些人士是當年有頭有臉的美國菁英,雖是菁英,但Burr也都能欺騙他們,或者說,他們也不能免於被Burr欺騙。Dayton不久後發現Burr說謊,但還是與Burr狼狽為奸,一道欺騙其他同夥。)




"The conspiracy counted on the aid of Great Britain, which was to be the pivot of the scheme; but Burr's hopes were blasted by learning from Merry that no answer had been received from the British government in reply to the request for money and ships. ----- hope of aid from the British government had vanished." (註: Merry是英國派駐美國的使節Anthony Merry。)


"The death of Pitt destroyed all immediate possibility of drawing England into conspiracy with Burr, -- if indeed a possibility had ever existed. The attempt to obtain money from Spain was equally hopeless." (註: Pitt是英國首相William Pitt the Younger。)


在外援沒有來之後,"Burr was reduced to many devices in order to keep his conspiracy alive. ------Burr wrote to Wilkinson a letter evidently intended to conceal his diplomatic disaster and to deceive his friend."


"Conspiracy was easier than poverty; but conspiracy without foreign aid was too wild a scheme for other men to join. ----- In order to retain any friends or followers he was obliged to deceive them all, and entangle himself and them in an elaborate of falsehood. Dayton alone knew the truth, and helped him to deceive." (Burr的陰謀與計劃因為缺乏外援,所以對同夥與其他人而言,都只是瘋狂的冒險,為了讓那些同夥與追隨者不要跑掉,Burr必須欺騙他們,他開始編織一 套精心設計的謊言,來自欺欺人,只有Dayton知道真相,他幫助Burr來欺騙其他人。)


"---- impudence had become their (註: 指Burr與Dayton兩人) only resource. Every step taken thenceforward by the conspirators (註: 指Burr與Dayton兩人) was taken by means of a new imposture; until at last they became petty swindlers who lived from day to day by cheating each other. How flagrant their imposture was, has been partly shown in their attempt to deceive Yrujo; but their treatment of Wilkinson was far more dishonest." (註: 因為英國、西班牙的外援不來,Burr與Dayton只好不斷欺騙他們的同夥與他人,他們每天忙著編織謊言,互相欺騙,他們的騙術翻陳出新,欲罷不能,令 人目不暇給,他們吃了熊心豹子膽,連Wilkinson及西班牙的使節Marques de Casa Yrujo都敢騙。)




"He (註: 指律師Harman Blennerhasset) confided in his gardener, ----- Peter Taylor, that Colonel Burr would be king of Mexico, ---- He added that Burr had a great many friends in the Spanish territory; two thousand Roman Catholic priests were enlisted in his corps; ----- that the Spaniards, like the French, had got tired of their government and wanted to swap it; that the British were also friends to this expedition ----" (註: 在Burr的騙局中,受害最大的可能是出錢出力不少、期待在Burr的陰謀成功後可以被國王Burr封為公爵、並將有豐厚收入的受騙者 Blennerhasset,Burr因為外援沒來,所以設計很多騙錢與搞錢的點子,讓Blennerhasset這些缺乏判斷力的人提供政治獻金,從 Blennerhasset的園丁這些證人在法庭的供詞中,我們可以知道Burr這種政治神棍的厲害與受害者的無知與貪婪,也可以知道Burr編織了許多 外援及革命形勢大好的謊言。)


"Burr was engaged in deceiving every one; but his attempt to deceive Yrujo, if seriously meant, was the least comprehensible of all his manoeuvres."








David C. Chou

Founder, Formosa Statehood Movement

(an organization devoted to making Taiwan a state of the United States)




再談美國立國早期的政治神棍Aaron Burr (7/25/2011補述與發表)


「台灣建州運動」於6/22/2011發表「George Washington的法眼可以一眼看透政治神棍Aaron Burr」一文(我們把它重貼在下面),我們今天順著那篇文章,接著做一點補充。


我們今天的補充資料來自美國史家Henry Adams的名著 "The Second Administration of Thomas Jefferson"第二冊的第十九章,標題是 "Burr's Trial"。


Chapter 19: Burr's Trial(審判Aaron Burr)




-------The Democrats (註: 在傑佛遜總統執政時期的美國的Democrats,分佈於當時美國東北部、東部及西部,與Jefferson-Madison結盟,他們與南方的 Republicans結盟,成為Jefferson-Madison執政團隊的主要支持基礎) had never been able to persuade themselves that the Union was really in danger, or that Burr's projects, whatever they were, had a chance of success; and in truth Burr's conspiracy, like that of Pickering and Griswold, had no deep roots in society, but was mostly confined to a circle of well-born, well-bred, and well-educated individuals, whose want of moral sense was one more proof that the moral instinct had little to do with social distinctions. (Aaron Burr圖謀分裂美國西部、建立一個帝國的計劃,在沒有得到英國與西班牙的支持之後,仍然以欺騙支持者及金主的方式繼續運作,他雖然隱瞞真相,繼續欺騙支 持者與金主,但Democrats並不認為他有成功的機會,因為他的圖謀並不具社會的基礎,他的支持者只限於一個很小的圈子中,那一小撮人出身好的家庭, 受到良好的教育(註: 被政治神棍欺騙的人並非只是一般民眾,連受過高等教育的人也會受騙,他們之所以會受騙,多半是由於他們在那個政治騙局中,有特殊或不可告人的考量,或者他們與政治神棍有平行的利益)。


These comments were sharp, yet the pages of Blennerhassett's diary were not so severe upon any of the witnesses for the government as they were upon Burr himself. Blennerhassett had wakened to the discovery that Burr was, after all, but a vulgar swindler. (在Aaron Burr的陰謀詐騙中受害極深、財產都因而失去的人是Blennerhassett,到頭來他發現Burr只是一個粗鄙的騙子。)--------the ruin which had fallen on Blennerhassett's property at the island,—taught the Irishman how thoroughly he had been duped:


"The present trial cannot fail to furnish ample testimony, if not to the guilt, at least to the defect of every talent under the assumption of which this giddy adventurer has seduced so many followers of riper experience and better judgment than myself." (Blennerhassett在Burr受審時發現,被Burr誘騙的人士中,有不少人比他具有較成熟的經驗及較好的判斷力。註: 政治神棍通常具有誘騙有豐富的社會經驗及良好判斷力的人士的邪惡天份,即便連總統或當過總統的人都可能會被他們蒙騙與誤導,更何況是一般民眾。)




我們在信函的開頭說: 這幾年來,台灣有一個林XX小黨派,自組一個所謂「台灣X政府」(Taiwan ...... Government)的荒唐組織,他們在自營的網站上及其他地方公開宣稱他們的「政府」與他們的「駐美辦事處」受到美國政府的「認可」,他們不斷編織謊言,並宣稱由於美國政府從來沒有出面否定他們的說法,那就表示他們的說法得到美國政府的「默許」或「贊同」,他們不斷編造謊言,許多台灣人與台美人都信以為真,這些被他們欺騙的台灣人與台美人包括受高等教育的菁英份子。







建州運動於3/15/2014發表「自由世界在東西兩個戰場面對中俄兩個邪惡帝國 ,我們現在活在比以前更危險的年代」一文,我們說:


//中國在台海、東海與南海的囂張行徑,俄羅斯在喬治亞與烏克蘭的流氓行徑,讓中國與俄國周邊的國家與人民認識到這個世界已在狼煙四起,這些國家及其人民都惴惴不安,都在向華府求救,所以現在即便向世界各國誓言 “Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.”的甘迺迪當政,恐怕也是一個頭兩個大。//




//[卡特總統時代的國家安全顧問布裏辛斯基]描述「後美國時代」[註: 指美國已失去世界唯一超強的地位或美國已不願且無力維護 「自由國際秩序」的時代]的世界的每個地區之中強國之間的爭奪,在那個沒有美國領導的世界,他列出了一份「在地緣政治中瀕臨滅亡」的國家的名單,這份名單包括台灣、喬治亞、南韓、白俄羅斯、阿富汗、巴勒斯坦以及以色列。][註: 布裏辛斯基把台灣列為「在地緣政治中瀕臨滅亡」的國家,是可以被理解的,因為不管是台灣住民,還是其他國家的人,多數都不認為「一個美國沒有意願、意志及實力保護的台灣」能在中國持續的武裝攻擊下存活。]//



由於上面提到在一個「後美國時代」若成真就會成為「瀕臨滅亡」的國家的喬治亞,所以我們今天來談一談與這個被已經借「前蘇聯」的屍而還魂的「俄羅斯邪惡帝國」與「Vladimir Putin流氓政權」欺負的、可憐的外高加索小國有關的一、兩件事,之後,我們再來談處於「中華邪惡帝國」威脅的、隨時有覆亡之虞的、可憐的台灣。


2/21/2014,The Wall Street Journal刊載了一篇文章 ,標題是: “Putin Knows History Hasn’t Ended” (普金知道人類的歷史尚未以美國所建立的自由民主體制及秩序為終極型式),作者是Walter Russell Mead,我們今天先來解釋這個標題。


在蘇聯這個邪惡帝國崩解之後 ,美國與西方世界都陷入了「美國是世界唯一超強、以美國為首的西方世界所奉持的普世價值及市場經濟(即通稱的「華盛頓共識」)已被證明是比其他的一切價值與體制更為優越、以美國為首的西方世界所打造的「自由國際秩序」從此可以望風披靡、這個擾攘的世界從此將定於一尊、人類的歷史軌跡與型式從此將循此模式發展,它就是終極的價值與型式,不會再被其他價值體系、體制、模式或型式超越」的euphoria ,許多美國人及其他西方人都因此而自滿,並宣稱世人從中可以等著分享「和平紅利」。


但是歷史就像一個過動兒,也像一個永不止息的”Ambition knows no boundary”的野心政客與戰爭販子 ,它不停地以「給人類帶來驚諤或驚奇」的方式前進,在蘇聯崩解之後,「中華新邪惡帝國」竄起,張牙舞爪,耀武揚威,威脅四鄰,可憐的台灣在1990年代就被它以「飛彈試射」加以恐嚇,還好美國依據「台灣關係法」,保衛台灣,但不少台灣住民已受了驚嚇,台灣因而發生了一波驚心動魄的移民潮。


現在「中華新邪惡帝國」還在持續竄起,在美國於2008年發生金融風暴及經濟蕭條之後,許多人對「華盛頓共識」喪失信心,而相對地,有些人開始喊出所謂的「北京共識」,那些小丑聲稱,「您們看,宣稱「歷史已經終結」的美國菁英的信念已經被證明不是真理 ,美國新保守派的學者福山(Francis Fukuyama)所謂的『歷史終結論』已經被『失敗的國家---美國』自己的失敗經驗推翻與否定,現在世人都看到中國欣欣向榮, 經濟持續高度發展,社會維持穩定,人民的生活水準持續提高,這證明中國那套「有中國特色的社會主義」是優越的,中國的政治與經濟發展模式才是優越的。」


這所謂的「北京共識」當然是一套似是而非的歪論,但由於它尚未崩潰,所以這套建築在對環境造成極大破壞、貪腐與特權橫行、貧富極度懸殊、及crony capitalism的病態基礎上的政經體制與邏輯現在還在運作。


由於在日裔美國學者福山提出「歷史終結論」後,幾項歷史的發展,導致福山本人離開了新保守派陣營(neoconservative school),也由於這幾項歷史的發展,讓「歷史終結論」受到質疑或無以為繼,所以,美國的新保守派陣營的另一位思想家、理論家與戰略家Robert Kagan提出了「歷史終結論的終結」之說,建州派以後有機會再來介紹與解說。



在外高加索地區有一個被蘇聯併吞、在蘇聯崩解後獨立建國的喬治亞共和國,這個國家在2003年發生和平與民主的「玫瑰革命」,由非常年輕、曾在烏克蘭與美國留學、親美的Mikheil Saakashvili執政。這個小國統治著有嚴重分離傾向的South Ossetia、Abkhazia兩個地區,在2008年奧運期間,喬治亞的武裝部隊開進South Ossetia, ,俄羅斯翌日也出兵,擊退喬治亞部隊,並迅速佔領這兩個地區,俄國並承認這兩個地區的獨立。




在烏克蘭人民起來抗議與反對親俄的Viktor Yanukovych政權、莫斯科派兵進入克裏米亞之後,喬治亞與原被蘇聯統治或原屬蘇聯的勢力範圍的國家普遍陷入不安,甚至陷入恐懼或更大的恐懼,喬治亞就是其中之一。







在「太陽花學運」發生之後,美國若干國安事務的專家學者與美國若干國會議員把台灣與烏克蘭相提並論,他們發現,台灣與烏克蘭都在一個有威脅性的大國旁邊[中國對台灣主張主權,一心想併吞台灣,而俄羅斯則希望烏克蘭中立化或成為它的勢力範圍] ,中俄這兩個有威脅性的強權都試圖以經貿手段做為胡蘿蔔 ,企圖進一步控制臺灣或烏克蘭,在經濟的手段失敗後,就明目張膽地祭出或威脅要採取軍事手段。






“From Georgia to Taiwan”

By: Richard C. Bush III and Kenneth G. Lieberthal

The Wall Street Journal

September 16, 2008

On the face of it, Taiwan and the Republic of Georgia have little in common. Taiwan is an island off China's coast that used American protection and assistance during the Cold War to become an economic success story. Georgia was absorbed into the continental Russian empire in the 19th century, suffered under the Soviet system for decades, gained its independence in 1991, but has struggled ever since to build national strength.

Yet in recent years, the basic dynamics of the two countries have been remarkably similar. Both have had politically skillful, democratically elected heads of state who were determined to consolidate the independent identity and sovereignty of the territory they ruled. Each confronted a major power -- Russia for Georgia and China for Taiwan -- that felt it had legitimate historical rights to curtail the full exercise of sovereignty by the feisty smaller government. And each appealed to the United States for support. The leaders of Taiwan and Georgia had reason to believe they had a strong ally in President George W. Bush, who had declared a robust agenda of promoting democracy and freedom. They were acting, they said, to realize the democratic aspirations of their people.

But this similar dynamic has produced different outcomes. Georgia has become the scene of the most serious post-Cold War great-power conflict, while recent political change in Taiwan has greatly enhanced cross-Strait stability and provides reason for optimism about the future. What lessons can be learned from such different outcomes?

Although each narrative has its own unique and important details, these different outcomes reflect different policies by the Bush administration and illustrate the danger of sending mixed messages that can be interpreted as blank checks.

With respect to Georgia, Mr. Bush publicly lavished praise on President Mikheil Saakashvili and provided substantial support, for example giving advanced military training to the two thousand troops President Saakashvili sent to Iraq to support the U.S. effort there. During the past year President Bush also promoted Georgia's accession to NATO, asking other NATO members at a gathering in Bucharest this April to welcome Georgia into a Membership Action Plan that would prepare it for full NATO membership. In taking these and other measures, President Bush brushed aside explicit Russian warnings that the U.S. was crossing several red lines that would invite a strong Russian response.

President Bush adopted a similar attitude in his early days in office toward Taiwan, telling a CNN reporter in April 2001 that he was prepared to "do whatever it takes" to defend Taiwan against China. But over time Mr. Bush moved to a more tempered approach that increasingly took into serious account Beijing's concerns as well as Taiwan's pleadings. He recognized that the most serious threat to Taiwan was conflict through miscalculation, as an independence-leaning political initiative by Taiwan's president Chen Shui-bian might provoke a Chinese military attack, whether justified or not. The Bush administration therefore developed a nuanced American policy that publicly put the United States squarely in opposition to any unilateral change to the status quo by either Beijing or Taipei.

In Georgia, the net result is that, in response to various incidents, President Saakashvili ordered his military into South Ossetia on August 7, and the Russians responded with overwhelming force the next day, humiliating the Georgian military, seizing South Ossetia and Abkhazia, and placing some Russian military forces inside Georgia proper. This has created a major crisis in U.S.-Russian relations whose ultimate extent remains unclear. U.S.-Russian relations may continue to deteriorate, with serious implications for preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons and for cooperation in handling other major international issues.

In Taiwan, by contrast, 2008 has witnessed the election of a moderate leader, Ma Ying-jeou, whose electoral prospects were bolstered in part by America's clear indications of its displeasure with the willingness of former president Mr. Chen to provoke China. Under President Ma we are seeing hopeful initiatives to stabilize cross-Strait relations in ways that hold out the prospect for improving Taiwan's economy, reducing the military threat from China, preserving Taiwan's democratic system of governance, and increasing America's capacity to work with China on the North Korea nuclear issue and other serious international concerns.

American officials reportedly did warn their Georgian counterparts, from President Saakashvili on down, about the dangers of recklessness in the face of Russian power. But these messages were paired with strong commitments of support. And any such warnings were conveyed in private while the commitments came in public. The U.S.-Taiwan relationship also had a problem with mixed messages for a period, but the Bush administration eventually managed to get its officials to speak from a common set of talking points.

The danger, of course, is that the recipients of mixed messages about the limits of America support will listen only to the messages they wish to hear. Those who perceive blank checks from Uncle Sam will believe they are free to cash them. Or, if they are caught in the crossfire between their own domestic politics and pressures from the hostile neighbor, they are liable to take risks with the American pledges that they might not otherwise take.

The Georgian and Taiwanese situations are each distinctive, and the future is not yet fully certain. But the central lesson of these two cases is clear: American commitment should be carefully shaped around sober analysis of American capabilities and interest and the competing goals and interests of other major players, and articulated on that basis. Otherwise, we create trouble for our friends, our major power relationships, our credibility, and our capacity to manage other critical international issues in the future.


“Georgia's Lessons for Taiwan”

By: Jeffrey A. Bader and Douglas Paal

September 16, 2008


The Russian attack on Georgia sent ripples of alarm through Europe and the United States. Irrespective of arguments over who started the conflict and who is responsible, the West got the message: Russia expects to dominate the states of the former Soviet Union, and we can expect years of jockeying for influence in those states, with attendant tensions.

Americans and Europeans are not the only ones who have been watching with interest. In Asia—particularly Taiwan—people are wondering what events in the Caucasus may portend about their own security.

Like Georgia, Taiwan lies on the periphery of a major power, in this case China, growing in strength in recent years. Russia’s designs for Georgia are not absolutely clear, but with regard to Taiwan, China is unambiguous in its assertion of sovereignty and its intention to absorb it in the long-run.

In both cases, the policy of the United States is central to the calculations of all the players. The United States leads plans to bring Georgia into NATO. With respect to Taiwan, U.S. security interests are of much longer standing, and the assumption of a U.S. commitment to defend Taiwan in case of attack is one of the foundations of security and stability in Asia. It is no wonder that many Taiwanese watched the events in Georgia with deep concern about their own future, and what these events say about the reliability of U.S. defense assurances.

What are the lessons of the Russia–Georgia crisis for Taiwan, and for U.S. policy toward Taiwan? We would point to six:

1) Be careful about security commitments. They mean something. Don’t make them unless you mean it. NATO is not a feel-good organization designed to increase the self-esteem of its members. It is a solemn commitment by its members to treat an attack upon one as an attack upon all. There should be no consideration of bringing Georgia into NATO unless the United States and the rest of the European members intend to bring the full force of NATO power to its defense. We do not believe in fact that the United States or the Europeans have any such intention. To provide a security commitment to Georgia and then not back it up is to send a message to all potential adversaries, including China in the Taiwan Strait, that the United States is not serious. On the other hand, we need to continue to make clear to China, including through military planning and deployments, the U.S. security interest in a peaceful resolution of cross-Strait issues and the unacceptability of a Chinese attack, so that Beijing will not be tempted to see in the Georgia crisis a model for resolution of its own irredentist aims.

2) Don’t provoke the bear, or the dragon, expecting the eagle to fly to the rescue. [喬治亞不要在激怒俄羅斯北極熊之後,台灣也不要在激怒中國惡龍之後,期待美國鷹會飛奔救援] President Saakashvili has shown a propensity for statements and actions that seems to say to the United States and Russia, “Let the two of you fight over me.” His goal has seemed to be to encourage the United States and Russia to see Georgia as the target of a zero-sum security game and to appeal to the U.S. conscience to back him up. Taiwan’s former president Chen Shui-bian took the same approach to the triangular relationship among Taiwan, the United States, and China. The result in Saakashvili’s case has been to leave his troops alone to face an angered Russian military. In Chen’s case, it led to heightened cross-Strait tensions, but in Taiwan’s case, the United States showed wisdom and took issue with Chen and his provocative behavior and withdrew its support.

3) A constructive relationship between the United States and major powers is an essential component of security for vulnerable states. The United States has enjoyed a positive and constructive relationship with China for most of the past 36 years. Taiwan’s security has greatly benefited from this, as the PRC has understood that an attack on Taiwan would profoundly damage its relationship with the United States and its place in the world. On the other hand, the deterioration of U.S.–Russian relations and a disdainful attitude toward Russian security interests for the last decade led us to a situation where Russia seems to see little risk to its interests, and much to gain, in redefining its relationship with the United States.

4) Geography matters. Small nations near large powers should not forget who their neighbors are. Cuba has not prospered through its 50 years of defiance of the United States. Taiwan’s newly elected President Ma Ying-jeou seems to understand well that an improved relationship between Taiwan and China is essential to Taiwan’s future security. In the absence of unambiguous security commitments from the United States, such as those enjoyed by countries like Japan, small states might best seek a balance─the strongest possible U.S. commitment to their defense and survival, hedged by a non-hostile relationship with their big power neighbor. Taiwan’s example shows that prosperity and full-blown democracy can find their way in a tyrannical shadow.

5) It’s wise to speak softly when you don’t plan to carry a big stick. U.S. statements and actions implying that we would defend Georgia when we had neither the will nor the intention to do so, not to mention an adequate understanding of the region’s internal conflicts, sent all the wrong signals. They encouraged Saakashivili to provoke the Russians and face their response alone. The Russians saw the U.S. warnings as a bluff. And they sent a message to our allies, including those in Asia, that our real commitments might prove as empty as our casual verbal ones.

6) Credibility is global. There are no purely local crises. U.S. commitments, even in the post-Cold War era, remain critical for the stability of the international system. Potential adversaries and potential friends alike draw conclusions from our behavior. We want them to understand we will act to defend friends where we have declared security interests. We need to be careful about when and where we declare those interests to be engaged, but once we do we need to act in ways that sends a message to potential aggressors that reinforces their restraint.











(4)美國要把台灣凍結在「主權歸屬或法律地位未定」的狀態,在政治上,要把台灣放在back burner的位置,美國不希望台灣成為美中衝突的熱點(flashpoint)。







建州運動對美國的對台政策有如上的理解與認知,我們因此做出如下的判斷: 台灣前途與主權歸屬的最終確立或解決,必須或極可能得等到中國與美國的爭霸戰水落石出之後,才能分曉或見出端倪,就如同蘇聯崩解之後,原蘇聯的許多「加盟」的共和國才能趁機獨立建國一樣。















David C. Chou

Founder, Formosa Statehood Movement

(an organization devoted in current stage to making Taiwan a territorial commonwealth of the United States)

11B 08 19550504英國外交次相就「福爾摩沙與澎湖群島」的國際法律地位所做的解釋與聲明

5/4/1955,聯合王國保守黨Anthony Eden政府外交次相(Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs) Baron Robin Hugh Turton於接受勞工黨國會議員Geoffrey Bing(大倫敦區Hornchurch國會選區選出)質詢時,就福爾摩沙與澎湖群島的國際法律地位所做的解釋與聲明(1)




在不久前,我還曾為我們的鄉親與朋友們撰寫了一篇專文,把邱吉爾政府的一份重要文件---"Juridical Aspects of the Formosa Situation "[福爾摩沙情勢的法理面]---全文介紹出來,我還特別為大家做了漢文摘要。


我今天接到一位吳姓老朋友傳來的一則訊息,那是1955年5月4日,英國外交次卿 Mr. R. H. Turton [他的任期橫跨了邱吉爾政府與伊登政府]回覆國會議員 Mr. Geoffrey Bing 質詢時,所做的有關福爾摩沙法理地位之解釋與聲明,這份我在前幾年讀過的漢文資料來自民間學者王雲程先生所經營的Blog:雲程的雙魚鏡,它的翻譯者是Taimocracy,由於我老友又寄給我並提醒我再讀,所以,我就決定把它介紹給我的鄉親們,但既然要轉貼它,我就乾脆把英國國會紀錄上的有關部分也轉貼出來,讓大家可以對照著讀。

David C. Chou
Formosa Statehood Movement
(an organization calling for Taiwan 's incorporation into the United States as a territorial commonwealth, leading to statehood)






FAR EAST (FORMOSA AND THE PESCADORES)…/far-east-formosa-and-the-pescad…

HC Deb 04 May 1955 vol 540 cc1865-74 1865

§ Motion made, and Question proposed, that this House do now adjourn.—[Mr. Wills.]

§ 12.31 a.m.

§Mr. Geoffrey Bing (Hornchurch) I want now to deal with a strictly legal matter. In these circumstances, I am sorry that the right hon. and learned Gentleman the Member for Chertsey (Sir L. Heald) is leaving the Chamber. No, he is remaining. I want to ask the Joint Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs the legal position in regard to Formosa in international law.


This is a matter in which the Government of the United States take one point of view, the so-called Government of Chiang Kai-shek take the same point of view and the Government of the People's Republic of China take the identical point of view. They all agree, whatever else they may disagree on, that Formosa is part of China, that Formosa and the Pescadores Islands are part of China. I understood the Prime Minister, when he was Foreign Secretary, to say that the other Powers, signatories to the Cairo Declaration, whether one took them to be the Chiang Kai-shek or the People's Republic, were out of step, but that we are in step. He said on 4th February: Under the Peace Treaty of April, 1952, Japan formally renounced all right, title and claim to Formosa and the Pescadores; but again this did not operate as a transfer to Chinese sovereignty, whether to the People's Republic of China or to the Chinese Nationalist authorities. Formosa and the Pescadores are therefore, in the view of Her Majesty's Government, territory the de jure sovereignty over which is uncertain or undetermined."—[OFFICIAL REPORT, 4th February, 1955; Vol. 536, c. 159.] 1866 It is the exact opposite of what Mr. Dean Acheson said. Mr. Dean Acheson, when Secretary of State of the United States, said on 5th January, 1950: The Chinese have administered Formosa for four years. Neither the United States nor any other ally ever questioned that authority in that occupation. When Formosa was made a province of China nobody raised any lawyer's doubts about that. That was regarded as in accordance with the commitments. Now, in the opinion of some, the situation has changed. They want to say,' Well we have to wait for the treaty.' We did not wait for a treaty on Cairo. We did not wait for a treaty on the Kuriles. We did not wait for a treaty on the islands over which we have trusteeship. Is it suggested that the Americans in the islands over which they operate trusteeship are there illegally and their status has not been defined? Exactly the same legal point of view was taken not only by the Democratic Administration but by the Republican Government.


On 4th December last, Mr. Dulles, the present Secretary of State, signed a treaty with the Government of the Republic of China. This treaty provides in Article 2 that each of the parties will resist armed attack and Communist subversive activities directed from without against their territorial integrity and political stability. Article 6 provides that for the purposes of Article 2 the terms "territorial" and "territories" shall mean, in respect of the Republic of China, Taiwan (Formosa) and the Pescadores … The American Government are saying, "We have a right to be in Formosa because we have a treaty with the Republic of China and it is Chinese territory." The Prime Minister, when he was Foreign Secretary, said the legal position is very different and that we ought to assist the Americans in the present position just because Formosa is not part of China. But Formosa cannot be part of China if one recognises Chiang Kai-shek and not be part of China if one recognises fhe People's Republic, and I am sure that the present Foreign Secretary does not want to play around with international law. I hope that tonight we shall have a straight answer from the Joint Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.


It is a matter of very great importance, because if Formosa and the Pescadores are part of the Republic of China, then Article 2 (7) of the Charter of the United Nations applies. As the Joint Under- 1867 Secretary will know, that is the article which precludes the United States intervening in any dispute which arises over any civil war, and if Formosa is part of China this is a civil war to determine which is the proper Government of China.


I would commend to the Joint Under-Secretary the remarks of a very distinguished jurist, Mr. Benjamin V. Cohen, who was for long the legal adviser to the State Department, not the other distinguished jurist who was adviser to the McCarthy Commission. In a memorandum, Mr. Cohen pointed out the legal consequences if the Senate of the United States were to endorse the treaty of 2nd December, 1954. In that memorandum, which was printed in the Congressional Record, Mr. Cohen said: The formal recognition of Formosa and the Pescadores as territories of the Republic of China would give substance to the claim of the Chinese Communists that an armed attack on these islands is not international aggression on their part but civil war in which the right and purpose of other nations forcibly to intervene would be open to serious doubt and question. In order to resolve the problem and get out of the difficulty, the United States Senate added rather weakly, because it seems to have no force whatever in international law, the following rider in its report on the treaty: It is the understanding of the Senate that nothing in the treaty shall be construed as affecting or modifying the legal status or sovereignty of the territories to which it applies. It had been agreed by former Secretary of State Dean Acheson that Formosa was properly a part of China and it had been agreed by Mr. Dulles, and it was on that basis that the treaty was drafted. The treaty would have no meaning unless its object were to resist an attack on Formosa, yet the only ground upon which it could be resisted under the treaty was that Formosa was part of the territory of China.


The only doubt is to which China it belongs, but that is quite another and political question into which I do not want to go tonight. I hope that the Joint Under-Secretary will give us, as shortly and conveniently as he can, the reasons why he thinks that, first, Mr. Dean Acheson and then Mr. Dulles, who are very experienced legal advisers, are wrong in law, for that is the attitude of 1868 the British Government and one which we ought to clear up.


I do not wish to detain the House too long, but it is my respectful contention to the Under-Secretary that Mr. Dean Acheson and Mr. Dulles are in this particular matter absolutely right, and the reason why they are right in law is that there is a rule of international law which says that territory occupied by one belligerent with the consent of another belligerent after an armistice but during a state of war—because an armistice is only a suspension of the fighting—continues in their possession unless a treaty of peace takes it out of their hands.

If the Under-Secretary wants any authority for that proposition, I would refer him to Volume 11, page 475, of the 6th edition of Oppenheim's International Law edited by Professor Lauterpacht, the distinguished judge of the International Court. There it says: Unless the parties stipulate otherwise, the effect of a treaty of peace is that conditions remain as at the conclusion of peace … Thus further, if nothing is stipulated regarding the conquered territory, it remains in the hands of the possessor who may annex it. But is nowadays usual, although not at all legally necessary, for a conquerer desirous of retaining conquered territory to secure its cession in the treaty of peace. In my respectful submission, once Japan had ceded this territory it put it automatically into the hands of China, but which China is another question. However, it became automatically a part of the Chinese State.


May I just give the hon. Gentleman the example with which he is familiar? After the war between Turkey and Italy, for various reasons the Turkish Government refused to cede to Italy Tripolitania and Cyrenaica. If one looks at the text of the Treaty in the Library, as I suggest the hon. Gentleman should, he will see that the Sublime Porte, as it was in those days of the Ottoman Empire, did exactly what was done by Japan, which was to cede all her rights to Tripolitania and Cyrenaica, whereupon Italy informed the Powers that she had, in fact, taken possession of them. That act was never questioned by the British or any other Government. I just commend to the hon. Gentleman the provisional treaty of the 15th October, 1912, and the definite treaty of the 18th October, 1912, at both of which he has probably looked.


1869 Of course, it has happened on many occasions, as, for example, when part of the Papal States were joined to Savoy and later were made part of Italy, when they were recognised as such by the British Government although they were never conceded in any treaty by the Holy See. Is the hon. Gentleman saying that these previous acts of English history are wrong, and that Mr. Dean Acheson, Mr. Dulles, and for good measure, Lord Palmerston, were all wrong as well?


There is only one other matter with which I should like to deal, and that is a much more general issue and depends on the sanctity of treaties and arrangements between the heads of States. This is a matter which I hope the Under-Secretary will not dismiss lightly. It has up to now, as I understand it, always been considered a principle of international law that when there is a meeting of heads of States and they come to a decision, that decision is binding upon the States concerned.


I will trouble the House with one more quotation from Professor Lauterpacht, 7th edition, Oppenheim, at page 788. He says, speaking of the validity of such a genera] declaration: A more general statement of policy and principles cannot be regarded as intended to give rise to a contractual obligation in the strict sense of the word. On the other hand, official statements in the form of Reports of Conferences signed by the Heads of States or Governments and embodying agreements reached therein may, in proportion as these agreements incorporate definite rules of conduct, he regarded as legally binding upon the States in question. The Reports of Conferences of the Heads of Governments of Great Britain, the United States and Russia at Crimea in February, 1945, and at Potsdam in August of that year may be mentioned as examples. If Professor Lauterpacht is right, the Potsdam Declaration which re-affirmed the Cairo Declaration, which was a similar declaration, was binding upon this Government. I hope that the Joint Under-Secretary of State will tell us that the Government have reconsidered this matter, but if he sticks to his previous position, he will be saying, in effect, that Mr. Dean Acheson was wrong, Mr. Dulles was wrong, the Senate of the United States was wrong, Mr. Benjamin D. Cohen was wrong, Lord Palmerston was wrong, Professor Lauterpacht, who sits as a Judge of the International Court as a British representative—all these people are wrong.

1870 Does the hon. Gentleman really think that is possible? Or does he not think that his view of the law may be coloured by his desire to twist the position into a convenient political framework? I hope that is not so, because one of the most important issues of international law is that we should have international law clear and definite. Negotiate a modification if we so desire, but at any rate start from one international law, and not have Formosa as part of China if we recognise Chiang Kai-shek, but not as part of China if we recognise the Chinese People's Republic.


§ 12.46 a.m.

§The Joint Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Mr. R. H. Turton) The hon. and learned Gentleman the Member for Hornchurch (Mr. Bing) has presented a legal argument which displays evidence of careful preparation and research, and also evidence of his customary ingenuity. He has really addressed three legal points to the House. I will take first the one he put last, because that can be dealt with in the shortest space of time, It was that Heads of Governments, when they meet in conference, bind their States.


That is true, but the question in this matter is, what were the terms of the document? The document in question was the Cairo Declaration. That was couched in the form of a statement of intention, and as it was merely a statement of intention, it is merely binding in so far as it states the intent at that time, and therefore it cannot by itself transfer sovereignty. Undoubtedly that document does impose certain moral obligations on those who take part in it, but it is not really germane to the present legal argument on what is or is not today the present sovereignty over Formosa.


The next argument of the hon. and learned Gentleman I will take is the one that it is unnecessary for a defeated Power expressly to cede territory in order to constitute a valid transfer. That argument is undoubtedly correct. Sovereignty can pass without express cession or retrocession, but only if there are circumstances of a nature so strong as to constitute an implied transfer. For instance, conquest may constitute a transfer; and occupation, control and effective administration may, over a period of time, give a title to sovereignty by prescriptive right.


In one of the two cases to which the hon. and learned Gentleman has drawn 1871 my attention, the case of Tripoli, with the two Lausanne Treaties, Tripoli had been conquered by Italy. The conquest had not been recognised by Turkey until it was recognised in the Treaty of Lausanne. This was a case where there was both conquest and occupation for a considerable period of time, with effective control. The other case he mentioned was of the Papal States. There, there was invasion by forces friendly to the inhabitants of the Papal States, followed by administration and effective control.


The case of Formosa is different. The sovereignty was Japanese until 1952. The Japanese Treaty came into force, and at that time Formosa was being administered by the Chinese Nationalists, to whom it was entrusted in 1945, as a military occupation. In 1952 we did not recognise the Chinese Nationalists as representing the Chinese State. Therefore this military occupancy could not give them legal sovereignty nor, equally, could the Chinese People's Republic, which was not in occupation of Formosa, derive any rights from occupation of that territory.


That position has been made quite clear by the statement the Prime Minister made in the House on 4th February, which has been quoted by the hon. and learned Member. Therefore I shall not repeat it. In reply—I quote the concluding passages of his statement—he said: Formosa and the Pescadores are therefore, in the view of Her Majesty's Government, territory the de jure sovereignty over which is uncertain or undetermined."—[OFFICIAL REPORT, 4th February, 1955; Vol. 536, c. 159.] Taking the hon. and learned Member's first point of the United States—Formosa Treaty which, on his argument, would be invalid if our conception of the position is correct, the fact is that Formosa is not under Chinese sovereignty. That does not mean that the Chinese Nationalists have no right to be there. Their presence springs from their military occupancy in which they were placed by the Allied Powers in 1945, pending future arrangements. The United States can make a valid treaty with them in that rô le of temporary occupants of territory whose future sovereignty is undecided.


The hon. and learned Gentleman quoted from statements made by American statesmen; but I am not here 1872 to explain the American statesmen's interpretation of international law but the view of Her Majesty's Government. It is clear from what Mr. Dulles said at the time of the signing of the Treaty that he was in no conflict with us on the legal interpretation of the position. Mr. Dulles at a Press conference on 1st December was reported as saying when he was asked whether the legal position of the coastal islands was different from that of Formosa: The legal position is different by virtue of the fact that technical sovereignty over Formosa and the Pescadores has never been settled. That is because the Japanese Peace Treaty merely involves a renunciation by Japan of its right and title to these islands. But the future title is not determined by the Japanese Peace Treaty; nor is it determined by the Peace Treaty which was concluded between the Republic of China and Japan. Therefore the juridical status of these islands, Formosa and the Pescadores, is different from the juridical status of the offshore islands. If there was any doubt, it was made abundantly clear by the reservation made by the Foreign Relations Committee of the Senate in these express terms: Nothing in the present treaty shall be construed as affecting or modifying the legal status or the sovereignty of the territories referred to in Article VI. The hon. and learned Gentleman is therefore quite wrong to suggest that there is any conflict in this matter between the United States view and our view. If he is going back to Mr. Acheson, may I say that that was a time—1950—long before the Japanese Peace Treaty had been signed, so that it would be quite impossible at that time for there to have been a transfer of sovereignty.


The hon. and learned Gentleman appears to be out of line with the view expressed by one of his own leaders when Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, because on 11th May, 1951, the right hon. Member for Lewisham, South (Mr. H. Morrison) dealt with this question. Having recited the facts about Formosa, he went on to say: The question of Formosa will, however, come up in the context of the Japanese Peace Treaty. Our aim here is to secure an early peace treaty without allowing the difficult issue of Formosa to delay its negotiation and without attempting in the Treaty to find a final solution to an issue which must be given careful consideration later in the general context of the Far Eastern situation. The hon. and learned Gentleman has addressed to us some rather academic arguments, but there remains the real 1873 problem of Formosa. Here we have an island of 10 million people, many of them bitterly hostile to the Chinese Communists; in fact, over a million of them have fled from the mainland to escape Chinese Communism, and 14,000 of them are Chinese soldiers who fought in Korea and became prisoners and refused to go back to the Chinese mainland but opted to go to Formosa.


These people have their human rights which none of us can overlook, and the right hon. Gentleman for Lewisham, South, recognised that when, on 11th May, 1951, he said: I think it is clearly desirable that the wishes of the inhabitants of Formosa should be taken into account."—[OFFICIAL REPORT, 11th May, 1951; Vol. 487, c. 2302.] We are anxious that the future status of Formosa should be a matter to which consideration should be given internationally at an appropriate moment. In the meantime Her Majesty's Government have undertaken no new commitment which has not been assumed by previous Governments. We have one commitment and one commitment only in respect of Formosa, and that is to support the 1874 United Nations in any action which it may think necessary from time to time to maintain peace or resist aggression.


§Mr. Bing Will the hon. Gentleman, in view of the very important statement which he has made, say where, in his view and that of Her Majesty's Government, sovereignty over Formosa rests? To which power does Formosa belong?


§Mr. Turton I thought I had made it clear, and I thought indeed that the hon. and learned Gentleman had made it clear. It was made clear by my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister in his Answer to the Question on 4th February this year, when he said: … the de jure sovereignty over which is uncertain or undetermined. That means that at the present time no one has sovereignty over Formosa. Japan ceded its sovereignty in the Japanese Peace Treaty, and there has been no assumption of sovereignty by any other State.

§ Question put and agreed to.

§ Adjourned accordingly at One o'clock.






1955年五月4日,外交次卿 Mr. R. H. Turton 回覆國會議員 Mr. Geoffrey Bing 質詢時,所做有關福爾摩沙法理地位之聲明

[取自民間學者王雲程先生所經營的Blog: 雲程的雙魚鏡…/19554-mr-r-h-turton-mr-geoff…]



這份聯合王國國會的詢答文件是網友 Mondroit chen 所提供。網友做了節譯,翻譯很辛苦,要信雅達,非常感謝Mondroit Chen。


但由於僅是節譯,恐失去西敏宮內珍貴的法理辯論細節——這是一段由在野的工黨後排國會議員 Mr. Geoffrey Bing 質詢執政的保守黨外交次卿 Mr. R. H. Turton答詢的過程。質詢的邏輯較為花俏邏輯較為鬆散,也忽略了佔領的法理,反之答詢的邏輯較為嚴謹。





1955年五月4日,外交次卿 Mr. R. H. Turton[1] 回覆國會議員 Mr. Geoffrey Bing[2] 質詢時,所做有關福爾摩沙法理地位之聲明:◎Taimocracy譯
(國會紀錄HC Deb 04 May 1955 vol 540 cc1865-74 1865 )…/far-east-formosa-and-t…


【國會議員 Mr. Geoffrey Bing 質詢】

我現在要提出一個純粹法律的議題。在這些情況下…很遺憾,Heald[3] 先生要先行離去。不,他要留下來。我想詢問外交次卿,有關福爾摩沙在國際法下的法理地位。


此事,美國政府的立場,與所謂的蔣介石政府立場相同,而中華人民政府也採取完全相同的立場。不管其他方面的意見多麼分歧,他們都一致認為,福爾摩沙是中國的一部分,福爾摩沙與澎湖群島是中國的一部分。我理解首相還在擔任外長時說過:「開羅宣言的其他簽署盟國,不管認為台澎屬於蔣介石或人民共和國,都搞錯了,我們才是正確的。」他在2月4日表示,「依據1952年4月的和平條約,日本正式放棄了福爾摩沙與澎湖群島的一切權利、名義與主張;再度地,這並不表示主權移轉給中國,無論是人民共和或中國的國民黨政權。因此,女王的政府認為,福爾摩沙與澎湖群島領土的法理主權是未確定 (uncertain) 或未決定 (undetermined) 的。」[OFFICIAL REPORT, 4th February, 1955; Vol. 536, c. 159.] 1866 此與 Acheson 先生的說法是完全相反的。1950年1月5日身為美國國務卿的 Acheson先生說:中國人已經管理福爾摩沙4年了,無論是美國或其他任何盟國都未曾質疑過此一佔領權威。當福爾摩沙被視為中國的一省,無人曾對之提出法律質疑。因此,此一行為被視為與(盟國的)承諾相符。然而現在卻有盟國認為情勢已變,說道:「那,我們要等待和平條約再說。」我們並沒有說開羅必須等待條約來履行,我們並未說千島要等個條約,我們也不曾說我們所託管的島嶼要等個條約。難道這表示美國在前述這些島上的託管是非法的,而且它們的地位都尚未確定?不僅民主黨,連共和黨也採取完全一致的法律意見。






這是非常重要的,因為假使福爾摩沙與澎湖群島是中國的一部分,則應適用《聯合國憲章》第2 (7) 條[4]。外交次卿也很清楚,這是排除美國干涉任何內戰爭端的條款;假使福爾摩沙是中國的一部分,這就是內戰,將決定由哪一方代表正統的中國政府。


我要向外交次卿推薦一位傑出法律專家所提出的意見,我說的是美國國務院多年的法律顧問 Benjamin V. Cohen,而不是另外那位麥卡錫委員會傑出的法律顧問。在 Cohen 的備忘錄中,他指出美國參議院如果背書1954年12月2日條約,將造成的法律後果。在列入國會文獻的一則備忘錄中,Cohen 先生說「若正式承認福爾摩沙與澎湖群島是中華民國的領土,將坐實共產中國以下的主張:對該島的武裝攻擊不是國際侵略,而是內戰。如此,其他國家的強制干涉將會產生嚴重的質疑。」為了解決此一問題、擺脫困難,美國參議院在條約之後加上一則虛弱的附加條款(虛弱,因為在國際法上並無強制力):參議院理解,此條約不得影響或修改條約所適用領土之法律地位或主權。前美國國務卿 Acheson 曾經同意福爾摩沙實際上為中國的一部分,杜勒斯也同意,而在此基礎下簽署條約。除非可阻擋對福爾摩沙的攻擊,否則條約毫無意義。而條約能夠阻擋攻擊的唯一基礎卻是:福爾摩沙是中國領土的一部分。


唯一的疑問是「福爾摩沙屬於哪一個中國」,但這是另外一個問題,也是個政治問題,這並非今晚可以討論的。我希望外交次卿今晚可以給我們一個簡單明瞭的說法:為何您認為 Acheson 先生與杜勒斯先生這兩位資深的法律顧問,犯了法理上的錯誤?這是不列顛政府的立場,是我們應該要澄清的立場。


我不想占用議會太多時間,但我給外交次卿的主張是,Acheson 先生與杜勒斯先生在這議題上是絕對正確的,因為國際法上有個原則:領土在停戰協議後的戰爭狀態中(停戰協議只是暫停戰鬥),被一交戰國所佔領,且此佔領也得到另一交戰國的同意,則此領土是被交戰國集體所掌有,除非由和約將該領土從交戰國的手中取走。

假使外交次卿想要前述國際法規的出處,請查閱由國際法庭權威法學家 Lauterpacht 教授所編輯第六版《奧本海國際法》第11冊第475頁。他寫道:除非另有規定,和約之效力乃延續簽署和約時的狀態。進一步說,假使條約對被征服的領土無任何規定,領土則留在當下掌有者的手中而得加以併吞。然而,雖然毫無法理的必要,現今企圖掌有征服領土的征服者,會在和約中載明割讓權利。我尊重國際法,主張一旦日本已經割讓此領土,則自動歸為中國所掌有。至於是哪一個中國,是另外一個問題。無論如何,它自動成為中國國家的一部分。

容我舉出閣下所熟悉的案例。土耳其與義大利戰後,為了種種原因,土耳其政府拒絕割讓的里波底(Tripolitania) 與昔蘭尼加 (Cyrenaica)。建議閣下查看一下圖書館中和約的文本,便會發現過去的奧圖曼帝國的內閣 (Sublime Porte) 作了與日本一模一樣的決定,即割讓其對里波底與昔蘭尼加的所有權利。義大利根據此通知各大國義大利實際上擁有該領土。此一行為從未被不列顛或其他政府所質疑過。我推薦可敬的閣下參閱1912年10月15日的臨時條約與1912年10月18日正式條約,不過閣下或許已經看過了。


當然,還有許多案例可供參考,如教皇國 (the Papal States) 「加入」薩伏衣 (Savoy) 而之後成為義大利的一部分之事,被不列顛政府承認合法,即便教廷 (the Holy See) 未簽署條約「割讓」。可敬的閣下會說前述英格蘭史的案例是錯的嗎?而Acheson 先生與杜勒斯先生,還有巴麥尊 (Palmerstone) 爵士,也都錯了嗎?



容我最後再度引用 Lauterpacht 教授的著作。第七版《奧本海國際法》第788頁,他提及此類一般性宣言的有效性:一個更廣泛性的政策及原則聲明,其文字不得被嚴格解釋為意圖產生契約性的義務。然而,「會議報告形式」的官方聲明 (official statements in the form of Reports of Conferences),若由元首或政府領導者簽署並包含會議中所達成之協議,且按照比例列入明確的行為準則,這樣的官方聲明對會議參與國即具有法律拘束力。1945年2月在克里米亞由大不列顛政府首長、美國與俄國的「會議報告」,以及同年8月在波茨坦的會議報告,就是現成的例子。若 Lauterpacht 教授是正確的,那麼,〈波茨坦宣言〉重申了類似性質的開羅宣言,對我國政府應該具有約束力。我希望外交次卿將會告訴我們,我國政府已經重新考慮此問題,但如果政府仍然舊堅持先前立場,那麼就等於是說 Acheson 先生是錯的,杜勒斯先生是錯的,美國參議院是錯的,Benjamin D. Cohen 先生是錯的,巴麥尊爵士是錯的,在國際法庭的不列顛代表Lauterpacht 教授是錯的,所有這些人都是錯的。




【外交次卿 Mr. R. H. Turton 答詢】

可敬而博學的 Hornchurch 議員 Bing 先生剛剛提出了一項法理論證,顯示了事先周詳的資料收集,以及他一向的足智多謀。他實際上對國會提出了三個法律要點。我先說明他所提的最後一點,因為說明這點所需的時間最短。這個重點是:元首參與國際會議,對其政府具約束力。


的確如此,但問題是:文件的條款是甚麼?我們討論的是開羅宣言。它是以意向聲明 (statement of intention) 的形式呈現,因為僅僅是意向聲明,它的約束力也僅止於當時的意向,也因此不能成為主權移轉的根據。毫無疑問的,該文件確實賦予會議參與者某些道德義務,但與目前關於誰有或沒有福爾摩沙主權的法理辯論,並無密切關係。


接下來我要回答的是閣下的第二個主張:一個有效的領土轉移,並不需要戰敗國明白地表達割讓領土。這主張毫無疑問是正確的。主權得不被明示割讓或歸還而移轉,但僅僅在其性質非常明確足以形成轉移的情況下為真。舉例來說,征服得構成移轉,而經過一段時間先佔 (occupation)、控制與有效管轄,得基於「時效」而取得主權名義 (a title to sovereignty)。






2月4日,首相在下議院中已經將立場表達得很明確。由於先進已經有引述,我不再贅述。我引述其聲明的結論作為回覆,他說:「女王的政府認為,福爾摩沙與澎湖群島因此是一個法理主權未確定或未決定的領土。」 [OFFICIAL REPORT, 4th February, 1955; Vol. 536, c. 159.] 至於閣下所提,關於美國與福爾摩沙的條約的第一個重點——根據閣下說法,假使我方的立場是正確的,則此約將失效——事實是,福爾摩沙不在中國的主權之下。這並不表示「中國的民族主義政府」無權待在該島。他們在那裏,因為盟國在1945年授權,在主權尚未有所安排之前,實施軍事佔領。美國得與其以該領土的暫時佔領者的身分簽訂條約,而該領土的未來主權並未被決定。


閣下引述美國政治家的聲明,但是我並不是來此說明美國政治家對國際法的詮釋,我只能說明女王政府的觀點。杜勒斯先生在簽署和約時表達得非常明確,美國與我方對該立場的法理詮釋並無扞格。據報導,杜勒斯先生在12月1日的記者會中被問及沿岸島嶼的法理地位是否與福爾摩沙不同時,他回答:基於主權的技術上事實,福爾摩沙與澎湖群島的法理地位不同。這是由於對日和約中,僅處理日本放棄其對於這些島嶼的權利與名義。但其未來的名義卻未在對日和約中決定,也未在中華民國與日本的和約中決定。因此,福爾摩沙與澎湖群島的法理地位與中國沿海島嶼不同。假使有任何疑惑,參議院外交委員會以相當清晰的語言,表達了保留意見:此條約任何內容均不得影響或修改第6條所提及之領土的法律地位或主權。所以,閣下認為美國政府與我方有衝突的看法,是錯誤的。假使他回顧 Acheson 的說法,抱歉,那是早在1950年,對日和約都還沒簽署,那時更不可能移轉主權。


閣下似乎與一位自己的【譯註:在野黨】領導者說法不一致,因為1951年5月11日,南方 Lewisham 的可敬成員 H. Morrison 先生處理過這一疑問。他陳述福爾摩沙的狀況,然後接著說:不過,福爾摩沙的問題會出現在對日和約的脈絡中。我們的目標是盡可能早一點促成一個和約,不要讓福爾摩沙的議題延宕和約的交涉,也不要試圖在和約中解決這個問題。它應該在日後審慎思考東亞情勢之後,再來做出最終的決定。閣下方才對我們提出了學術上的論證,但是福爾摩沙真正的問題仍在:我們面對的是擁有一千萬人口,其中有許多人極端厭惡中國共產黨;事實上,超過100萬人從中國大陸逃離中國共產黨,其中有14,000中國士兵在韓戰中成為戰俘卻拒絕回到中國大陸,選擇去福爾摩沙。


這些人也享有人權,我們不能忽略。1951年5月11日時,可敬的南方 Lewisham 成員說:「我認為很明顯地,我們應該考慮福爾摩沙住民的希望。」—[OFFICIAL REPORT, 11th May, 1951; Vol. 487, c. 2302.] 我們急切的認為在適當的時期,福爾摩沙應被提交國際討論。同時,女王的政府對此立場未變。對福爾摩沙,我們不多不少只有一個承諾:支持聯合國偶而覺得該維持和平與阻止侵略時,所做的任何議案。


【國會議員 Mr. Geoffrey Bing 問】


【外交次卿Mr. R. H. Turton回答】


[1] Robin Turton,聯合王國下議院保守黨議員,律師,1955年時為執政黨的Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs。
[2] Geoffrey Bing,聯合王國下議院工黨議員 (1954-1955),律師,活躍的社會主義左派活動家。
[3] Lionel Heald,聯合王國下議院保守黨議員,律師,1951-1954,為邱吉爾政府的法務大臣,1954年為樞密院成員。
[4] 「七、本憲章不得認為授權聯合國干涉在本質上屬於任何國家國內管轄之事件,且並不要求會員國將該項事件依本憲章提請解決;但此項原則不妨礙第七章內執行辦法之適用。」

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